%title Sample 41 - How to set callback for Annotation and manage user rights
%link(rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css")
%h3{:style => 'text-align:center;'}
%a{:href => '/'} GroupDocs Ruby SDK Samples
Sample 41 - How to set callback for Annotation and manage user rights
.samplecontent{:style => 'padding:10px;'}
This sample will show how to set callback for Annotation and manage user rights using Ruby SDK.
%a{:href => '/docs/sample41.html'} Builtin documentation for this sample
You entered:
ClientID = #{(defined? userId) ? userId : ''}
PrivateKey = #{(defined? privateKey) ? privateKey : ''}
FileID = #{(defined? fileId) ? fileId : ''}
%font{:color => 'red'} #{(defined? err) ? err : ''}
#requestForm{:style => 'padding:20px; border:1px solid black;'}
%p Enter data for request and press "Make request" button
%form{:action => "/sample-41-how-to-set-callback-for-annotation-and-manage-user-rights", :enctype => 'multipart/form-data', :method => 'post', :id=>'form'}
%label{:for => 'clientId'} GroupDocs ClientID
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'clientId', :id=>'client_id', :value=>"#{(defined? userId) ? userId : ''}"}
%label{:for => 'privateKey'} GroupDocs PrivateKey
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'privateKey', :id=>'private_key', :value=>"#{(defined? privateKey) ? privateKey : ''}"}
%div.guid_radio{:style=>"#{(defined? userId) ? 'display:none' : 'display:block'}"}
%input{:type=>'radio', :name=>'source', :value=>'guid'} File ID (GUID)
%input{:type=>'radio', :name=>'source', :value=>'local', :checked=>'checked'}Upload local file
%input{:type=>'radio', :name=>'source', :value=>'url'} Upload file from URL
%div.fields{:style=>"#{(defined? userId) ? 'display:none' : 'display:block'}"}
%label{:for=>'fileId', :id=>'guid'} File ID (GUID)
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'fileId', :id=>'guid', :value=>"#{(defined? fileId) ? fileId : ''}"}
%label{:for=>'file'} Upload local file
%input{:type=>'file', :name=>'file', :id=>'file'}
%label{:for=>'url', :id=>'url'} Upload file from URL
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'url', :id=>'url'}
%label First collaborator email
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'email[]', :value=>""}
%label Second collaborator email
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'email[]', :value=>""}
%label callbackUrl
%span{:class => 'optional'} (Optional)
(For test Callback you can use this URL: http://groupdocs-ruby-samples.herokuapp.com/sample41/callback)
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'callbackUrl', :id => 'callbackUrl', :value=>"#{(defined? callbackUrl) ? callbackUrl : ''}"}
%label{:for => 'basePath'} Base Path
%font{:color=>'grey'} (Optional)
%input{:type=>'text', :name=>'basePath', :id=>'base_path', :value=>"#{(defined? base_path) ? base_path : ''}"}
%input{:type => 'submit', :id => 'button', :value => 'Make request'}
%span{:id=>'resultsStatus', :style=>'color:red;display:none;'} (Please wait for ajax response)
%div{:style => 'padding:20px; border:1px solid black;'}
#{(defined? iframe) ? iframe : ''}
= partial :_others_samples
$('.guid_radio input').change(function(){
var elementIndex = $(this).parent().children('input').index($(this));
$(document).ready(setTimeout(check, 5000));
function check() {
if (($("input[name=callbackUrl]").val() != "") && (document.getElementById("result") != null)) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/sample41/check_guid',
success: function (data) {
var result = null;
result = data;
if (result) {
var message = result;
$("#rights").append('' + message + '')
var url = $('#iframe').attr('src');
$('#iframe').attr('src', url);
dataType: "text"