/** * AngularUI - The companion suite for AngularJS * @version v0.2.0 - 2012-08-06 * @link http://angular-ui.github.com * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ angular.module('ui.config', []).value('ui.config', {}); angular.module('ui.filters', ['ui.config']); angular.module('ui.directives', ['ui.config']); angular.module('ui', ['ui.filters', 'ui.directives', 'ui.config']); /** * Animates the injection of new DOM elements by simply creating the DOM with a class and then immediately removing it * Animations must be done using CSS3 transitions, but provide excellent flexibility * * @todo Add proper support for animating out * @param [options] {mixed} Can be an object with multiple options, or a string with the animation class * class {string} the CSS class(es) to use. For example, 'ui-hide' might be an excellent alternative class. * @example