require "log4r" require "vagrant" require 'listen' require 'net/ssh' require 'net/scp' module VagrantPlugins module Unison class Command < Vagrant.plugin("2", :command) def execute with_target_vms do |machine| hostpath, guestpath = init_paths machine ssh_info = machine.ssh_info # Create empty guestpath machine.communicate.sudo("rm -rf '#{guestpath}'") machine.communicate.sudo("mkdir -p '#{guestpath}'") machine.communicate.sudo("chown #{ssh_info[:username]} '#{guestpath}'") Net::SCP.start(ssh_info[:host], ssh_info[:username], { :port => ssh_info[:port], :keys => [ ssh_info[:private_key_path] ], :paranoid => false }) do |scp| #copy up everything at the beginning "Uploading {host}::#{hostpath} to {guest}::#{guestpath}" Dir.glob("#{hostpath}**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH).each do |file| remote_file = file.gsub(hostpath, guestpath) if File.stat(file).file? scp.upload!( file, remote_file ) do |ch, name, sent, total| "\r#{name}: #{(sent.to_f * 100 / total.to_f).to_i}%" end end if machine.communicate.sudo("mkdir -p '#{remote_file}'") machine.communicate.sudo("chown #{ssh_info[:username]} '#{remote_file}'") end end "Watching {host}::#{hostpath} for changes..." do |modified, added, removed| (modified << added).flatten.each do |file| remote_file = file.gsub(hostpath, guestpath) "Uploading {host}::#{file} to {guest VM}::#{remote_file}" scp.upload!( file, remote_file ) do |ch, name, sent, total| "\r#{name}: #{(sent.to_f * 100 / total.to_f).to_i}%" end end removed.each do |file| remote_file = file.gsub(hostpath, guestpath) "Deleting {guest VM}::#{remote_file}" machine.communicate.sudo("rm #{remote_file}") end end # Listen end # Net::SCP.start end 0 #all is well end def init_paths(machine) hostpath = File.expand_path(machine.config.sync.host_folder, @env.root_path) guestpath = machine.config.sync.guest_folder # Make sure there is a trailing slash both paths hostpath = "#{hostpath}/" if hostpath !~ /\/$/ guestpath = "#{guestpath}/" if guestpath !~ /\/$/ [hostpath, guestpath] end end end end