require 'ezcrypto' require 'time' class MultiPass class Invalid < StandardError; end class ExpiredError < Invalid; end class JSONError < Invalid; end class DecryptError < Invalid; end def self.encode(site_key, api_key, options = {}) new(site_key, api_key).encode(options) end def self.decode(site_key, api_key, data) new(site_key, api_key).decode(data) end def initialize(site_key, api_key) @site_key = site_key @api_key = api_key @crypto_key = EzCrypto::Key.with_password(@site_key, @api_key) end # Encrypts the given hash into a multipass string. def encode(options = {}) options[:expires] = case options[:expires] when Fixnum then[:expires]).to_s when Time, DateTime, Date then options[:expires].to_s else options[:expires].to_s end escape_value @crypto_key.encrypt64(options.to_json) end # Decrypts the given multipass string and parses it as JSON. Then, it checks # for a valid expiration date. def decode(data) json = @crypto_key.decrypt64(unescape_value(data)) if json.nil? raise MultiPass::DecryptError end options = decode_json(json) if !options.is_a?(Hash) raise MultiPass::JSONError end options.keys.each do |key| options[key.to_sym] = options.delete(key) end if options[:expires].nil? || > Time.parse(options[:expires]) raise MultiPass::ExpiredError end options end private if Object.const_defined?(:ActiveSupport) def decode_json(s) ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(s) rescue ActiveSupport::JSON::ParseError raise MultiPass::JSONError end else require 'json' def decode_json(s) JSON.parse(s) rescue JSON::ParserError raise MultiPass::JSONError end end if Object.const_defined?(:Rack) def escape_value(s) Rack::Utils.escape(s) end def unescape_value(s) Rack::Utils.unescape(s) end else require 'cgi' def escape_value(s) CGI.escape(s) end def unescape_value(s) CGI.unescape(s) end end end