# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'dump/table_manipulation' describe Dump::TableManipulation do include described_class describe 'schema_tables' do it 'returns schema_tables' do expect(schema_tables).to eq(%w[schema_info schema_migrations]) end end describe 'verify_connection' do it 'returns result of connection.verify!' do expect(connection).to receive(:verify!).and_return(:result) expect(verify_connection).to eq(:result) end end describe 'quote_table_name' do it 'returns result of connection.quote_table_name' do expect(connection).to receive(:quote_table_name).with('first').and_return('`first`') expect(quote_table_name('first')).to eq('`first`') end end describe 'quote_column_name' do it 'returns result of connection.quote_column_name' do expect(connection).to receive(:quote_column_name).with('first').and_return('`first`') expect(quote_column_name('first')).to eq('`first`') end end describe 'quote_value' do it 'returns result of connection.quote_value' do expect(connection).to receive(:quote).with('first').and_return('`first`') expect(quote_value('first')).to eq('`first`') end end describe 'clear_table' do it 'calls connection.delete with sql for deleting everything from table' do expect(connection).to receive(:delete).with('DELETE FROM `first`', anything) clear_table('`first`') end end describe 'insert_into_table' do it 'calls connection.insert with sql for insert if values is string' do expect(connection).to receive(:insert).with('INSERT INTO `table` (`c1`,`c2`) VALUES (`v1`,`v2`)', anything) insert_into_table('`table`', '(`c1`,`c2`)', '(`v1`,`v2`)') end it 'calls connection.insert with sql for insert if values is array' do expect(connection).to receive(:insert).with('INSERT INTO `table` (`c1`,`c2`) VALUES (`v11`,`v12`),(`v21`,`v22`)', anything) insert_into_table('`table`', '(`c1`,`c2`)', ['(`v11`,`v12`)', '(`v21`,`v22`)']) end end describe 'join_for_sql' do it "converts array ['`a`', '`b`'] to \"(`a`,`b`)\"" do expect(join_for_sql(%w[`a` `b`])).to eq('(`a`,`b`)') end end describe 'columns_insert_sql' do it 'returns columns sql part for insert' do expect(self).to receive(:quote_column_name).with('a').and_return('`a`') expect(self).to receive(:quote_column_name).with('b').and_return('`b`') expect(columns_insert_sql(%w[a b])).to eq('(`a`,`b`)') end end describe 'values_insert_sql' do it 'returns values sql part for insert' do expect(self).to receive(:quote_value).with('a').and_return('`a`') expect(self).to receive(:quote_value).with('b').and_return('`b`') expect(values_insert_sql(%w[a b])).to eq('(`a`,`b`)') end end describe 'tables_to_dump' do it 'calls connection.tables' do expect(connection).to receive(:tables).and_return([]) tables_to_dump end it 'excludes sessions table from result' do expect(connection).to receive(:tables).and_return(%w[first second schema_info schema_migrations sessions]) expect(tables_to_dump).to eq(%w[first second schema_info schema_migrations]) end describe 'with user defined tables' do before do expect(connection).to receive(:tables).and_return(%w[first second schema_info schema_migrations sessions]) end it 'selects certain tables' do Dump::Env.with_env(:tables => 'first,third,-fifth') do expect(tables_to_dump).to eq(%w[first schema_info schema_migrations]) end end it 'selects skip certain tables' do Dump::Env.with_env(:tables => '-first,third,-fifth') do expect(tables_to_dump).to eq(%w[second schema_info schema_migrations sessions]) end end it 'does not exclude sessions table from result if asked to exclude nothing' do Dump::Env.with_env(:tables => '-') do expect(tables_to_dump).to eq(%w[first second schema_info schema_migrations sessions]) end end it 'does not exclude schema tables' do Dump::Env.with_env(:tables => '-second,schema_info,schema_migrations') do expect(tables_to_dump).to eq(%w[first schema_info schema_migrations sessions]) end end it 'does not exclude schema tables ever if asked to dump only certain tables' do Dump::Env.with_env(:tables => 'second') do expect(tables_to_dump).to eq(%w[second schema_info schema_migrations]) end end end end describe 'table_row_count' do it 'ruturns row count for table' do expect(connection).to receive(:select_value).with("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #{quote_table_name('first')}").and_return('666') expect(table_row_count('first')).to eq(666) end end describe 'table_chunk_size' do it 'returns chunk_size based on estimated average for row size' do expect(self).to receive(:table_columns).with('first').and_return( [double(:column, :type => :integer, :limit => nil)] * 3 + [double(:column, :type => :string, :limit => nil)] * 3 + [double(:column, :type => :text, :limit => nil)] ) expect(table_chunk_size('first')).to satisfy{ |n| (described_class::CHUNK_SIZE_MIN..described_class::CHUNK_SIZE_MAX).include?(n) } end it 'does not return value less than CHUNK_SIZE_MIN' do expect(self).to receive(:table_columns).with('first').and_return( [double(:column, :type => :text, :limit => nil)] * 100 ) expect(table_chunk_size('first')).to eq(described_class::CHUNK_SIZE_MIN) end it 'does not return value more than CHUNK_SIZE_MAX' do expect(self).to receive(:table_columns).with('first').and_return( [double(:column, :type => :boolean, :limit => 1)] * 10 ) expect(table_chunk_size('first')).to eq(described_class::CHUNK_SIZE_MAX) end end describe 'table_columns' do it 'returns table column definitions' do columns = [double(:column), double(:column), double(:column)] expect(connection).to receive(:columns).with('first').and_return(columns) expect(table_columns('first')).to eq(columns) end end describe 'table_has_primary_column?' do it 'returns true only if table has column with name id and type :integer' do expect(self).to receive(:table_primary_key).at_least(3).times.and_return('id') expect(self).to receive(:table_columns).with('first').and_return([double(:column, :name => 'id', :type => :integer), double(:column, :name => 'title', :type => :integer)]) expect(table_has_primary_column?('first')).to be_truthy expect(self).to receive(:table_columns).with('second').and_return([double(:column, :name => 'id', :type => :string), double(:column, :name => 'title', :type => :integer)]) expect(table_has_primary_column?('second')).to be_falsey expect(self).to receive(:table_columns).with('third').and_return([double(:column, :name => 'name', :type => :integer), double(:column, :name => 'title', :type => :integer)]) expect(table_has_primary_column?('third')).to be_falsey end end describe 'table_primary_key' do it 'returns id' do expect(table_primary_key('first')).to eq('id') expect(table_primary_key(nil)).to eq('id') end end describe 'each_table_row' do before do @row_count = 550 @rows = Array.new(@row_count){ |i| {'id' => i.succ.to_s} } end def verify_getting_rows i = 0 each_table_row('first', @row_count) do |row| expect(row).to eq('id' => i.succ.to_s) i += 1 end expect(i).to eq(@row_count) end { 'whatever' => 'SELECT * FROM [TN] WHERE [PK] %s ORDER BY [PK] ASC LIMIT 100', 'SQLServer' => 'SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [TN] WHERE [PK] %s ORDER BY [PK] ASC', }.each do |adapter_name, sql_template| it 'gets rows in chunks if table has primary column and chunk size is less than row count' do allow(connection).to receive(:adapter_name).and_return(adapter_name) expect(self).to receive(:table_has_primary_column?).with('first').and_return(true) expect(self).to receive(:table_chunk_size).with('first').and_return(100) replacements = { '[TN]' => quote_table_name('first'), '[PK]' => "#{quote_table_name('first')}.#{quote_column_name(table_primary_key('first'))}", } sql = sql_template.gsub(/\[[A-Z]+\]/){ |m| replacements[m] } expect(self).to receive(:select_all_by_sql).with(sql % '>= 0').and_return(@rows[0, 100]) 5.times do |i| last_primary_key = 100 + i * 100 expect(self).to receive(:select_all_by_sql).with(sql % "> #{last_primary_key}").and_return(@rows[last_primary_key, 100]) end verify_getting_rows end end def verify_getting_rows_in_one_pass expect(self).to receive(:select_all_by_sql).with("SELECT * FROM #{quote_table_name('first')}").and_return(@rows) verify_getting_rows end it 'gets rows in one pass if table has primary column but chunk size is not less than row count' do expect(self).to receive(:table_has_primary_column?).with('first').and_return(true) expect(self).to receive(:table_chunk_size).with('first').and_return(3_000) verify_getting_rows_in_one_pass end it 'gets rows in one pass if table has no primary column' do expect(self).to receive(:table_has_primary_column?).with('first').and_return(false) allow(self).to receive(:table_chunk_size).with('first').and_return(10_000) verify_getting_rows_in_one_pass end end describe 'select_all_by_sql' do it 'returns all rows returned by database' do rows = [double(:row), double(:row), double(:row)] expect(connection).to receive(:select_all).with('SELECT * FROM abc WHERE x = y').and_return(rows) expect(select_all_by_sql('SELECT * FROM abc WHERE x = y')).to eq(rows) end end end