module HasConstant module Orm module Mongoid def self.included( base ) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.class_eval do validate :validate_has_constant_attributes end end module InstanceMethods def validate_has_constant_attributes @has_constant_errors.each do |key, value| self.errors.add key, value end if @has_constant_errors end end module ClassMethods def has_constant( name, values, options = {} ) super(name, values, options) values = if values.respond_to?(:call) singular = (options[:accessor] || name.to_s.singularize).to_s # Add the getter method. This returns the string representation of the stored value define_method(singular) do eval("#{self.class}.#{name.to_s}[self.attributes[singular].to_i] if self.attributes[singular]") end define_method("#{singular}=") do |val| if val.instance_of?(String) if index = self.class.send(name.to_s).index(val) write_attribute singular.to_sym, index else @has_constant_errors ||= {} @has_constant_errors.merge!(singular.to_sym => "must be one of #{values.join(', ')}") end else write_attribute singular.to_sym, val end end class_eval do named_scope :by_constant, lambda { |constant,value| { :where => { constant.to_sym => eval("#{self.to_s}.#{constant.pluralize}.index(value)") } } } named_scope "#{singular}_is".to_sym, lambda { |*values| { :where => { singular.to_sym => { '$in' => { |v| self.send(name.to_sym).index(v) } } } } } named_scope "#{singular}_is_not".to_sym, lambda { |*values| { :where => { singular.to_sym => { '$nin' => { |v| self.send(name.to_sym).index(v) } } } } } end end end end end end