OML.require_dependency("vendor/nv_d3/js/nv.d3", ["vendor/d3/d3", "css!vendor/nv_d3/css/nv.d3"]); define(["graph/abstract_chart", 'vendor/nv_d3/js/nv.d3'], function (abstract_chart) { var abstract_nv_chart = abstract_chart.extend({ axis_defaults: { legend: { text: 'DESCRIBE ME', offset: 40 }, ticks: { // type: 'date', // format: '%I:%M', // hour:minutes format: ',.3s', // format: ",.0f" // integers with comma-grouping for thousands. //subdivide: 2, // the number of uniform subdivisions to make between major tick marks //size: [8, 4, 16], // set the size of major, minor and end ticks //padding: 20, // the padding between ticks and tick labels //count: 2 // number of ticks to display - this is currently overridden in NV }, margin: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 50 // not sure what impact this really has? } }, defaults: function() { return this.deep_defaults({ transition_duration: 500 },; }, configure_base_layer: function(vis) { this.base_layer = vis; this._configure_options(this.opts, this.get_chart()); }, get_chart: function() { if (! this.chart) { this.chart = this._create_model(); //nv.models.lineWithFocusChart(); } return this.chart; }, init_mapping: function() { this._configure_mapping(this.mapping, this.get_chart()); }, _configure_mapping: function(m, chart) { }, _configure_options: function(opts, chart) { chart.margin(opts.margin); }, _configure_xy_axis: function(opts, chart) { var oaxis = opts.axis || {}; var a_defaults = this.axis_defaults; var xao = _.defaults(oaxis.x || {}, a_defaults); this._configure_axis('x', chart.xAxis, xao); var yao = _.defaults(oaxis.y || {}, a_defaults); this._configure_axis('y', chart.yAxis, yao); }, _configure_axis: function(name, axis, opts) { // LABEL var ol = opts.legend; if (ol) { var ol = ol ? (typeof(ol) === "string" ? {text: ol} : ol) : {}; //ol = _.defaults(ol, defaults.axis); axis.axisLabel(ol.text); } // TICKS var ot = opts.ticks; // _.defaults(opts.ticks || {}, defaults.ticks); // Check if we need a special formatter for the tick labels if (ot.type == 'date' || ot.type == 'dateTime') { var d_f = d3.time.format(ot.format || "%X"); axis.tickFormat(function(d) { var date = new Date(1000 * d); // TODO: Implicitly assuming that value is in seconds is most likely NOT a good idea var fs = d_f(date); return fs; }); } else if (ot.type == 'key') { var lm = ot.key_map; axis.tickFormat(function(d) { var l = lm[d] || ('??-' + d); return l; }); } else if (ot.format) { axis.tickFormat(d3.format(ot.format)); } if (ot.subdivide) axis.tickSubdivide(ot.subdivide); if (ot.size) { // apply doesn't seem to work here if (typeof ot.size === 'number') axis.tickSize(ot.size); else { var a = ot.size; switch (a.length) { case 1: axis.tickSize(a[0]); break; case 2: axis.tickSize(a[0], a[1]); break; case 3: axis.tickSize(a[0], a[1], a[2]); break; } } } if (ot.padding) axis.tickPadding(ot.padding); if (ot.count) axis.ticks(ot.count); // MARGIN var om = opts.margin; //_.defaults(ot.margin || {}, defaults.margin); axis.margin(om); // MISC axis.showMaxMin(false); }, resize: function() { var self = this;; if (this.chart) { // this.chart.width(self.width); // this.chart.height(self.height); this.chart.width(self.w); this.chart.height(self.h); } }, redraw: function(data) { var bl = this.base_layer//.select(".chart_layer") .datum(this._datum(data, this.chart)) ; if (this.opts.transition_duration > 0) { bl = bl.transition().duration(500); }; }, }); return abstract_nv_chart; }); /* Local Variables: mode: Javascript tab-width: 2 indent-tabs-mode: nil End: */