#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'thor' require 'thor/group' require 'rails/generators/actions' require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' $base_templates_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'or_templates')) $application_name = '' $application_root = '' STATEMENT = Thor::Shell::Color::YELLOW QUESTION = Thor::Shell::Color::GREEN WAIT = Thor::Shell::Color::CYAN class HydraOpenRepositoriesTutorialApp < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions module TutorialActions def continue_prompt ask %Q{ HIT KEY TO CONTINUE }, WAIT end def rails_console say %Q{ We'll launch the console again. Give some of those commands a try. }, STATEMENT say %Q{ Hit Ctrl-D (^D) to stop the Rails console and continue this tutorial. }, WAIT run "rails c" end def rails_server url = '/' say %Q{ We'll start the Rails server for you. It should be available in your browser at: http://localhost:3000#{url} }, STATEMENT say %Q{ Hit Ctrl-C (^C) to stop the Rails server and continue this tutorial. }, WAIT run "rails s" end end include TutorialActions class_option :quick, :default => false class_option :git, :default => false def setup_parameters $quick = options[:quick] $git = options[:git] end def welcome say %Q{ Welcome to this Hydra tutorial. We're going to step through building a working Hydra application. We'll build the application gradually, starting by building our "business logic", wiring in HTML views, and then connecting it to our Rails application. At several points in this tutorial, as we iteratively develop our files, you may be prompted to review conflicts between versions of files. It is safe to blindly accept the changes ('y'), however you may wish to view the diff ('d') to see the things we're change. This tutorial, a README file, and our bug tracker are at: https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-tutorial }, STATEMENT name = ask %Q{ What do you want to call your application? }, QUESTION unless $quick name = name.to_s.strip name = 'hydra_tutorial_app' if name.empty? $application_name = name dir = $application_name.parameterize('_') $application_root = dir if File.exists? $application_root say %Q{ #{$application_root} already exists. Either remove it or provide a different application name. }, Thor::Shell::Color::RED exit end say %Q{ We'll generate a stub application #{$application_name} into the folder #{$application_root}. But, first, lets check your Ruby environment. }, STATEMENT end def prerequisites Prerequisites.start end def building_a_basic_rails_app inside $application_root do BuildingABasicRailsApp.start end end def adding_our_models inside $application_root do AddingOurModels.start end end def wiring_it_into_rails inside $application_root do WiringItIntoRails.start end end def add_blacklight_and_hydra inside $application_root do AddBlacklightAndHydra.start end end def fixup_for_hydra inside $application_root do FixupForHydra.start end end def add_tests inside $application_root do AddTests.start end end def sprinkle_some_styling inside $application_root do SprinkeSomeStyling.start end end def cleanup inside $application_root do Cleanup.start end end class Cleanup < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def start_everything say %Q{ This is the end of the tutorial. We'll give you a final chance to look at the web application. }, STATEMENT rake 'jetty:stop' rake 'jetty:start' rails_server end def stop_jetty rake 'jetty:stop' end end class Prerequisites < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def install_ruby return if $quick say %Q{ Obviously, if you can run this tutorial, you have already installed ruby. }, STATEMENT ruby_executable = run 'which ruby', :capture => true say %Q{ You are running this using: #{ruby_executable} }, STATEMENT if ruby_executable =~ /rvm/ or ruby_executable =~ /rbenv/ or ruby_executable =~ /home/ or ruby_Executable =~ /Users/ say %Q{ It looks like you're using rvm/rbenv/etc. (with a gemset?) We'll use this environment to build the application. }, STATEMENT else say %Q{ We checked, and it looks like you might be using a system-wide ruby. We suggest you use somethng like rvm [1], rbenv [2], etc to manage your ruby projects. You can continue and hope for the best, or go install one of these ruby managers, which may make your life easier. [1] http://rvm.io/ [2] https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv/ }, Thor::Shell::Color::RED continue_prompt unless $quick end end def install_bundler_and_rails say %Q{ We're going to install some prerequisite gems in order to create our skeleton Rails application. }, STATEMENT run 'gem install bundler rails' end def new_rails_app say %Q{ Now we'll create the application. }, Thor::Shell::Color::YELLOW run "rails new #{$application_root}" run "cd #{$application_root}" inside $application_root do gem 'execjs' gem 'therubyracer' end end def out_of_the_box return if $quick say %Q{ Here's a chance to look around. You can see the structure of a Rails application. In particular, look at: ./app ./config ./lib Gemfile }, STATEMENT say %Q{ If we launched the Rails application server, we can see the application running in the browser and you can see if everything is working. }, STATEMENT inside $application_root do rails_server unless $quick end end end class BuildingABasicRailsApp < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def self.source_paths [File.join($base_templates_path, "building_a_basic_rails_app")] end def adding_dependencies say %Q{ Fedora runs as a Java servlet inside a container like Tomcat or Jetty. Hydra provides a bundled version of Fedora and Solr for testing and development. }, STATEMENT say %Q{ We'll download a copy now. It may take awhile. }, STATEMENT unless File.exists? '../jetty' git :clone => 'git://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-jetty.git ../jetty' end run 'cp -R ../jetty jetty' end def jetty_configuration say %Q{ We'll add some configuration yml files with information to connect to Solr and Fedora. }, STATEMENT copy_file 'solr.yml', 'config/solr.yml' copy_file 'fedora.yml', 'config/fedora.yml' say %Q{ Add the 'jettywrapper' gem, which adds Rake tasks for start and stop Jetty. }, STATEMENT gem 'jettywrapper' run 'bundle install' say %Q{ Starting Jetty }, STATEMENT rake 'jetty:start' say %Q{ Take a look around. Jetty should be running on port 8983. You can see the Fedora server at: http://localhost:8983/fedora/ And a Solr index at: http://localhost:8983/solr/development/admin/ }, STATEMENT continue_prompt unless $quick end # and then clean up some cruft def remove_public_index remove_file 'public/index.html' end end class AddingOurModels < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def self.source_paths [File.join($base_templates_path, "adding_our_models")] end def add_activefedora say %Q{ The active-fedora gem provides a way to model Fedora objects within Ruby. It will help you create Ruby models for creating, updating and reading objects from Fedora using a domain-specific language (DSL) similar to the Rails' ActiveRecord. The om gem provides mechanisms for mapping XML documents into Ruby. We'll add both of these to the Gemfile. }, STATEMENT gem 'active-fedora' gem 'om' run 'bundle install' end def add_initial_model say %Q{ Now we'll add a basic ActiveFedora stub model for a 'Record'. }, STATEMENT copy_file "basic_af_model.rb", "app/models/record.rb" say %Q{ It looks like this: }, STATEMENT print_wrapped File.read('app/models/record.rb') end def rails_console_tour say %Q{ Now we'll give you a chance to look at the Record model. If you launch the Rails interactive console (`rails c`), we can create and manipulate our object: ## CREATE > obj = Record.new # => # > obj.descMetadata.content = 'e.g. ' > obj.save > obj.pid # => e.g. 'changeme:1' ## RETRIEVE > obj = Record.find('changeme:1') > ds = obj.descMetadata # => # > ds.content # => (should be the XML document you added before) ## UPDATE # manipulating XML: > ds.ng_xml.xpath('//my_xml_content') ## DELETE > obj.delete }, STATEMENT rails_console unless $quick end def enhance_model_with_contrieved_descmd say %Q{ Instead of working with the Nokogiri XML document directly, we can use OM to make querying an XML document easier. We'll replace the previous Record with a OM-enabled document. } copy_file "basic_om_model.rb", "app/models/record.rb" end def testing_the_contrieved_descmd say %Q{ If you launch the Rails interactive console, we can now create and manipulate our object using methods provided by OM. > obj = Record.new > obj.descMetadata.title = "My object title" > obj.save > obj.descMetadata.content # => An XML document with the title "My object title" }, STATEMENT rails_console unless $quick end def use_the_delegate_method say %Q{ We can use the #delegate method to tell the model-object how to access these attributes. > obj = Record.new > obj.title = "My object title" > obj.save > obj.descMetadata.content # => An XML document with the title "My object title" }, STATEMENT insert_into_file "app/models/record.rb", :after => %Q{has_metadata :name => "descMetadata", :type => DatastreamMetadata\n} do "delegate :title, :to => 'descMetadata'\n" end end def add_mods_model_with_mods_descmd say %Q{ We'll now replace the contrieved XML metadata schema with a simple MODS-based example, using an OM terminology we prepared earlier. We'll put the MODS datastream in a separate module and file, so that it can be easily reused in other ActiveFedora-based objects. }, STATEMENT copy_file "basic_mods_model.rb", "app/models/record.rb" copy_file "mods_desc_metadata.rb", "app/models/mods_desc_metadata.rb" say %Q{ If you launch the Rails interactive console, we can now create and manipulate our object using methods provided by OM. > obj = Record.new > obj.title = "My object title" > obj.save > obj.descMetadata.content # => A MODS XML document }, STATEMENT rails_console unless $quick end end class WiringItIntoRails < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def self.source_paths [File.join($base_templates_path, "wiring_it_into_rails")] end def record_generator say %Q{ Now that we've set up our model and successfully added content into Fedora, now we want to connect the model to a Rails web application. We'll start by using the standard Rails generators to create a scaffold controller and views, which will give us a place to start working. }, STATEMENT generate "scaffold_controller Record --no-helper --skip-test-framework" route "resources :records" say %Q{ If you look in ./app/views/records, you can see a set of Rails ERB templates. ./app/controlers/records_controller.rb contains the controller that ties the model to the views. }, STATEMENT continue_prompt unless $quick end def add_new_form say %Q{ The scaffold just provided the basic outline for an application, so we need to provide the guts for the web form. Here's a simple one: }, STATEMENT copy_file "_form.html.erb", "app/views/records/_form.html.erb" copy_file "show.html.erb", "app/views/records/show.html.erb" end def check_it_out say %Q{ If we start the Rails server, we should now be able to visit the records in the browser, create new records, and edit existing records. Start by creating a new record: }, STATEMENT rails_server '/records/new' unless $quick end end class AddBlacklightAndHydra < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def add_gems say %Q{ Thus far, we've been using component parts of the Hydra framework, but now we'll add in the whole framework so we can take advantage of common patterns that have emerged in the Hydra community, including search, gated discovery, etc. We'll add a few new gems: - blacklight provides a discovery interface on top of the Solr index - hydra-head provides a number of common Hydra patterns - devise is a standard Ruby gem for providing user-related functions, like registration, sign-in, etc. }, STATEMENT if $git gem 'blacklight', :git => "git://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight.git" gem 'hydra-head', :git => "git://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head.git" else gem 'blacklight' gem 'hydra-head' end gem 'devise' run 'bundle install' end def run_generators say %Q{ These gems provide generators for adding basic views, styles, and override points into your application. We'll run these generators now. }, STATEMENT run 'rm config/solr.yml' # avoid meaningless conflict generate 'blacklight', '--devise' run 'rm config/solr.yml' # avoid meaningless conflict generate 'hydra:head', 'User' end def db_migrate say %Q{ Blacklight uses a SQL database for keeping track of user bookmarks, searches, etc. We'll run the migrations next: }, STATEMENT rake 'db:migrate' rake 'db:test:prepare' end def hydra_jetty_conf say %Q{ Hydra provides some configuration for Solr and Fedora. Use them. }, STATEMENT rake 'jetty:stop' rake 'hydra:jetty:config' rake 'jetty:start' end end class FixupForHydra < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def do_it say %Q{ We need to make a couple changes to our controller and model to make them fully-compliant objects by teaching them about access rights. }, STATEMENT inject_into_class "app/controllers/records_controller.rb", 'RecordsController' do " include Hydra::AssetsControllerHelper\n" end insert_into_file "app/controllers/records_controller.rb", :after => "@record = Record.new(params[:record])\n" do " apply_depositor_metadata(@record)\n" end inject_into_class "app/models/record.rb", "Record" do " include Hydra::ModelMixins::CommonMetadata include Hydra::ModelMethods " end say %Q{ We'll also update our controller to provide access controls on records. } inject_into_class "app/controllers/records_controller.rb", 'RecordsController' do " include Hydra::AccessControlsEnforcement\n" + " before_filter :enforce_access_controls\n" end end def look_at_it say %Q{ Blacklight and Hydra-Head have added some new functionality to the application. We can now look at a search interface (provided by Blacklight) and use gated discovery over our repository. By default, objects are only visible to their creator. Create some new objects, and then check out the search catalog at: http://localhost:3000/catalog }, STATEMENT rails_server('/records/new') unless $quick end end class AddTests < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def self.source_paths [File.join($base_templates_path, "add_tests")] end def install_rspec gem_group :development, :test do gem 'rspec' gem 'rspec-rails' end run 'bundle install' generate 'rspec:install' end def write_our_first_test copy_file 'records_controller_spec.rb', 'spec/controllers/records_controller_spec.rb' end def run_tests run 'rspec' end def a_model_test # copy_file 'record_test.rb', 'spec/models/record_test.rb' end def run_tests_again run 'rspec' end def install_capybara gem_group :development, :test do gem 'capybara' end run 'bundle install' # inject_into_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb' do # " require 'capybara/rails'\n" # end end def an_integration_test copy_file 'integration_spec.rb', 'spec/integration/integration_spec.rb' end def run_tests_x3 run 'rspec' end def add_jettywrapper_ci_task copy_file 'ci.rake', 'lib/tasks/ci.rake' end def run_ci_task rake 'jetty:stop' rake 'ci' rake 'jetty:start' end end class AddFileAssets < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def self.source_paths [File.join($base_templates_path, "add_tests")] end end class SprinkeSomeStyling < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include TutorialActions def self.source_paths [File.join($base_templates_path, "sprinkle_some_styling")] end def fix_add_assets_links copy_file "_add_assets_links.html.erb", "app/views/_add_assets_links.html.erb" end end class AddCollections end class AddRightsEnforcement end class AddTechnicalMetadata end end HydraOpenRepositoriesTutorialApp.start