require 'fastlane/erb_template_helper' require 'ostruct' require 'uri' require 'cgi' module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues # Using ||= because these MAY be defined by the the # preferred aws_s3 plugin S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH ||= :S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH ||= :S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH ||= :S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH ||= :S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH ||= :S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH end S3_ARGS_MAP = { ipa: '-f', dsym: '-d', access_key: '-a', secret_access_key: '-s', bucket: '-b', region: '-r', acl: '--acl', source: '--source-dir', path: '-P' } # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class S3Action < Action def # Calling fetch on config so that default values will be used params = {} params[:ipa] = config[:ipa] params[:dsym] = config[:dsym] params[:access_key] = config[:access_key] params[:secret_access_key] = config[:secret_access_key] params[:bucket] = config[:bucket] params[:region] = config[:region] params[:acl] = config[:acl] params[:source] = config[:source] params[:path] = config[:path] params[:upload_metadata] = config[:upload_metadata] params[:plist_template_path] = config[:plist_template_path] params[:plist_file_name] = config[:plist_file_name] params[:html_template_path] = config[:html_template_path] params[:html_file_name] = config[:html_file_name] params[:version_template_path] = config[:version_template_path] params[:version_file_name] = config[:version_file_name] # Pulling parameters for other uses s3_region = params[:region] s3_access_key = params[:access_key] s3_secret_access_key = params[:secret_access_key] s3_bucket = params[:bucket] ipa_file = params[:ipa] dsym_file = params[:dsym] s3_path = params[:path] acl = params[:acl].to_sym UI.user_error!("No S3 access key given, pass using `access_key: 'key'`") unless s3_access_key.to_s.length > 0 UI.user_error!("No S3 secret access key given, pass using `secret_access_key: 'secret key'`") unless s3_secret_access_key.to_s.length > 0 UI.user_error!("No S3 bucket given, pass using `bucket: 'bucket'`") unless s3_bucket.to_s.length > 0 UI.user_error!("No IPA file path given, pass using `ipa: 'ipa path'`") unless ipa_file.to_s.length > 0 plist_template_path = params[:plist_template_path] plist_file_name = params[:plist_file_name] html_template_path = params[:html_template_path] html_file_name = params[:html_file_name] version_template_path = params[:version_template_path] version_file_name = params[:version_file_name] s3_client = self.s3_client(s3_access_key, s3_secret_access_key, s3_region) bucket = s3_client.buckets[s3_bucket] url_part = self.expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist(ipa_file, s3_path) ipa_file_basename = File.basename(ipa_file) ipa_file_name = "#{url_part}#{ipa_file_basename}" ipa_file_data =, 'rb') ipa_url = self.upload_file(bucket, ipa_file_name, ipa_file_data, acl) # Setting action and environment variables Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] = ipa_url ENV[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = ipa_url if dsym_file dsym_file_basename = File.basename(dsym_file) dsym_file_name = "#{url_part}#{dsym_file_basename}" dsym_file_data =, 'rb') dsym_url = self.upload_file(bucket, dsym_file_name, dsym_file_data, acl) # Setting action and environment variables Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] = dsym_url ENV[SharedValues::S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = dsym_url end if params[:upload_metadata] == false return true end ##################################### # # html and plist building # ##################################### # Gets info used for the plist info = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_info_plist_file(ipa_file) build_num = info['CFBundleVersion'] bundle_id = info['CFBundleIdentifier'] bundle_version = info['CFBundleShortVersionString'] title = CGI.escapeHTML(info['CFBundleName']) device_family = info['UIDeviceFamily'] full_version = "#{bundle_version}.#{build_num}" # Creating plist and html names s3_domain = AWS::Core::Endpoints.hostname(s3_region, 's3') || '' plist_file_name ||= "#{url_part}#{URI.escape(title)}.plist" plist_url = s3_domain, path: "/#{s3_bucket}/#{plist_file_name}").to_s html_file_name ||= "index.html" version_file_name ||= "version.json" # grabs module eth = Fastlane::ErbTemplateHelper # Creates plist from template if plist_template_path && File.exist?(plist_template_path) plist_template = eth.load_from_path(plist_template_path) else plist_template = eth.load("s3_plist_template") end plist_render = eth.render(plist_template, { url: ipa_url, ipa_url: ipa_url, build_num: build_num, bundle_id: bundle_id, bundle_version: bundle_version, title: title }) # Creates html from template if html_template_path && File.exist?(html_template_path) html_template = eth.load_from_path(html_template_path) else html_template = eth.load("s3_html_template") end html_render = eth.render(html_template, { url: plist_url, plist_url: plist_url, ipa_url: ipa_url, build_num: build_num, bundle_id: bundle_id, bundle_version: bundle_version, title: title, device_family: device_family }) # Creates version from template if version_template_path && File.exist?(version_template_path) version_template = eth.load_from_path(version_template_path) else version_template = eth.load("s3_version_template") end version_render = eth.render(version_template, { url: plist_url, plist_url: plist_url, ipa_url: ipa_url, build_num: build_num, bundle_version: bundle_version, full_version: full_version }) ##################################### # # html and plist uploading # ##################################### plist_url = self.upload_file(bucket, plist_file_name, plist_render, acl) html_url = self.upload_file(bucket, html_file_name, html_render, acl) version_url = self.upload_file(bucket, version_file_name, version_render, acl) # Setting action and environment variables Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH] = plist_url ENV[SharedValues::S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = plist_url Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH] = html_url ENV[SharedValues::S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = html_url Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH] = version_url ENV[SharedValues::S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = version_url UI.success("Successfully uploaded ipa file to '#{Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH]}'") return true end # @return true if loading the AWS SDK from the 'aws-sdk' gem yields the expected v1 API, or false otherwise def self.load_from_original_gem_name begin # We don't use `Actions.verify_gem!` here, because we want to silently be OK with this gem not being # present, in case the user has already migrated to 'aws-sdk-v1' (see #load_from_v1_gem_name) Gem::Specification.find_by_name('aws-sdk') require 'aws-sdk' rescue Gem::LoadError UI.verbose("The 'aws-sdk' gem is not present") return false end UI.verbose("The 'aws-sdk' gem is present") true end def self.load_from_v1_gem_name Actions.verify_gem!('aws-sdk-v1') require 'aws-sdk-v1' end def self.v1_sdk_module_present? begin # Here we'll make sure that the `AWS` module is defined. If it is, the gem is the v1.x API. Object.const_get("AWS") rescue NameError UI.verbose("Couldn't find the needed `AWS` module in the 'aws-sdk' gem") return false end UI.verbose("Found the needed `AWS` module in the 'aws-sdk' gem") true end def self.s3_client(s3_access_key, s3_secret_access_key, s3_region) # The AWS SDK API changed completely in v2.x. The most stable way to keep using the V1 API is to # require the 'aws-sdk-v1' gem directly. However, for those customers who are using the 'aws-sdk' # gem at v1.x, we don't want to break their setup which currently works. # # Therefore, we will attempt to load the v1 API from the original gem name, but go on to load # from the aws-sdk-v1 gem name if necessary loaded_original_gem = load_from_original_gem_name if !loaded_original_gem || !v1_sdk_module_present? load_from_v1_gem_name UI.verbose("Loaded AWS SDK v1.x from the `aws-sdk-v1` gem") else UI.verbose("Loaded AWS SDK v1.x from the `aws-sdk` gem") end if s3_region s3_client = access_key_id: s3_access_key, secret_access_key: s3_secret_access_key, region: s3_region ) else s3_client = access_key_id: s3_access_key, secret_access_key: s3_secret_access_key ) end s3_client end def self.upload_file(bucket, file_name, file_data, acl) obj = bucket.objects.create(file_name, file_data, acl: acl) # When you enable versioning on a S3 bucket, # writing to an object will create an object version # instead of replacing the existing object. # if obj.kind_of?(AWS::S3::ObjectVersion) obj = obj.object end # Return public url obj.public_url.to_s end # # NOT a fan of this as this was taken straight from Shenzhen # # # Need to find a way to not use this copied method # # AGAIN, I am not happy about this right now. # Using this for prototype reasons. # def self.expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist(ipa, path) substitutions = path.scan(/\{CFBundle[^}]+\}/) return path if substitutions.empty? info = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_info_plist_file(ipa) or return path substitutions.uniq.each do |substitution| key = substitution[1...-1] value = info[key] path.gsub!(, value) if value end return path end def self.description "Generates a plist file and uploads all to AWS S3" end def self.details [ "Upload a new build to Amazon S3 to distribute the build to beta testers. ", "Works for both Ad Hoc and Enterprise signed applications. This step will generate the necessary HTML, plist, and version files for you.", "It is recommended to **not** store the AWS access keys in the `Fastfile`. The uploaded `version.json` file provides an easy way for apps to poll if a new update is available." ].join(" ") end def self.available_options [ :ipa, env_name: "", description: ".ipa file for the build ", optional: true, default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::IPA_OUTPUT_PATH], default_value_dynamic: true), :dsym, env_name: "", description: "zipped .dsym package for the build ", optional: true, default_value: Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH], default_value_dynamic: true), :upload_metadata, env_name: "", description: "Upload relevant metadata for this build", optional: true, default_value: true, is_string: false), :plist_template_path, env_name: "", description: "plist template path", optional: true), :plist_file_name, env_name: "", description: "uploaded plist filename", optional: true), :html_template_path, env_name: "", description: "html erb template path", optional: true), :html_file_name, env_name: "", description: "uploaded html filename", optional: true), :version_template_path, env_name: "", description: "version erb template path", optional: true), :version_file_name, env_name: "", description: "uploaded version filename", optional: true), :access_key, env_name: "S3_ACCESS_KEY", description: "AWS Access Key ID ", sensitive: true, optional: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], default_value_dynamic: true), :secret_access_key, env_name: "S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", description: "AWS Secret Access Key ", sensitive: true, optional: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], default_value_dynamic: true), :bucket, env_name: "S3_BUCKET", description: "AWS bucket name", optional: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_BUCKET_NAME'], default_value_dynamic: true), :region, env_name: "S3_REGION", description: "AWS region (for bucket creation) ", optional: true, code_gen_sensitive: true, default_value: ENV['AWS_REGION'], default_value_dynamic: true), :path, env_name: "S3_PATH", description: "S3 'path'. Values from Info.plist will be substituted for keys wrapped in {} ", optional: true, default_value: 'v{CFBundleShortVersionString}_b{CFBundleVersion}/'), :source, env_name: "S3_SOURCE", description: "Optional source directory e.g. ./build ", optional: true), :acl, env_name: "S3_ACL", description: "Uploaded object permissions e.g public_read (default), private, public_read_write, authenticated_read ", optional: true, default_value: "public_read") ] end def self.output [ ['S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded ipa file'], ['S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded dsym file'], ['S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded plist file'], ['S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded HTML file'], ['S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH', 'Direct HTTP link to the uploaded Version file'] ] end def "joshdholtz" end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end def self.example_code [ 's3', 's3( # All of these are used to make Shenzhen\'s `ipa distribute:s3` command access_key: ENV["S3_ACCESS_KEY"], # Required from user. secret_access_key: ENV["S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"], # Required from user. bucket: ENV["S3_BUCKET"], # Required from user. ipa: "AppName.ipa", # Optional is you use `ipa` to build dsym: "", # Optional is you use `ipa` to build path: "v{CFBundleShortVersionString}_b{CFBundleVersion}/", # This is actually the default. upload_metadata: true, # Upload version.json, plist and HTML. Set to false to skip uploading of these files. version_file_name: "app_version.json", # Name of the file to upload to S3. Defaults to "version.json" version_template_path: "path/to/erb" # Path to an ERB to configure the structure of the version JSON file )' ] end def self.category :deprecated end def self.deprecated_notes "Please use the `aws_s3` plugin instead.\n" \ "Install using `fastlane add_plugin aws_s3`." end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end end