require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' task :default => :spec desc "Upload to rubygems" task :upload => :build do # Check if tag with v#{ResearchSiteApiClient::VERSION} version exists, if so, return with error if tag_exists?(current_tag_name) puts "Tag exists, did you run rake increase_revision_number after merging with master?" exit 1 end create_tag(current_tag_name) Rake::Task[:release].invoke end desc "Increase the revision number" task :increase_revision_number do version_file = "lib/restful_resource/version.rb" file_content = rule = /(\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)/ new_revision_number = rule.match(file_content)[2].to_i + 1 new_file_content = file_content.sub(rule, '\1' + new_revision_number.to_s), 'w') { |file| file.write(new_file_content) } end def tag_exists?(tag_name) result = `git tag | grep #{tag_name}`.strip result == tag_name end def create_tag(tag_name) sh "git tag -a #{tag_name} -m \"Released version #{tag_name}\"" sh "git push origin #{tag_name}" end def current_tag_name "v#{RestfulResource::VERSION}" end