# Copyright (c) 2013 AppNeta, Inc. # All rights reserved. module TraceView ## # This module exposes a nested configuration hash that can be used to # configure and/or modify the functionality of the traceview gem. # # Use TraceView::Config.show to view the entire nested hash. # module Config @@config = {} @@instrumentation = [:action_controller, :action_controller_api, :action_view, :active_record, :bunnyclient, :bunnyconsumer, :cassandra, :curb, :dalli, :delayed_jobclient, :delayed_jobworker, :em_http_request, :excon, :faraday, :grape, :httpclient, :nethttp, :memcached, :memcache, :mongo, :moped, :rack, :redis, :resqueclient, :resqueworker, :rest_client, :sequel, :sidekiqclient, :sidekiqworker, :typhoeus] # Subgrouping of instrumentation @@http_clients = [:curb, :excon, :em_http_request, :faraday, :httpclient, :nethttp, :rest_client, :typhoeus] ## # Return the raw nested hash. # def self.show @@config end ## # initialize # # Initializer method to set everything up with a # default configuration. # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def self.initialize(_data = {}) # Setup default instrumentation values @@instrumentation.each do |k| @@config[k] = {} @@config[k][:enabled] = true @@config[k][:collect_backtraces] = false @@config[k][:log_args] = true end # Beta instrumentation disabled by default TraceView::Config[:em_http_request][:enabled] = false # Set collect_backtraces defaults TraceView::Config[:action_controller][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:action_controller_api][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:active_record][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:bunnyclient][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:bunnyconsumer][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:action_view][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:cassandra][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:curb][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:dalli][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:delayed_jobclient][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:delayed_jobworker][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:em_http_request][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:excon][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:faraday][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:grape][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:httpclient][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:memcache][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:memcached][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:mongo][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:moped][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:nethttp][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:rack][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:redis][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:resqueclient][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:resqueworker][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:rest_client][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:sequel][:collect_backtraces] = true TraceView::Config[:sidekiqclient][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:sidekiqworker][:collect_backtraces] = false TraceView::Config[:typhoeus][:collect_backtraces] = false # Legacy Resque config support. To be removed in a future version @@config[:resque] = {} # Setup an empty host blacklist (see: TraceView::API::Util.blacklisted?) @@config[:blacklist] = [] # Access Key is empty until loaded from config file or env var @@config[:access_key] = '' # Logging of outgoing HTTP query args # # This optionally disables the logging of query args of outgoing # HTTP clients such as Net::HTTP, excon, typhoeus and others. # # This flag is global to all HTTP client instrumentation. # # To configure this on a per instrumentation basis, set this # option to true and instead disable the instrumenstation specific # option log_args: # # TraceView::Config[:nethttp][:log_args] = false # TraceView::Config[:excon][:log_args] = false # TraceView::Config[:typhoeus][:log_args] = true # @@config[:include_url_query_params] = true # Logging of incoming HTTP query args # # This optionally disables the logging of incoming URL request # query args. # # This flag is global and currently only affects the Rack # instrumentation which reports incoming request URLs and # query args by default. @@config[:include_remote_url_params] = true # The TraceView Ruby gem has the ability to sanitize query literals # from SQL statements. By default this is disabled. Enable to # avoid collecting and reporting query literals to TraceView. @@config[:sanitize_sql] = false # The regular expression used to sanitize SQL. @@config[:sanitize_sql_regexp] = '(\'[\s\S][^\']*\'|\d*\.\d+|\d+|NULL)' @@config[:sanitize_sql_opts] = Regexp::IGNORECASE # Do Not Trace # These two values allow you to configure specific URL patterns to # never be traced. By default, this is set to common static file # extensions but you may want to customize this list for your needs. # # dnt_regexp and dnt_opts is passed to Regexp.new to create # a regular expression object. That is then used to match against # the incoming request path. # # The path string originates from the rack layer and is retrieved # as follows: # # req = ::Rack::Request.new(env) # path = URI.unescape(req.path) # # Usage: # TraceView::Config[:dnt_regexp] = "lobster$" # TraceView::Config[:dnt_opts] = Regexp::IGNORECASE # # This will ignore all requests that end with the string lobster # regardless of case # # Requests with positive matches (non nil) will not be traced. # See lib/traceview/util.rb: TraceView::Util.static_asset? # @@config[:dnt_regexp] = '\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|css|zip|tgz|gz|rar|bz2|pdf|txt|tar|wav|bmp|rtf|js|flv|swf|ttf|woff|svg|less)$' @@config[:dnt_opts] = Regexp::IGNORECASE # In Rails, raised exceptions with rescue handlers via # rescue_from are not reported to the TraceView # dashboard by default. Setting this value to true will # report all raised exception regardless. # @@config[:report_rescued_errors] = false # By default, the curb instrumentation will not link # outgoing requests with remotely instrumented # webservers (aka cross host tracing). This is because the # instrumentation can't detect if the independent libcurl # instrumentation is in use or not. # # If you're sure that it's not in use/installed, then you can # enable cross host tracing for the curb HTTP client # here. Set TraceView::Config[:curb][:cross_host] to true # to enable. # # Alternatively, if you would like to install the separate # libcurl instrumentation, see here: # http://docs.appneta.com/installing-libcurl-instrumentation # @@config[:curb][:cross_host] = false # The bunny (Rabbitmq) instrumentation can optionally report # Controller and Action values to allow filtering of bunny # message handling in # the UI. Use of Controller and Action # for filters is temporary until the UI is updated with # additional filters. # # These values identify which properties of # Bunny::MessageProperties to report as Controller # and Action. The defaults are to report :app_id (as # Controller) and :type (as Action). If these values # are not specified in the publish, then nothing # will be reported here. # @@config[:bunnyconsumer][:controller] = :app_id @@config[:bunnyconsumer][:action] = :type # Environment support for OpenShift. if ENV.key?('OPENSHIFT_TRACEVIEW_TLYZER_IP') # We're running on OpenShift @@config[:tracing_mode] = :always @@config[:reporter_host] = ENV['OPENSHIFT_TRACEVIEW_TLYZER_IP'] @@config[:reporter_port] = ENV['OPENSHIFT_TRACEVIEW_TLYZER_PORT'] else # The default configuration @@config[:tracing_mode] = :through @@config[:reporter_host] = '' @@config[:reporter_port] = '7831' end @@config[:verbose] = ENV.key?('TRACEVIEW_GEM_VERBOSE') ? true : false end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize def self.update!(data) data.each do |key, value| self[key] = value end end def self.merge!(data) update!(data) end def self.[](key) if key == :resque TraceView.logger.warn '[traceview/warn] :resque config is deprecated. It is now split into :resqueclient and :resqueworker.' TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/warn] Called from #{Kernel.caller[0]}" end @@config[key.to_sym] end ## # []= # # Config variable assignment method. Here we validate and store the # assigned value(s) and trigger any secondary action needed. # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def self.[]=(key, value) @@config[key.to_sym] = value if key == :sampling_rate TraceView.logger.warn 'sampling_rate is not a supported setting for TraceView::Config. ' \ 'Please use :sample_rate.' elsif key == :sample_rate unless value.is_a?(Integer) || value.is_a?(Float) fail 'traceview :sample_rate must be a number between 1 and 1000000 (1m)' end # Validate :sample_rate value unless value.between?(1, 1e6) fail 'traceview :sample_rate must be between 1 and 1000000 (1m)' end # Assure value is an integer @@config[key.to_sym] = value.to_i TraceView.set_sample_rate(value) if TraceView.loaded elsif key == :action_blacklist TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/unsupported] :action_blacklist has been deprecated and no longer functions." elsif key == :resque TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/warn] :resque config is deprecated. It is now split into :resqueclient and :resqueworker." TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/warn] Called from #{Kernel.caller[0]}" elsif key == :include_url_query_params # Obey the global flag and update all of the per instrumentation # :log_args values. @@config[:rack][:log_args] = value elsif key == :include_remote_url_params # Obey the global flag and update all of the per instrumentation # :log_args values. @@http_clients.each do |i| @@config[i][:log_args] = value end end # Update liboboe if updating :tracing_mode if key == :tracing_mode TraceView.set_tracing_mode(value.to_sym) if TraceView.loaded # Make sure that the mode is stored as a symbol @@config[key.to_sym] = value.to_sym end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def self.method_missing(sym, *args) class_var_name = "@@#{sym}" if sym.to_s =~ /(.+)=$/ self[$1] = args.first else # Try part of the @@config hash first if @@config.key?(sym) self[sym] # Then try as a class variable elsif self.class_variable_defined?(class_var_name.to_sym) self.class_eval(class_var_name) # Congrats - You've won a brand new nil... else nil end end end end end TraceView::Config.initialize