= Adyen
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails application.
Adyen integration relies on three modes of communication between Adyen, your server and
your client/customer:
* Client-to-Adyen communication using forms and redirects.
* Adyen-to-server communications using notifications.
* Server-to-Adyen communication using SOAP services.
This library aims to ease the implementation of all these modes into your application.
Moreover, it provides matchers, assertions and mocks to make it easier to implement an
automated test suite to assert the integration is working correctly.
== Installation
Add the following line to your environment.rb and run rake gems:install
to make the Adyen functionality available in your Rails project:
config.gem 'adyen', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org
You can also install it as a Rails plugin (*deprecated*):
script/plugin install git://github.com/wvanbergen/adyen.git
== Usage
See the project wiki on http://wiki.github.com/wvanbergen/adyen to get started. Complete
RDoc documentation for the project can be found on http://rdoc.info/projects/wvanbergen/adyen.
* For more information about Adyen, see http://www.adyen.com
* For more information about integrating Adyen, see their manuals at
== About
This package is written by Michel Barbosa and Willem van Bergen for Floorplanner.com, and
made public under the MIT license (see LICENSE). It comes without warranty of any kind, so
use at your own risk.