# frozen_string_literal: true require 'simple_command_dispatcher/version' require 'simple_command_dispatcher/klass_transform' require 'simple_command' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'simple_command_dispatcher/configure' module Kernel def eigenclass class << self self end end end module SimpleCommand # Provides a way to call SimpleCommands or your own custom commands in a more dymanic manner. # # For information about the simple_command gem, visit {https://rubygems.org/gems/simple_command} # module Dispatcher class << self include SimpleCommand::KlassTransform # Calls a *SimpleCommand* or *Command* given the command name, the modules the command belongs to and the parameters to pass to the command. # # @param command [Symbol, String] the name of the SimpleCommand or Command to call. # # @param command_modules [Hash, Array] the ruby modules that qualify the SimpleCommand to call. When passing a Hash, the Hash # keys serve as documentation only. For example, ['Api', 'AppName', 'V1'] and { :api :Api, app_name: :AppName, api_version: :V1 } # will both produce 'Api::AppName::V1', this string will be prepended to the command to form the SimpleCommand to call # (e.g. 'Api::AppName::V1::MySimpleCommand' = Api::AppName::V1::MySimpleCommand.call(*command_parameters)). # # @param [Hash] options the options that determine how command and command_module are transformed. # @option options [Boolean] :camelize (false) determines whether or not both class and module names should be camelized. # @option options [Boolean] :titleize (false) determines whether or not both class and module names should be titleized. # @option options [Boolean] :class_titleize (false) determines whether or not class names should be titleized. # @option options [Boolean] :class_camelized (false) determines whether or not class names should be camelized. # @option options [Boolean] :module_titleize (false) determines whether or not module names should be titleized. # @option options [Boolean] :module_camelized (false) determines whether or not module names should be camelized. # # @param command_parameters [Array] the parameters to pass to the call method of the SimpleCommand . This parameter is simply # passed through to the call method of the SimpleCommand/Command. # # @return [SimpleCommand, Object] the SimpleCommand or Object returned as a result of calling the SimpleCommand#call method or the Command#call method respectfully. # # @example # # # Below call equates to the following: Api::Carz4Rent::V1::Authenticate.call({ email: 'sam@gmail.com', password: 'AskM3!' }) # SimpleCommand::Dispatcher.call(:Authenticate, { api: :Api, app_name: :Carz4Rent, api_version: :V1 }, # { email: 'sam@gmail.com', password: 'AskM3!' } ) # => SimpleCommand result # # # Below equates to the following: Api::Carz4Rent::V2::Authenticate.call('sam@gmail.com', 'AskM3!') # SimpleCommand::Dispatcher.call(:Authenticate, ['Api', 'Carz4Rent', 'V2'], 'sam@gmail.com', 'AskM3!') # => SimpleCommand result # # # Below equates to the following: Api::Auth::JazzMeUp::V1::Authenticate.call('jazz_me@gmail.com', 'JazzM3!') # SimpleCommand::Dispatcher.call(:Authenticate, ['Api::Auth::JazzMeUp', :V1], 'jazz_me@gmail.com', 'JazzM3!') # => SimpleCommand result # def call(command = '', command_modules = {}, options = {}, *command_parameters) # Create a constantized class from our command and command_modules... command_class_constant = to_constantized_class(command, command_modules, options) # If we're NOT allowing custom commands, make sure we're dealing with a a command class # that prepends the SimpleCommand module. if !SimpleCommand::Dispatcher.configuration.allow_custom_commands && !is_simple_command?(command_class_constant) raise ArgumentError, "Class \"#{command_class_constant}\" must prepend module SimpleCommand if Configuration#allow_custom_commands is true." end if is_valid_command(command_class_constant) # We know we have a valid SimpleCommand; all we need to do is call #call, # pass the command_parameter variable arguments to the call, and return the results. run_command(command_class_constant, command_parameters) else raise NameError, "Class \"#{command_class_constant}\" does not respond_to? method ::call." end end private # Returns true or false depending on whether or not the class constant has a public # class method named ::call defined. Commands that do not have a public class method # named ::call, are considered invalid. # # @param klass_constant [String] a class constant that will be validated to see whether or not the class is a valid command. # # @return [Boolean] true if klass_constant has a public class method named ::call defined, false otherwise. # # @!visibility public def is_valid_command(klass_constant) klass_constant.eigenclass.public_method_defined?(:call) end # Returns true or false depending on whether or not the class constant prepends module SimpleCommand::ClassMethods. # # @param klass_constant [String] a class constant that will be validated to see whether or not the class prepends module SimpleCommand::ClassMethods. # # @return [Boolean] true if klass_constant prepends Module SimpleCommand::ClassMethods, false otherwise. # # @!visibility public def is_simple_command?(klass_constant) klass_constant.eigenclass.included_modules.include? SimpleCommand::ClassMethods end # Runs the command given the parameters and returns the result. # # @param klass_constant [String] a class constant that will be called. # @param parameters [Array] an array of parameters to pass to the command that will be called. # # @return [Object] returns the object (if any) that results from calling the command. # # @!visibility public def run_command(klass_constant, parameters) klass_constant.call(*parameters) # rescue NameError # raise NameError.new("Class \"#{klass_constant}\" does not respond_to? method ::call.") end end end end