require 'benchmark' class MetricScriptExecutor attr_reader :directory, :previous, :last_ran_at def initialize(directory) @directory = directory @previous = {} end def can_execute_file?(path) stat = stat.executable? && file_is_owner_only?(stat) end def can_execute_in_directory?(directory) stat = && file_is_owner_only?(stat) end def file_is_owner_only?(file_stat) file_stat.owned? && ((file_stat.mode & 0xFFF) ^ 0O700) == 0 end def run process_to_output = {} if can_execute_in_directory?(directory) current = Dir[File.join(directory, "*")].map do |path| full_path = File.expand_path(path) if can_execute_file?(path) stdin_r, stdin_w = IO.pipe stdout_r, stdout_w = IO.pipe stderr_r, stderr_w = IO.pipe previous_status, previous_time, previous_output = previous[full_path] stdin_w.write(previous_output || "") stdin_w.close cmd = [full_path, (previous_time || 0).to_i, (previous_status && previous_status.to_i)] pid = Process.spawn(*cmd, :chdir => File.dirname(full_path), :in => stdin_r, :out => stdout_w, :err => stderr_w) exit_status = nil exec_time = Benchmark.realtime do pid, exit_status = Process.wait2(pid) end if exec_time > 1.0 puts "[SLOW SCRIPT] Time to execute process #{full_path} took #{exec_time} seconds" end [stdin_r, stdout_w, stderr_w].each(&:close) output = stderr = unless stderr.empty? puts "[STDERR] #{full_path} (PID:#{pid}) [#{}]:: #{stderr}" end [stdout_r, stderr_r].each(&:close) [full_path, [exit_status,, output]] else if ! uid = Process.uid user = Etc.getpwuid(uid).name puts "[INFO] Cannot execute #{full_path}, must be executable and only readable/writable by #{user}/#{uid}" end [full_path, []] end end process_to_output = Hash[current] @previous = process_to_output else puts "Directory #{directory} has gone away or does not have the correct permissions (0700), not scanning for metric scripts." end process_to_output.flat_map do |path, (status, time, output)| if status && status.success? prefix = File.basename(path).split(".")[0..-2].join(".").gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-\_\.]/i, "_") output.lines # each line .map { |line| line.chomp.split } # split by whitespace .select { |data| (2..3).include?(data.size) } # and only valid name value time? pairs .map { |(name, value, specific_time)| [[prefix, name].join("."), value.to_f, (specific_time || time).to_i] } # with value coerced to a float end end.compact end end