#------------------- # Local Property Settings # EXAMPLE - NOT A REAL SCHEMA #------------------- # This section defines every metadata property that can be used # in the system. Individual work types may override some settings # defined here. Predicates for each property should be defined # here, and cannot be overridden once defined. properties: default: definition: "This property has not yet been documented." usage_note: "This is the default usage note for a metadata property. If you are seeing this in an active application, you need to define a usage note for your property." usage_warning: required: false multiple: true primary: false hidden: false work_title: false input: scalar range: RDF:Literal title_alternative: label: "Other titles" accession_number: definition: "An archival accession number for the resource." predicate: "DC:identifier" range: "rdfs:Literal" multiple: false call_number: definition: "A call number identifier for the resource." predicate: "Bibframe:classification" multiple: false donor_provenance: definition: "A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation." predicate: "DC:provenance" range: "rdf:Object" box_folder: definition: "Location in the holding agency where the item is shelved or stored." predicate: "BF2:physicalLocation" rights_holder: definition: "A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource." predicate: "DC:rightsHolder" range: "rdf:Object" dcmi_type: definition: "General nature or type of the resource (e.g., image, text, etc.). Does not capture aboutness." predicate: "DC:type" range: "skos:concept" facet: true scale: definition: "Ratio of the dimensions of a form contained or embodied in a resource to the dimensions of the entity it represents, e.g., for images or cartographic resources." predicate: "Bibframe:cartographicScale" range: "rdfs:Literal"