require 'spec_helper' class ClassMixedWithDSLStructure include Beaker::DSL::TestTagging include Beaker::DSL::Helpers::TestHelpers end describe ClassMixedWithDSLStructure do include Beaker::DSL::Assertions let(:logger) { double } let(:metadata) { @metadata ||= {} } before do allow(subject).to receive(:metadata).and_return(metadata) end describe '#tag' do let(:test_tag_and) { @test_tag_and || [] } let(:test_tag_or) { @test_tag_or || [] } let(:test_tag_exclude) { @test_tag_exclude || [] } let(:options) do opts = opts[:test_tag_and] = test_tag_and opts[:test_tag_or] = test_tag_or opts[:test_tag_exclude] = test_tag_exclude opts end before do allow(subject).to receive(:platform_specific_tag_confines) end it 'sets tags on the TestCase\'s metadata object' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) tags = %w[pants jayjay moguely] subject.tag(*tags) expect(metadata[:case][:tags]).to be === tags end it 'lowercases the tags' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) tags_upper = %w[pANTs jAYJAy moGUYly] tags_lower = subject.tag(*tags_upper) expect(metadata[:case][:tags]).to be === tags_lower end it 'skips the test if any of the requested tags isn\'t included in this test' do test_tags = %w[pants jayjay moguely] @test_tag_and = test_tags.compact.push('needed_tag_not_in_test') subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end it 'runs the test if all requested tags are included in this test' do @test_tag_and = %w[pants_on_head jayjay_jayjay mo] test_tags = @test_tag_and.compact.push('extra_asdf') subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).not_to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end it 'skips the test if any of the excluded tags are included in this test' do test_tags = %w[ports jay_john_mary mog_the_dog] @test_tag_exclude = [test_tags[0]] subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end it 'skips the test if an and-included & excluded tag are in this test' do test_tags = %w[ports jay_john_mary mog_the_dog] @test_tag_and = [test_tags[1]] @test_tag_exclude = [test_tags[0]] subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end it 'runs the test if none of the excluded tags are included in this test' do @test_tag_exclude = %w[pants_on_head jayjay_jayjay mo] test_tags = %w[pants_at_head jayj00_jayjay motly_crew] subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).not_to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end it 'skips the test if none of the OR tags are included in this test' do test_tags = %w[portmanteau foolios] @test_tag_or = %w[fish crayons parkas] subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end it 'runs the test if only one of the OR tags are included in this test' do test_tags = %w[portmanteau foolios] @test_tag_or = %w[foolios crayons parkas] subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).not_to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end it 'skips the test if an or-included & excluded tag are included in this test' do test_tags = %w[ports jay_john_mary mog_the_dog] @test_tag_or = [test_tags[1]] @test_tag_exclude = [test_tags[0]] subject.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) allow(subject).to receive(:path) expect(subject).to receive(:skip_test) subject.tag(*test_tags) end end end describe Beaker::DSL::TestTagging::PlatformTagConfiner do let(:confines_array) { @confines_array || [] } let(:confiner) do end describe '#initialize' do it 'transforms one entry' do platform_regex = /^ubuntu$/ tag_reason_hash = { 'tag1' => 'reason1', 'tag2' => 'reason2', } @confines_array = [{ :platform => platform_regex, :tag_reason_hash => tag_reason_hash, }] internal_hash = confiner.instance_variable_get(:@tag_confine_details_hash) expect(internal_hash.keys).to include('tag1') expect(internal_hash.keys).to include('tag2') expect(internal_hash.keys.length).to be === 2 tag_reason_hash.each do |tag, reason| tag_array = internal_hash[tag] expect(tag_array.length).to be === 1 tag_hash = tag_array[0] expect(tag_hash[:platform_regex]).to eql(platform_regex) expect(tag_hash[:log_message]).to match(/#{reason}/) expect(tag_hash[:type]).to be === :except end end it 'deals with the same tag being used on multiple platforms correctly' do @confines_array = [ { :platform => /^el-/, :tag_reason_hash => { 'tag1' => 'reason el 1', 'tag2' => 'reason2', }, }, { :platform => /^cisco-/, :tag_reason_hash => { 'tag1' => 'reason cisco 1', 'tag3' => 'reason3', }, }, ] internal_hash = confiner.instance_variable_get(:@tag_confine_details_hash) expect(internal_hash.keys).to include('tag1') expect(internal_hash.keys).to include('tag2') expect(internal_hash.keys).to include('tag3') expect(internal_hash.keys.length).to be === 3 shared_tag_array = internal_hash['tag1'] expect(shared_tag_array.length).to be === 2 platform_el_found = false platform_cisco_found = false shared_tag_array.each do |confine_details| case confine_details[:log_message] when /\ el\ 1/ platform_el_found = true platform_to_match = /^el-/ reason_to_match = /reason\ el\ 1/ when /\ cisco\ 1/ platform_cisco_found = true platform_to_match = /^cisco-/ reason_to_match = /reason\ cisco\ 1/ else log_msg = "unexpected log message for confine_details: " log_msg << confine_details[:log_message] fail(log_msg) end expect(confine_details[:platform_regex]).to eql(platform_to_match) expect(confine_details[:log_message]).to match(reason_to_match) end expect(platform_el_found).to be === true expect(platform_cisco_found).to be === true end end describe '#confine_details' do it 'returns an empty array if no tags match' do fake_confine_details_hash = { 'tag1' => [{ :type => 1 }, { :type => 2 }] } confiner.instance_variable_set( :@tag_confine_details_hash, fake_confine_details_hash ) expect(confiner.confine_details(%w[tag2 tag3])).to be === [] end context 'descriminates on tag name' do fake_confine_details_hash = { 'tag0' => [10, 20, 30, 40], 'tag1' => [41, 51, 61, 71], 'tag2' => [22, 32, 42, 52], 'tag3' => [63, 73, 83, 93], 'tag4' => [34, 44, 54, 64], } key_combos_to_test = { |key| [key] } key_combos_to_test << %w[tag0 tag2] key_combos_to_test << %w[tag1 tag4] key_combos_to_test << %w[tag2 tag3 tag4] key_combos_to_test << fake_confine_details_hash.keys before do confiner.instance_variable_set( :@tag_confine_details_hash, fake_confine_details_hash ) end key_combos_to_test.each do |key_combo_to_have| it "selects key(s) #{key_combo_to_have} from #{fake_confine_details_hash.keys}" do haves = [] key_combo_to_have.each do |key_to_have| haves += fake_confine_details_hash[key_to_have] end keys_not_to_have = fake_confine_details_hash.keys.reject do |key_trial| key_combo_to_have.include?(key_trial) end have_nots = [] keys_not_to_have.each do |key_not_to_have| have_nots += fake_confine_details_hash[key_not_to_have] end details = confiner.confine_details(key_combo_to_have) have_nots.each do |confine_details| expect(details).not_to include(confine_details) end haves.each do |confine_details| expect(details).to include(confine_details) end end end end end end