require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Flog do before :each do @text = <<-HERE 157.9: flog total 11.3: flog/method average 34.8: UsersController#create 9.2: branch 6.8: current_user 5.2: assignment 3.4: role 3.0: render 3.0: == 2.8: flash 1.6: after_create_page 1.6: params 1.5: activate! 1.5: errors 1.4: login 1.4: redirect_to 1.4: [] 1.3: empty? 1.3: save 1.2: new 24.2: UsersController#authorize_user 4.8: branch 4.7: current_user 3.6: params 3.2: [] 2.6: == 1.5: role 1.5: to_i 1.5: id 1.4: new_session_path 1.3: include? 1.2: assignment 1.2: flash 1.2: redirect_to 16.4: UsersController#thank_you 4.0: assignment 3.3: params 2.9: [] 2.7: redirect_to 2.4: branch 1.5: new_session_path 1.4: flash 1.4: activate! 1.3: can_activate? 1.2: find_by_id 14.2: UsersController#update 3.2: params 2.8: [] 2.6: assignment 1.4: login 1.4: flash 1.4: redirect_to 1.3: render 1.2: branch 1.2: update_attributes 1.2: find_by_id 12.5: UsersController#sanitize_params 3.9: assignment 3.6: branch 3.0: current_user 1.6: params 1.5: role 1.4: [] 1.3: include? 1.3: == 1.2: reject! 10.6: UsersController#users_have_changed 3.9: assignment 2.6: branch 1.6: params 1.5: refresh_from_external 1.4: find_by_id 1.4: [] 1.2: split 1.2: each 1.2: head 10.0: UsersController#after_create_page 3.0: current_user 2.6: id 2.4: branch 1.5: role 1.3: login 1.3: == 8.4: UsersController#add_primary_site 2.4: assignment 1.6: params 1.4: [] 1.4: new 1.2: find_by_id 1.2: all 1.2: render 7.7: UsersController#none 3.3: before_filter 1.1: private 1.1: caches_page 1.1: after_filter 1.1: skip_before_filter 7.2: UsersController#destroy 1.8: params 1.6: [] 1.4: find_by_id 1.2: destroy 1.2: redirect_to 5.9: UsersController#edit 2.4: assignment 1.6: params 1.4: [] 1.2: all 1.2: find_by_id 2.7: UsersController#signup 1.2: render 1.2: assignment 1.2: new 1.7: UsersController#new 1.2: assignment 1.2: new 1.7: UsersController#index 1.2: assignment 1.2: all HERE MetricFu::Flog.stub!(:verify_dependencies!).and_return(true) end describe "parse method" do before :each do {} File.stub!(:directory?).and_return(true) flog ='base_dir') @flog_page = flog.parse(@text) end it "should find the total score" do @flog_page.score.should == 157.9 end it "should find the average score" do @flog_page.average_score.should == 11.3 end it "should find the scanned method score" do @flog_page.scanned_methods.first.score.should == 34.8 end it "should find the scanned method name" do == "UsersController#create" end it "should find the scanned method opperators names" do @flog_page.scanned_methods.first.operators.first.operator.should == "branch" end it "should find the scanned method opperators scores" do @flog_page.scanned_methods.first.operators.first.score.should == 9.2 end it "should find the name of the method even if namespaced" do text = <<-HERE 157.9: flog total 11.3: flog/method average 34.8: SomeNamespace::UsersController#create HERE flog ='base_dir') flog_page = flog.parse(text) == "SomeNamespace::UsersController#create" end it "should parse empty flog files" do text = "" flog ='base_dir') flog_page = flog.parse(text) flog_page.should be_nil end end describe "to_h function with results" do before :each do {} File.stub!(:directory?).and_return(true) flog ='base_dir') flog.should_receive(:open).and_return(@text) Dir.should_receive(:glob).and_return(["tmp/metric_fu/scratch/flog/app/controllers/user_controller.txt"]) flog.analyze @flog_hash = flog.to_h end it "should put the total in the hash" do @flog_hash[:flog][:total].should == 157.9 end it "should put the average in the hash" do @flog_hash[:flog][:average].should == 11.3 end it "should put pages into the hash" do @flog_hash[:flog][:pages].first[:scanned_methods].first[:score].should == 34.8 end it "should put the filename into the hash" do @flog_hash[:flog][:pages].first[:path].should == "/app/controllers/user_controller.rb" end end describe "to_h function with zero total" do it "should not blow up" do {} File.stub!(:directory?).and_return(true) flog ='base_dir') flog.should_receive(:open).and_return("") # some sort of empty or unparsable file Dir.should_receive(:glob).and_return(["empty_file.txt"]) flog.analyze end end end