BOOTSTRAP_GEM_ROOT = Gem::Specification.find_by_name("bootstrap-sass").gem_dir require "#{BOOTSTRAP_GEM_ROOT}/tasks/converter" require 'pathname' module Patternfly class Converter < ::Converter BOOTSTRAP_LESS_ROOT = 'components/bootstrap/less' PATTERNFLY_LESS_ROOT = 'less' PATTERNFLY_COMPONENTS = "../components/patternfly/components" # Override def initialize(options) defaults = { :branch => 'master', :repo => 'patternfly/patternfly', :cache_path => 'tmp/converter-cache-patternfly', :test_dir => 'spec/html' } options = defaults.merge(options) super(:repo => options[:repo], :cache_path => options[:cache_path], :branch => options[:branch]) @save_to = { :scss => 'assets/stylesheets/patternfly', :js => 'assets/javascripts', :fonts => 'assets/fonts/patternfly' } @test_dir = options[:test_dir] get_trees(PATTERNFLY_LESS_ROOT, BOOTSTRAP_LESS_ROOT, 'tests', 'dist') end def process_patternfly log_status "Convert Patternfly LESS to SASS" puts " repo : #@repo_url" puts " branch : #@branch_sha #@repo_url/tree/#@branch" puts " save to: #{@save_to.to_json}" puts " twbs cache: #{@cache_path}" puts '-' * 60 @save_to.values { |v| FileUtils.mkdir_p(v) } process_font_assets process_patternfly_less_assets process_javascript_assets store_version cache_tests end def remove_xforms(transforms, *rejects) transforms.reject do |xform| rejects.include?(xform) end end def process_font_assets log_status 'Processing fonts...' files = read_files(get_paths_by_type('dist/fonts', /\.(eot|svg|ttf|woff2?)$/)) save_to = @save_to[:fonts] files.each do |name, content| save_file File.join(save_to, name.gsub('dist/fonts/', '')), content end end def process_javascript_assets log_status 'Processing javascripts...' save_to = @save_to[:js] files = read_files(get_paths_by_type('dist/js', /\.js$/)) files.each do |name, content| save_file File.join(save_to, name.gsub('dist/js/', '')), content end end def process_image_assets log_status 'Processing images...' save_to = @save_to[:img] files = read_files(get_paths_by_type('dist/img', /\.(png|gif|jpg|svg?)$/)) files.each do |name, content| save_file File.join(save_to, name.gsub('dist/img/', '')), content end end def process_patternfly_less_assets log_status "Processing stylesheets..." files = read_files(bootstrap_less_files) files['less/mixin_overrides.less'] = files['less/mixins.less'].dup # Merge the two separated top level files because they will be splitted on a higher level files['less/patternfly.less'] += files.delete('less/patternfly-additions.less') save_to = @save_to[:scss] files.each do |name, file| # TODO unify the case statements. Maybe pass in two procs as # callbacks; one for before and one for after. # # TODO override replace_spin so its regex isn't so over-zealous transforms = DEFAULT_TRANSFORMS.dup name = File.basename(name) case name when 'mixin_overrides.less' button_variant = ".button-variant(.*?)" file = replace_rules(file, button_variant) do |rule, pos| "" end when 'patternfly.less', 'bootstrap-touchspin.less', 'variables.less' transforms = remove_xforms(transforms, :replace_spin) when 'spinner.less' transforms = remove_xforms(transforms, :replace_spin, :replace_image_urls) end file = convert_less(file, *transforms) # Special cases go here case name when 'mixins.less' NESTED_MIXINS.each do |selector, prefix| file = flatten_mixins(file, selector, prefix) end file = replace_all(file, /,\s*\.open\s+\.dropdown-toggle& \{([^\{\}]*?)\}/m, " {\\1}\n .open & { &.dropdown-toggle {\\1} }") file = replace_all(file, /,\s*\.open\s+\.dropdown-toggle& \{(.*?\{.*?\}.*?)\}/m, " {\\1}\n .open & { &.dropdown-toggle {\\1} }") when 'mixin_overrides.less' NESTED_MIXINS.each do |selector, prefix| file = flatten_mixins(file, selector, prefix) end when 'variables.less' file = insert_default_vars(file) file = ['$patternfly-sass-asset-helper: false !default;', file].join("\n") file = replace_all(file, %r{"../img"}, '"../images"') file = replace_all file, %r{(\$font-path): (\s*)"(.*)" (!default);}, '\\1: \\2if($patternfly-sass-asset-helper, "patternfly", "\\3/patternfly") \\4;' file = replace_all file, %r{(\$img-path): (\s*)"(.*)" (!default);}, '\\1: \\2if($patternfly-sass-asset-helper, "patternfly", "\\3/patternfly") \\4;' file = replace_all file, %r{(\$icon-font-path): (\s*)"(.*)" (!default);\n}, '' file = replace_all file, %r{(\$fa-font-path): (\s*)"(.*)" (!default);\n}, '' when 'patternfly.less' file = fix_top_level(file) add_to_dist('bootstrap-combobox') add_to_dist('bootstrap-select') # add_to_dist('bootstrap-switch') add_to_dist('bootstrap-touchspin', 'dist/jquery.bootstrap-touchspin') add_to_dist('bootstrap-datepicker', 'bootstrap-datepicker3') add_to_dist('c3') end name_out = "#{File.basename(name, ".less")}.scss" name_out = "_#{name_out}" path = File.join(save_to, name_out) save_file(path, file) log_processed(File.basename(path)) end"#{save_to}/_patternfly.scss", File.expand_path("#{save_to}/../_patternfly.scss")) end # Load external components from def add_to_dist(gemname, file=nil) file = "app/assets/stylesheets/#{gemname}/#{file.nil? ? gemname : file}.scss" in_file = File.join(Gem::Specification.find_by_name("rails-assets-#{gemname}").gem_dir, file) puts in_file out_file = File.join(@save_to[:scss], "_ext-#{gemname}.scss") FileUtils.cp(in_file, out_file) log_processed("Moving #{in_file} to #{out_file}") end def convert_less(less, *transforms) load_shared less = convert_to_scss(less, *transforms) less = yield(less) if block_given? less end DEFAULT_TRANSFORMS = [ :replace_vars, :replace_file_imports, :replace_mixin_definitions, {:replace_mixins => ["mixins"]}, :replace_spin, # :replace_fadein, :replace_image_urls, :replace_escaping, :convert_less_ampersand, :deinterpolate_vararg_mixins, :replace_calculation_semantics, ] def convert_to_scss(file, *transforms) # TODO The logging noop is to avoid a warning about an unused variable. # We actually are using mixins but we are reading it with an eval. # Possibly worth checking the arity of the method represented by xform # and send in variable in a defined order based on it? But that limits # us to a parameter order that every xform must follow. # Something like # params = [file, mixins] # arity = self.method(xform).arity # send(xform, *params[0..arity]) mixins = @shared_mixins + read_mixins(file) silence_log do log_status(mixins) end transforms.each do |xform| args = ["file"] if xform.is_a?(Hash) args.concat(xform.values.first) xform = xform.keys.first end! { |a| "#{eval a}" } file = send(xform, *args) end file end def fix_top_level(file) file = replace_all(file, %r{@import\s+"variables";}, "") file = replace_all(file, /@import "([^\.]{2})/, '@import "patternfly/\1') file = replace_all(file, %r{../components/font-awesome/less/font-awesome}, "font-awesome") file = replace_all(file, %r{../components/bootstrap-select/less/bootstrap-select}, "patternfly/ext-bootstrap-select") file = replace_all(file, %r{../components/bootstrap-touchspin/dist/jquery.bootstrap-touchspin.css}, "patternfly/ext-bootstrap-touchspin") file = replace_all(file, %r{../components/bootstrap-switch/src/less/bootstrap3/bootstrap-switch}, "patternfly/ext-bootstrap-switch") file = replace_all(file, %r{@import\s+"../components/bootstrap/less/bootstrap";}, fetch_bootstrap_sass) file = replace_all(file, %r{../components/bootstrap-combobox/less/combobox}, "patternfly/ext-bootstrap-combobox") file = replace_all(file, %r{../components/bootstrap-datepicker/less/datepicker3}, "patternfly/ext-bootstrap-datepicker") file = replace_all(file, %r{../components/c3/c3.css}, "patternfly/ext-c3") # Remove undesired lines from the merged top level file file = replace_all(file, "@import \"../components/bootstrap/less/variables\";\n", "") file = replace_all(file, "// Bootstrap variables and mixins\n@import \"../components/bootstrap/less/mixins\";\n", "") file = replace_all(file, "// Font Awesome variables\n@import \"../components/font-awesome/less/variables\";\n", "") # Remove duplicate lines file = file.split("\n").uniq.join("\n").concat("\n") # Variables need to be declared before they are used. variables = <<-VAR.gsub(/^\s*/, '') @import "patternfly/variables"; @import "bootstrap/variables"; VAR variables + file end def fetch_bootstrap_sass bootstrap_sass =, 'assets', 'stylesheets', '_bootstrap.scss')) bootstrap_sass = replace_all( bootstrap_sass, %r{@import\s+"bootstrap/variables";}, "" ) mixin_location = end_of(bootstrap_sass, %r{@import\s+"bootstrap/mixins";}).first bootstrap_sass = bootstrap_sass[0..mixin_location] + "@import \"patternfly/mixin_overrides\";\n" + bootstrap_sass[mixin_location..-1] bootstrap_sass end def end_of(s, regex) # Returns an array with the end position of each match s.enum_for(:scan, regex).map { Regexp.last_match.end(0) } end # Override def replace_file_imports(less, target_path='') less.gsub!( %r([@\$]import\s+(?:\(\w+\)\s+)?["|']([\w\-\./]+).less["|'];), %Q(@import "#{target_path}\\1";) ) less.gsub!( %r([@\$]import\s+(?:\(\w+\)\s+)?["|']([\w\-\./]+).(css)["|'];), %Q(@import "#{target_path}\\1.\\2";) ) less end # Override - bootstrap-sass doesn't handle cases where interpolation occurs outside # double quotes and removes the curly braces too early in the replace process. def replace_escaping(less) # Get rid of ~"" escape less = less.gsub(/~"([^"]+)"/, '#{\1}') # interpolate variable in string, e.g. url("$file-1x") => url("#{$file-1x}") less.gsub!(/\$\{([\w\-]+)\}/, '#{$\1}') # less.gsub!(/(?:"|')([^"'\n]*)(\$\{[\w\-]+\})([^"'\n]*)(?:"|')/, '"\1#{\2}\3"') # Get rid of @{} escape less.gsub!(/\$\{([^}]+)\}/, '$\1') # Get rid of e(%("")) escape less.gsub(/(\W)e\(%\("?([^"]*)"?\)\)/, '\1\2') end def cache_tests FileUtils.mkdir_p(@test_dir) test_files = get_paths_by_directory('tests') dist_files = get_paths_by_directory('dist/css') test_contents = read_files(test_files) dist_contents = fixup_path(read_files(dist_files)) test_contents.merge(dist_contents).each do |file, content| # We go through all this rigmarole so we can save the tests and their # directory structure in a root of our choosing. top = "" # Get the top level directory do |v| top = v end # Get the filename below the top directory save_path = # Create the correct destination save_path = File.join(@test_dir, save_path) unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(save_path)) end save_file(save_path, content) end end def fixup_path(hash) Hash[ { |k, v| ["dist/#{k}", v] }] end # Override # bootstrap-sass uses this method to read in all Bootstrap's less source files # We're going to repurpose it. def bootstrap_less_files patternfly_less_files end def patternfly_less_files get_paths_by_type('less', /\.less$/) end def load_shared mixin_hash = {} [BOOTSTRAP_LESS_ROOT, PATTERNFLY_LESS_ROOT].each do |root| mixin_hash[root] = read_files( get_paths_by_type(root, /mixins(\/)|(\.less)/)).values.join("\n") end @shared_mixins ||= begin read_mixins(mixin_hash.values.join("\n"), :nested => NESTED_MIXINS) end end def store_version path = 'lib/patternfly-sass/version.rb' content =\s*=\s*['"][\w]+['"]/, "PATTERNFLY_SHA = '#@branch_sha'"), 'w') { |f| f.write(content) } end protected # Override def get_trees(*args) root = get_tree(@branch_sha)['sha'] @tree_paths = {} args.each do |dir| path_components = dir.split('/') dir_sha = path_components.inject(root) do |tree_sha, component| tree_sha = get_tree_sha(component, get_tree(tree_sha)) end hash_list = [] descend_tree(get_tree(dir_sha), dir, hash_list) dir_hash = hash_list.inject({}) do |memo, hash| memo.merge(hash) end @tree_paths.merge!(dir_hash) end @trees ||= @tree_paths.values end def descend_tree(tree, path, list) list << {path => tree} tree['tree'].map do |f| if f['type'] == 'tree' descend_tree(get_tree(f['sha']), File.join(path, f['path']), list) end end end # Override def get_paths_by_type(base_dir, regex) paths = get_paths_by_directory(base_dir) # See and matches = do |h, key| h[key] = end paths.each do |dir, files| files.each do |f| matches[dir] << f if File.join(dir, f) =~ regex end end matches end def get_paths_by_directory(dir) tree = @tree_paths[dir] if tree.nil? log_status("#{dir} not found in Git tree.") return [] end files = {} files[dir] = [] tree['tree'].map do |f| case f['type'] when 'blob' files[dir] << f['path'] when 'tree' loc = File.join(dir, f['path']) files.merge!(get_paths_by_directory(loc)) end end files end def get_tree(sha) get_json("{sha}") end def get_tree_sha(dir, tree=get_trees) tree['tree'].find { |t| t['path'] == dir }['sha'] end # Override def read_files(files) contents = {} files.each do |dir, file| dir_contents = super(dir, file) full_path_contents = Hash[ do |k, v| [File.join(dir, k), v] end ] contents.merge!(full_path_contents) end contents end # Override def get_branch_sha @branch_sha ||= begin cmd = "git ls-remote #{Shellwords.escape ""} #@branch" log cmd result = %x[#{cmd}] raise 'Could not get branch sha!' unless $?.success? && !result.empty? result.split(/\s+/).first end end end end