module Tabulous module Dsl class Tabs class << self def process(&block) @tabset = @parent_tab = nil instance_exec(&block) check_for_errors! @tabset end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) method_name = method.to_s if method_name =~ /^(.+)_subtab/ if @parent_tab.nil? raise SubtabOutOfOrderError, "You cannot start a tabs declaration with a subtab: '#{method_name}'." end tab = Dsl::Tab.process($1, @parent_tab, &block) elsif method_name =~ /^(.+)_tab/ tab = Dsl::Tab.process($1, nil, &block) @parent_tab = tab else raise TabNameError, "Incorrect tab name: '#{method_name}'. Tab names must end with _tab or _subtab." end @tabset.add_tab(tab) end private def check_for_errors! check_for_missing_subtab_declaration check_for_conflicting_active_actions end def check_for_missing_subtab_declaration for tab in @tabset.primary_tabs if !tab.subtabs.empty? && tab.declared_to_have_subtabs == false raise MissingActiveTabRuleError, "The tab '#{}' has subtabs but is missing the 'a_subtab_is_active' rule in its active_when declaration." end end end def check_for_conflicting_active_actions for tab in @tabset.tabs for other_tab in @tabset.tabs next if tab == other_tab if tab.active_actions_overlap?(other_tab) raise AmbiguousActiveTabRulesError, "Ambiguous declaration: the active_when rules in the tab #{} conflict with the active_when rules in the tab #{}." end end end end end end end end