begin require 'nokogiri' rescue LoadError => e :rexml end require 'rdf/ntriples' require 'rdf/xsd' module RDF::RDFa ## # An RDFa parser in Ruby # # This class supports [Nokogiri][] for HTML # processing, and will automatically select the most performant # implementation (Nokogiri or LibXML) that is available. If need be, you # can explicitly override the used implementation by passing in a # `:library` option to `` or ``. # # [Nokogiri]: # # Based on processing rules described here: # @see RDFa 1.0 # @see # @see # @see # # @author [Gregg Kellogg]( class Reader < RDF::Reader format Format include Expansion XHTML = "" # Content model for @about and @resource. In RDFa 1.0, this was URIorSafeCURIE SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI = { :"rdfa1.0" => [:safe_curie, :uri, :bnode], :"rdfa1.1" => [:safe_curie, :curie, :uri, :bnode], } # Content model for @datatype. In RDFa 1.0, this was CURIE # Also plural TERMorCURIEorAbsIRIs, content model for @rel, @rev, @property and @typeof TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI = { :"rdfa1.0" => [:term, :curie], :"rdfa1.1" => [:term, :curie, :absuri], } # This expression matches an NCName as defined in # [XML-NAMES]( # # @see NC_REGEXP = %{^ ( [a-zA-Z_] | \\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4} ) ( [0-9a-zA-Z_\.-/] | \\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) )* $}, Regexp::EXTENDED) # This expression matches an term as defined in # [RDFA-CORE]( # # For the avoidance of doubt, this definition means a 'term' # in RDFa is an XML NCName that also permits slash as a non-leading character. # @see TERM_REGEXP = %{^ (?!\\\\u0301) # ́ is a non-spacing acute accent. # It is legal within an XML Name, but not as the first character. ( [a-zA-Z_] | \\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4} ) ( [-0-9a-zA-Z_\.\/] | \\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4}) )* $}, Regexp::EXTENDED) # Host language # @!attribute [r] host_language # @return [:xml, :xhtml1, :xhtml5, :html4, :html5, :svg] attr_reader :host_language # Version # @!attribute [r] version # @return [:"rdfa1.0", :"rdfa1.1"] attr_reader :version # Repository used for collecting triples. # @!attribute [r] repository # @return [RDF::Repository] attr_reader :repository # Returns the XML implementation module for this reader instance. # # @!attribute [rw] implementation # @return [Module] attr_reader :implementation ## # Warnings found during processing # @return [Array<String>] attr_reader :warnings ## # Accumulated errors found during processing # @return [Array<String>] attr_reader :errors # The Recursive Baggage # @private class EvaluationContext # :nodoc: ## # The base. # # This will usually be the URL of the document being processed, # but it could be some other URL, set by some other mechanism, # such as the (X)HTML base element. The important thing is that it establishes # a URL against which relative paths can be resolved. # # @!attribute [rw] base # @return [RDF::URI] attr_accessor :base ## # The parent subject. # # The initial value will be the same as the initial value of base, # but it will usually change during the course of processing. # # @!attribute [rw] parent_subject # @return [RDF::URI] attr_accessor :parent_subject ## # The parent object. # # In some situations the object of a statement becomes the subject of any nested statements, # and this property is used to convey this value. # Note that this value may be a bnode, since in some situations a number of nested statements # are grouped together on one bnode. # This means that the bnode must be set in the containing statement and passed down, # and this property is used to convey this value. # # @!attribute [rw] parent_object # @return [RDF::URI] attr_accessor :parent_object ## # A list of current, in-scope URI mappings. # # @!attribute [rw] uri_mappings # @return [Hash{Symbol => String}] attr_accessor :uri_mappings ## # A list of current, in-scope Namespaces. This is the subset of uri_mappings # which are defined using xmlns. # # @!attribute [rw] namespaces # @return [Hash{String => Namespace}] attr_accessor :namespaces ## # A list of incomplete triples. # # A triple can be incomplete when no object resource # is provided alongside a predicate that requires a resource (i.e., @rel or @rev). # The triples can be completed when a resource becomes available, # which will be when the next subject is specified (part of the process called chaining). # # @!attribute [rw] incomplete_triples # @return [Array<Array<RDF::URI, RDF::Resource>>] attr_accessor :incomplete_triples ## # The language. Note that there is no default language. # # @!attribute [rw] language # @return [Symbol] attr_accessor :language ## # The term mappings, a list of terms and their associated URIs. # # This specification does not define an initial list. # Host Languages may define an initial list. # If a Host Language provides an initial list, it should do so via an RDFa Context document. # # @!attribute [rw] term_mappings # @return [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}] attr_accessor :term_mappings ## # The default vocabulary # # A value to use as the prefix URI when a term is used. # This specification does not define an initial setting for the default vocabulary. # Host Languages may define an initial setting. # # @!attribute [rw] default_vocabulary # @return [RDF::URI] attr_accessor :default_vocabulary ## # lists # # A hash associating lists with properties. # @!attribute [rw] list_mapping # @return [Hash{RDF:URI: Array<RDF::Resource>}] attr_accessor :list_mapping # @param [RDF::URI] base # @param [Hash] host_defaults # @option host_defaults [Hash{String => RDF::URI}] :term_mappings Hash of NCName => URI # @option host_defaults [Hash{String => RDF::URI}] :vocabulary Hash of prefix => URI def initialize(base, host_defaults) # Initialize the evaluation context, [5.1] @base = base @parent_subject = @base @parent_object = nil @namespaces = {} @incomplete_triples = [] @language = nil @uri_mappings = host_defaults.fetch(:uri_mappings, {}) @term_mappings = host_defaults.fetch(:term_mappings, {}) @default_vocabulary = host_defaults.fetch(:vocabulary, nil) end # Copy this Evaluation Context # # @param [EvaluationContext] from def initialize_copy(from) # clone the evaluation context correctly @uri_mappings = from.uri_mappings.clone @incomplete_triples = from.incomplete_triples.clone @namespaces = from.namespaces.clone @list_mapping = from.list_mapping # Don't clone end def inspect v = ['base', 'parent_subject', 'parent_object', 'language', 'default_vocabulary'].map do |a| "#{a}=#{o = self.send(a); o.respond_to?(:to_ntriples) ? o.to_ntriples : o.inspect}" end v << "uri_mappings[#{uri_mappings.keys.length}]" v << "incomplete_triples[#{incomplete_triples.length}]" v << "term_mappings[#{term_mappings.keys.length}]" v << "lists[#{list_mapping.keys.length}]" if list_mapping v.join(", ") end end ## # Initializes the RDFa reader instance. # # @param [IO, File, String] input # the input stream to read # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options (see `RDF::Reader#initialize`) # @option options [Symbol] :library # One of :nokogiri or :rexml. If nil/unspecified uses :nokogiri if available, :rexml otherwise. # @option options [Boolean] :vocab_expansion (false) # whether to perform OWL2 expansion on the resulting graph # @option options [Boolean] :reference_folding (true) # whether to perform RDFa property copying on the resulting graph # @option options [:xml, :xhtml1, :xhtml5, :html4, :html5, :svg] :host_language (:html5) # Host Language # @option options [:"rdfa1.0", :"rdfa1.1"] :version (:"rdfa1.1") # Parser version information # @option options [Proc] :processor_callback (nil) # Callback used to provide processor graph triples. # @option options [Array<Symbol>] :rdfagraph ([:output]) # Used to indicate if either or both of the :output or :processor graphs are output. # Value is an array containing on or both of :output or :processor. # @option options [Repository] :vocab_repository (nil) # Repository to save loaded vocabularies. # @option options [Array] :errors # array for placing errors found when parsing # @option options [Array] :warnings # array for placing warnings found when parsing # @option options [Array] :debug # Array to place debug messages # @return [reader] # @yield [reader] `self` # @yieldparam [RDF::Reader] reader # @yieldreturn [void] ignored # @raise [RDF::ReaderError] if _validate_ def initialize(input = $stdin, options = {}, &block) super do @errors = @options[:errors] @warnings = @options[:warnings] @debug = @options[:debug] @options = {reference_folding: true}.merge(@options) @repository = @options[:rdfagraph] = case @options[:rdfagraph] when String, Symbol then @options[:rdfagraph].to_s.split(',').map(&:strip).map(&:to_sym) when Array then @options[:rdfagraph].map {|o| o.to_s.to_sym} else [] {|o| [:output, :processor].include?(o)} @options[:rdfagraph] << :output if @options[:rdfagraph].empty? @library = case options[:library] when nil # Use Nokogiri when available, and REXML otherwise: defined?(::Nokogiri) ? :nokogiri : :rexml when :nokogiri, :rexml options[:library] else raise"expected :rexml or :nokogiri, but got #{options[:library].inspect}") end require "rdf/rdfa/reader/#{@library}" @implementation = case @library when :nokogiri then Nokogiri when :rexml then REXML end self.extend(@implementation) detect_host_language_version(input, options) add_info(@doc, "version = #{@version}, host_language = #{@host_language}, library = #{@library}, rdfagraph = #{@options[:rdfagraph].inspect}, expand = #{@options[:vocab_expansion]}") begin initialize_xml(input, options) rescue add_error(nil, "Malformed document: #{$!.message}") end add_error(nil, "Empty document") if root.nil? add_error(nil,"\n")) if !doc_errors.empty? # Section 4.2 RDFa Host Language Conformance # # The Host Language may require the automatic inclusion of one or more Initial Contexts @host_defaults = { vocabulary: nil, uri_mappings: {}, initial_contexts: [], } if @version == :"rdfa1.0" # Add default term mappings @host_defaults[:term_mappings] = %w( alternate appendix bookmark cite chapter contents copyright first glossary help icon index last license meta next p3pv1 prev role section stylesheet subsection start top up ).inject({}) { |hash, term| hash[term] = RDF::URI("") + term; hash } end case @host_language when :xml, :svg @host_defaults[:initial_contexts] = [XML_RDFA_CONTEXT] when :xhtml1 @host_defaults[:initial_contexts] = [XML_RDFA_CONTEXT, XHTML_RDFA_CONTEXT] when :xhtml5, :html4, :html5 @host_defaults[:initial_contexts] = [XML_RDFA_CONTEXT, HTML_RDFA_CONTEXT] end if block_given? end end ## # Iterates the given block for each RDF statement in the input. # # Reads to graph and performs expansion if required. # # @yield [statement] # @yieldparam [RDF::Statement] statement # @return [void] def each_statement(&block) if block_given? unless @processed || @root.nil? # Add prefix definitions from host defaults @host_defaults[:uri_mappings].each_pair do |prefix, value| prefix(prefix, value) end # parse parse_whole_document(@doc, RDF::URI(base_uri)) def extract_script(el, input, type, options, &block) add_debug(el, "script element of type #{type}") begin # Formats don't exist unless they've been required case type.to_s when 'application/csvm+json' then require 'rdf/tabular' when 'application/ld+json' then require 'json/ld' when 'application/rdf+xml' then require 'rdf/rdfxml' when 'text/ntriples' then require 'rdf/ntriples' when 'text/turtle' then require 'rdf/turtle' end rescue LoadError end if reader = RDF::Reader.for(content_type: type.to_s) add_debug(el, "=> reader #{reader.to_sym}") # Wrap input in a RemoteDocument with appropriate content-type doc = if input.is_a?(String), options.merge(content_type: type.to_s)) else input end, options).each(&block) else add_debug(el, "=> no reader found") end end # Look for Embedded RDF/XML unless @root.xpath("//rdf:RDF", "rdf" => "").empty? extract_script(@root, @doc, "application/rdf+xml", @options) do |statement| @repository << statement end end # Look for Embedded scripts @root.css("script[type]").each do |el| type = el.attribute("type") text = el.inner_html.sub(%r(\A\s*\<!\[CDATA\[)m, '').sub(%r(\]\]>\s*\Z)m, '') extract_script(el, text, type, @options) do |statement| @repository << statement end end # Look for Embedded microdata unless @root.xpath("//@itemscope").empty? begin require 'rdf/microdata' add_debug(@doc, "process microdata") @repository <<, options) rescue LoadError add_debug(@doc, "microdata detected, not processed") end end # Perform property copying copy_properties(@repository) if @options[:reference_folding] # Perform vocabulary expansion expand(@repository) if @options[:vocab_expansion] @processed = true end # Return statements in the default graph for # statements in the associated named or default graph from the # processed repository @repository.each do |statement| case statement.graph_name when nil yield statement if @options[:rdfagraph].include?(:output) when RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph yield*statement.to_triple) if @options[:rdfagraph].include?(:processor) end end end enum_for(:each_statement) end ## # Iterates the given block for each RDF triple in the input. # # @yield [subject, predicate, object] # @yieldparam [RDF::Resource] subject # @yieldparam [RDF::URI] predicate # @yieldparam [RDF::Value] object # @return [void] def each_triple(&block) if block_given? each_statement do |statement|*statement.to_triple) end end enum_for(:each_triple) end private # Keep track of allocated BNodes def bnode(value = nil) @bnode_cache ||= {} @bnode_cache[value.to_s] ||= end # Figure out the document path, if it is an Element or Attribute def node_path(node) "<#{base_uri}>#{node.respond_to?(:display_path) ? node.display_path : node}" end # Add debug event to debug array, if specified # # @param [#display_path, #to_s] node XML Node or string for showing context # @param [String] message # @yieldreturn [String] appended to message, to allow for lazy-evaulation of message def add_debug(node, message = "") return unless ::RDF::RDFa.debug? || @debug message = message + yield if block_given? add_processor_message(node, message, RDF::RDFA.Info) end def add_info(node, message, process_class = RDF::RDFA.Info) add_processor_message(node, message, process_class) end def add_warning(node, message, process_class = RDF::RDFA.Warning) @warnings << "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if @warnings add_processor_message(node, message, process_class) end def add_error(node, message, process_class = RDF::RDFA.Error) @errors << "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if @errors add_processor_message(node, message, process_class) raise RDF::ReaderError, message if validate? end def add_processor_message(node, message, process_class) puts "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if ::RDF::RDFa.debug? @debug << "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if @debug.is_a?(Array) if @options[:processor_callback] || @options[:rdfagraph].include?(:processor) n = processor_statements = [, RDF["type"], process_class, graph_name: RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph),, RDF::URI(""), message, graph_name: RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph),, RDF::URI(""),, graph_name: RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph) ] processor_statements <<, RDF::RDFA.context, base_uri, graph_name: RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph) if base_uri if node.respond_to?(:path) nc = processor_statements += [, RDF::RDFA.context, nc, graph_name: RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph),, RDF["type"], RDF::PTR.XPathPointer, graph_name: RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph),, RDF::PTR.expression, node.path, graph_name: RDF::RDFA.ProcessorGraph) ] end @repository.insert(*processor_statements) if cb = @options[:processor_callback] processor_statements.each {|s|} end end end ## # add a statement, object can be literal or URI or bnode # Yields {RDF::Statement} to the saved callback # # @param [#display_path, #to_s] node XML Node or string for showing context # @param [RDF::Resource] subject the subject of the statement # @param [RDF::URI] predicate the predicate of the statement # @param [RDF::Value] object the object of the statement # @param [RDF::Value] graph_name the graph name of the statement # @raise [RDF::ReaderError] Checks parameter types and raises if they are incorrect if parsing mode is _validate_. def add_triple(node, subject, predicate, object, graph_name = nil) statement =, predicate, object) add_error(node, "statement #{RDF::NTriples.serialize(statement)} is invalid") unless statement.valid? if subject && predicate && object # Basic sanity checking add_info(node, "statement: #{RDF::NTriples.serialize(statement)}") repository << statement end end # Parsing an RDFa document (this is *not* the recursive method) def parse_whole_document(doc, base) base = doc_base(base) if (base) # Strip any fragment from base base = base.to_s.split("#").first base = uri(base) add_debug("") {"parse_whole_doc: base='#{base}'"} end # initialize the evaluation context with the appropriate base evaluation_context =, @host_defaults) if @version != :"rdfa1.0" # Process default vocabularies load_initial_contexts(@host_defaults[:initial_contexts]) do |which, value| add_debug(root) { "parse_whole_document, #{which}: #{value.inspect}"} case which when :uri_mappings then evaluation_context.uri_mappings.merge!(value) when :term_mappings then evaluation_context.term_mappings.merge!(value) when :default_vocabulary then evaluation_context.default_vocabulary = value end end end traverse(root, evaluation_context) add_debug("", "parse_whole_doc: traversal complete'") end # Parse and process URI mappings, Term mappings and a default vocabulary from @context # # Yields each mapping def load_initial_contexts(initial_contexts) initial_contexts. map {|uri| uri(uri).normalize}. each do |uri| # Don't try to open ourselves! if base_uri == uri add_debug(root) {"load_initial_contexts: skip recursive context #{uri.to_base}"} next end old_debug = RDF::RDFa.debug? begin add_info(root, "load_initial_contexts: load #{uri.to_base}") RDF::RDFa.debug = false context = Context.find(uri) # Add URI Mappings to prefixes context.prefixes.each_pair do |prefix, value| prefix(prefix, value) end yield :uri_mappings, context.prefixes unless context.prefixes.empty? yield :term_mappings, context.terms unless context.terms.empty? yield :default_vocabulary, context.vocabulary if context.vocabulary rescue Exception => e RDF::RDFa.debug = old_debug add_error(root, e.message) raise # In case we're not in strict mode, we need to be sure processing stops ensure RDF::RDFa.debug = old_debug end end end # Extract the prefix mappings from an element def extract_mappings(element, uri_mappings, namespaces) # look for xmlns # (note, this may be dependent on @host_language) # Regardless of how the mapping is declared, the value to be mapped must be converted to lower case, # and the URI is not processed in any way; in particular if it is a relative path it is # not resolved against the current base. ns_defs = {} element.namespaces.each do |prefix, href| prefix = nil if prefix == "xmlns" add_debug("extract_mappings") { "ns: #{prefix}: #{href}"} ns_defs[prefix] = href end # HTML parsing doesn't create namespace_definitions if ns_defs.empty? ns_defs = {} element.attributes.each do |attr, href| next unless attr =~ /^xmlns(?:\:(.+))?/ prefix = $1 add_debug("extract_mappings") { "ns(attr): #{prefix}: #{href}"} ns_defs[prefix] = href end end ns_defs.each do |prefix, href| # A Conforming RDFa Processor must ignore any definition of a mapping for the '_' prefix. next if prefix == "_" href = uri(base_uri, href).to_s # Downcase prefix for RDFa 1.1 pfx_lc = (@version == :"rdfa1.0" || prefix.nil?) ? prefix : prefix.downcase if prefix if uri_mappings.fetch(pfx_lc.to_sym, href) != href add_warning(element, "Redefining prefix #{pfx_lc}: from <#{uri_mappings[pfx_lc]}> to <#{href}>", RDF::RDFA.PrefixRedefinition) end uri_mappings[pfx_lc.to_sym] = href namespaces[pfx_lc] ||= href prefix(pfx_lc, href) add_info(element, "extract_mappings: #{prefix} => <#{href}>") else add_info(element, "extract_mappings: nil => <#{href}>") namespaces[""] ||= href end end # Set mappings from @prefix # prefix is a whitespace separated list of prefix-name URI pairs of the form # NCName ':' ' '+ xs:anyURI mappings = element.attribute("prefix").to_s.strip.split(/\s+/) while mappings.length > 0 do prefix, uri = mappings.shift.downcase, mappings.shift #puts "uri_mappings prefix #{prefix} #{uri.to_base}" next unless prefix.match(/:$/) prefix.chop! unless prefix.empty? || prefix.match(NC_REGEXP) add_error(element, "extract_mappings: Prefix #{prefix.inspect} does not match NCName production") next end # A Conforming RDFa Processor must ignore any definition of a mapping for the '_' prefix. next if prefix == "_" uri = uri(base_uri, uri).to_s pfx_index = prefix.to_s.empty? ? nil : prefix.to_s.to_sym if uri_mappings.fetch(pfx_index, uri) != uri add_warning(element, "Redefining prefix #{prefix}: from <#{uri_mappings[pfx_index]}> to <#{uri}>", RDF::RDFA.PrefixRedefinition) end uri_mappings[pfx_index] = uri prefix(prefix, uri) add_info(element, "extract_mappings: prefix #{prefix} => <#{uri}>") end unless @version == :"rdfa1.0" end # The recursive helper function def traverse(element, evaluation_context) if element.nil? add_error(element, "Can't parse nil element") return nil end add_debug(element) { "ec: #{evaluation_context.inspect}" } # local variables [7.5 Step 1] recurse = true skip = false new_subject = nil typed_resource = nil current_object_resource = nil uri_mappings = evaluation_context.uri_mappings.clone namespaces = evaluation_context.namespaces.clone incomplete_triples = [] language = evaluation_context.language term_mappings = evaluation_context.term_mappings.clone default_vocabulary = evaluation_context.default_vocabulary list_mapping = evaluation_context.list_mapping xml_base = element.base base = xml_base.to_s if xml_base && ![:xhtml1, :html4, :html5].include?(@host_language) add_debug(element) {"base: #{base.inspect}"} if base base ||= evaluation_context.base # Pull out the attributes needed for the skip test. attrs = {} %w( about content datatype datetime href id inlist property rel resource rev role src typeof value vocab ).each do |a| attrs[a.to_sym] = element.attributes[a].to_s.strip if element.attributes[a] end add_debug(element) {"attrs " + attrs.inspect} unless attrs.empty? # If @property and @rel/@rev are on the same elements, the non-CURIE and non-URI @rel/@rev values are ignored. If, after this, the value of @rel/@rev becomes empty, then the then the processor must act as if the attribute is not present. if attrs.has_key?(:property) && @version == :"rdfa1.1" && (@host_language == :html5 || @host_language == :xhtml5 || @host_language == :html4) [:rel, :rev].each do |attr| next unless attrs.has_key?(attr) add_debug(element) {"Remove non-CURIE/non-IRI @#{attr} values from #{attrs[attr].inspect}"} attrs[attr] = attrs[attr]. split(/\s+/). select {|a| a.index(':')}. join(" ") add_debug(element) {" => #{attrs[attr].inspect}"} attrs.delete(attr) if attrs[attr].empty? end end # Default vocabulary [7.5 Step 2] # Next the current element is examined for any change to the default vocabulary via @vocab. # If @vocab is present and contains a value, its value updates the local default vocabulary. # If the value is empty, then the local default vocabulary must be reset to the Host Language defined default. if attrs[:vocab] default_vocabulary = if attrs[:vocab].empty? # Set default_vocabulary to host language default add_debug(element) { "[Step 3] reset default_vocaulary to #{@host_defaults.fetch(:vocabulary, nil).inspect}" } @host_defaults.fetch(:vocabulary, nil) else # Generate a triple indicating that the vocabulary is used add_triple(element, base, RDF::RDFA.usesVocabulary, uri(attrs[:vocab])) uri(attrs[:vocab]) end add_debug(element) { "[Step 2] default_vocaulary: #{default_vocabulary.inspect}" } end # Local term mappings [7.5 Step 3] # Next, the current element is then examined for URI mapping s and these are added to the local list of URI mappings. # Note that a URI mapping will simply overwrite any current mapping in the list that has the same name extract_mappings(element, uri_mappings, namespaces) # Language information [7.5 Step 4] language = element.language || language language = nil if language.to_s.empty? add_debug(element) {"HTML5 [] lang: #{language.inspect}"} if language # From HTML5, if the property attribute and the rel and/or rev attribute exists on the same element, the non-CURIE and non-URI rel and rev values are ignored. If, after this, the value of rel and/or rev becomes empty, then the processor must act as if the respective attribute is not present. if [:html5, :xhtml5].include?(@host_language) && attrs[:property] && (attrs[:rel] || attrs[:rev]) old_rel, old_rev = attrs[:rel], attrs[:rev] if old_rel attrs[:rel] = (attrs[:rel]).split(/\s+/m).select {|r| !r.index(':').nil?}.join(" ") attrs.delete(:rel) if attrs[:rel].empty? add_debug(element) {"HTML5: @rel was #{old_rel}, now #{attrs[:rel]}"} end if old_rev attrs[:rev] = (attrs[:rev]).split(/\s+/m).select {|r| !r.index(':').nil?}.join(" ") attrs.delete(:rev) if attrs[:rev].empty? add_debug(element) {"HTML5: @rev was #{old_rev}, now #{attrs[:rev]}"} end end # rels and revs rels = process_uris(element, attrs[:rel], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, term_mappings: term_mappings, vocab: default_vocabulary, restrictions: TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI.fetch(@version, [])) revs = process_uris(element, attrs[:rev], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, term_mappings: term_mappings, vocab: default_vocabulary, restrictions: TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI.fetch(@version, [])) add_debug(element) do "rels: #{rels.join(" ")}, revs: #{revs.join(" ")}" end unless (rels + revs).empty? if !(attrs[:rel] || attrs[:rev]) # Establishing a new subject if no rel/rev [7.5 Step 5] if @version == :"rdfa1.0" new_subject = if attrs[:about] process_uri(element, attrs[:about], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) elsif attrs[:resource] process_uri(element, attrs[:resource], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) elsif attrs[:href] || attrs[:src] process_uri(element, (attrs[:href] || attrs[:src]), evaluation_context, base, restrictions: [:uri]) end # If no URI is provided by a resource attribute, then the first match from the following rules # will apply: new_subject ||= if [:xhtml1, :xhtml5, :html4, :html5].include?(@host_language) && =~ /^(head|body)$/ # From XHTML+RDFa 1.1: # if no URI is provided, then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. # If it is, then act as if the new subject is set to the parent object. uri(base) elsif element == root && base # if the element is the root element of the document, then act as if there is an empty @about present, # and process it according to the rule for @about, above; uri(base) elsif attrs[:typeof] else # otherwise, if parent object is present, new subject is set to the value of parent object. skip = true unless attrs[:property] evaluation_context.parent_object end # if the @typeof attribute is present, set typed resource to new subject typed_resource = new_subject if attrs[:typeof] else # rdfa1.1 # If the current element contains no @rel or @rev attribute, then the next step is to establish a value for new subject. # This step has two possible alternatives. # 1. If the current element contains the @property attribute, but does not contain the @content or the @datatype attributes, then if attrs[:property] && !(attrs[:content] || attrs[:datatype]) # new subject is set to the resource obtained from the first match from the following rule: new_subject ||= if attrs[:about] # by using the resource from @about, if present, obtained according to the section on CURIE and IRI Processing; process_uri(element, attrs[:about], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) elsif [:xhtml1, :xhtml5, :html4, :html5].include?(@host_language) && =~ /^(head|body)$/ # From XHTML+RDFa 1.1: # if no URI is provided, then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. If it is, then act as if the new subject is set to the parent object. evaluation_context.parent_object elsif element == root && base # otherwise, if the element is the root element of the document, then act as if there is an empty @about present, and process it according to the rule for @about, above; uri(base) end # if the @typeof attribute is present, set typed resource to new subject typed_resource = new_subject if attrs[:typeof] # otherwise, if parent object is present, new subject is set to the value of parent object. new_subject ||= evaluation_context.parent_object # If @typeof is present then typed resource is set to the resource obtained from the first match from the following rules: # by using the resource from @about, if present, obtained according to the section on CURIE and IRI Processing; (done above) # otherwise, if the element is the root element of the document, then act as if there is an empty @about present and process it according to the previous rule; (done above) if attrs[:typeof] && typed_resource.nil? # otherwise, typed_resource ||= if attrs[:resource] # by using the resource from @resource, if present, obtained according to the section on CURIE and IRI Processing; process_uri(element, attrs[:resource], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) elsif attrs[:href] || attrs[:src] # otherwise, by using the IRI from @href, if present, obtained according to the section on CURIE and IRI Processing; # otherwise, by using the IRI from @src, if present, obtained according to the section on CURIE and IRI Processing; process_uri(element, (attrs[:href] || attrs[:src]), evaluation_context, base, restrictions: [:uri]) else # otherwise, the value of typed resource is set to a newly created bnode. end # The value of the current object resource is set to the value of typed resource. current_object_resource = typed_resource end else # otherwise (ie, the @content or @datatype) new_subject = process_uri(element, (attrs[:about] || attrs[:resource]), evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) if attrs[:about] ||attrs[:resource] new_subject ||= process_uri(element, (attrs[:href] || attrs[:src]), evaluation_context, base, restrictions: [:uri]) if attrs[:href] || attrs[:src] # If no URI is provided by a resource attribute, then the first match from the following rules # will apply: new_subject ||= if [:xhtml1, :xhtml5, :html4, :html5].include?(@host_language) && =~ /^(head|body)$/ # From XHTML+RDFa 1.1: # if no URI is provided, then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. # If it is, then act as if the new subject is set to the parent object. evaluation_context.parent_object elsif element == root # if the element is the root element of the document, then act as if there is an empty @about present, # and process it according to the rule for @about, above; uri(base) elsif attrs[:typeof] else # otherwise, if parent object is present, new subject is set to the value of parent object. # Additionally, if @property is not present then the skip element flag is set to 'true'. skip = true unless attrs[:property] evaluation_context.parent_object end # If @typeof is present then typed resource is set to the resource obtained from the first match from the following rules: typed_resource = new_subject if attrs[:typeof] end end add_debug(element) { "[Step 5] new_subject: #{new_subject.to_ntriples rescue 'nil'}, " + "typed_resource: #{typed_resource.to_ntriples rescue 'nil'}, " + "current_object_resource: #{current_object_resource.to_ntriples rescue 'nil'}, " + "skip = #{skip}" } else # [7.5 Step 6] # If the current element does contain a @rel or @rev attribute, then the next step is to # establish both a value for new subject and a value for current object resource: new_subject = process_uri(element, attrs[:about], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) new_subject ||= process_uri(element, attrs[:src], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: [:uri]) if @version == :"rdfa1.0" # if the @typeof attribute is present, set typed resource to new subject typed_resource = new_subject if attrs[:typeof] # If no URI is provided then the first match from the following rules will apply new_subject ||= if element == root && base uri(base) elsif [:xhtml1, :xhtml5, :html4, :html5].include?(@host_language) && =~ /^(head|body)$/ # From XHTML+RDFa 1.1: # if no URI is provided, then first check to see if the element is the head or body element. # If it is, then act as if the new subject is set to the parent object. evaluation_context.parent_object elsif attrs[:typeof] && @version == :"rdfa1.0" else # if it's null, it's null and nothing changes evaluation_context.parent_object # no skip flag set this time end # Then the current object resource is set to the URI obtained from the first match from the following rules: current_object_resource = process_uri(element, attrs[:resource], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) if attrs[:resource] current_object_resource ||= process_uri(element, attrs[:href], evaluation_context, base, restrictions: [:uri]) if attrs[:href] current_object_resource ||= process_uri(element, attrs[:src], evaluation_context, base, restrictions: [:uri]) if attrs[:src] && @version != :"rdfa1.0" current_object_resource ||= if attrs[:typeof] && !attrs[:about] && @version != :"rdfa1.0" # and also set the value typed resource to this bnode if attrs[:typeof] if @version == :"rdfa1.0" typed_resource = new_subject else typed_resource = current_object_resource if !attrs[:about] end end add_debug(element) { "[Step 6] new_subject: #{new_subject}, " + "current_object_resource = #{current_object_resource.nil? ? 'nil' : current_object_resource} " + "typed_resource: #{typed_resource.to_ntriples rescue 'nil'}, " } end # [Step 7] If in any of the previous steps a typed resource was set to a non-null value, it is now used to provide a subject for type values; if typed_resource # Typeof is TERMorCURIEorAbsIRIs types = process_uris(element, attrs[:typeof], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, term_mappings: term_mappings, vocab: default_vocabulary, restrictions: TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI.fetch(@version, [])) add_debug(element, "[Step 7] typeof: #{attrs[:typeof]}") types.each do |one_type| add_triple(element, typed_resource, RDF["type"], one_type) end end # Create new List mapping [step 8] # # If in any of the previous steps a new subject was set to a non-null value different from the parent object; # The list mapping taken from the evaluation context is set to a new, empty mapping. if (new_subject && (new_subject != evaluation_context.parent_subject || list_mapping.nil?)) list_mapping = {} add_debug(element) do "[Step 8]: create new list mapping(#{list_mapping.object_id}) " + "ns: #{new_subject.to_ntriples}, " + "ps: #{evaluation_context.parent_subject.to_ntriples rescue 'nil'}" end end # Generate triples with given object [Step 9] # # If in any of the previous steps a current object resource was set to a non-null value, it is now used to generate triples and add entries to the local list mapping: if new_subject && current_object_resource && (attrs[:rel] || attrs[:rev]) add_debug(element) {"[Step 9] rels: #{rels.inspect} revs: #{revs.inspect}"} rels.each do |r| if attrs[:inlist] # If the current list mapping does not contain a list associated with this IRI, # instantiate a new list unless list_mapping[r] list_mapping[r] = add_debug(element) {"list(#{r}): create #{list_mapping[r].inspect}"} end add_debug(element) {"[Step 9] add #{current_object_resource.to_ntriples} to #{r} #{list_mapping[r].inspect}"} list_mapping[r] << current_object_resource else # Predicates for the current object resource can be set by using one or both of the @rel and the @rev attributes but, in case of the @rel attribute, only if the @inlist is not present: add_triple(element, new_subject, r, current_object_resource) end end revs.each do |r| add_triple(element, current_object_resource, r, new_subject) end elsif attrs[:rel] || attrs[:rev] # Incomplete triples and bnode creation [Step 10] add_debug(element) {"[Step 10] incompletes: rels: #{rels}, revs: #{revs}"} current_object_resource = # predicate: full IRI # direction: forward/reverse # lists: Save into list, don't generate triple rels.each do |r| if attrs[:inlist] # If the current list mapping does not contain a list associated with this IRI, # instantiate a new list unless list_mapping[r] list_mapping[r] = add_debug(element) {"[Step 10] list(#{r}): create #{list_mapping[r].inspect}"} end incomplete_triples << {list: list_mapping[r], direction: :none} else incomplete_triples << {predicate: r, direction: :forward} end end revs.each do |r| incomplete_triples << {predicate: r, direction: :reverse} end end # Establish current object literal [Step 11] # # If the current element has a @inlist attribute, add the property to the # list associated with that property, creating a new list if necessary. if attrs[:property] properties = process_uris(element, attrs[:property], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, term_mappings: term_mappings, vocab: default_vocabulary, restrictions: TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI.fetch(@version, [])) properties.reject! do |p| if p.is_a?(RDF::URI) false else add_warning(element, "[Step 11] predicate #{p.to_ntriples} must be a URI") true end end datatype = process_uri(element, attrs[:datatype], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, term_mappings: term_mappings, vocab: default_vocabulary, restrictions: TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI.fetch(@version, [])) unless attrs[:datatype].to_s.empty? begin current_property_value = case when datatype && ![RDF.XMLLiteral, RDF.HTML].include?(datatype) # typed literal add_debug(element, "[Step 11] typed literal (#{datatype})")[:content] || attrs[:datetime] || attrs[:value] || element.inner_text.to_s, datatype: datatype, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) when @version == :"rdfa1.1" case when datatype == RDF.XMLLiteral # XML Literal add_debug(element) {"[Step 11] XML Literal: #{element.inner_html}"} # In order to maintain maximum portability of this literal, any children of the current node that are # elements must have the current in scope XML namespace declarations (if any) declared on the # serialized element using their respective attributes. Since the child element node could also # declare new XML namespaces, the RDFa Processor must be careful to merge these together when # generating the serialized element definition. For avoidance of doubt, any re-declarations on the # child node must take precedence over declarations that were active on the current node. begin c14nxl = element.children.c14nxl( library: @library, language: language, namespaces: {nil => XHTML}.merge(namespaces)), library: @library, datatype: RDF.XMLLiteral, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) rescue ArgumentError => e add_error(element, e.message) end when datatype == RDF.HTML # HTML Literal add_debug(element) {"[Step 11] HTML Literal: #{element.inner_html}"} # Just like XMLLiteral, but without the c14nxl begin, library: @library, datatype: RDF.HTML, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) rescue ArgumentError => e add_error(element, e.message) end when attrs[:value] # Lexically scan value and assign appropriate type, otherwise, leave untyped # See add_debug(element, "[Step 11] value literal (#{attrs[:value]})") v = attrs[:value].to_s # Figure it out by parsing dt_lit = %w(Integer Float Double).map {|t| RDF::Literal.const_get(t)}.detect do |dt| v.match(dt::GRAMMAR) end || RDF::Literal when attrs[:datatype] # otherwise, as a plain literal if @datatype is present but has an empty value. # The actual literal is either the value of @content (if present) or a string created by # concatenating the value of all descendant text nodes, of the current element in turn. # typed literal add_debug(element, "[Step 11] datatyped literal (#{datatype})")[:content] || element.inner_text.to_s, language: language, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) when attrs[:content] # plain literal add_debug(element, "[Step 11] plain literal (content)")[:content], language: language, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) when == 'time' # HTML5 support # Lexically scan value and assign appropriate type, otherwise, leave untyped v = (attrs[:content] || attrs[:datetime] || element.inner_text).to_s datatype = %w(Date Time DateTime Year YearMonth Duration).map {|t| RDF::Literal.const_get(t)}.detect do |dt| v.match(dt::GRAMMAR) end || RDF::Literal add_debug(element) {"[Step 11] <time> literal: #{datatype} #{v.inspect}"}, language: language) when (attrs[:resource] || attrs[:href] || attrs[:src]) && !(attrs[:rel] || attrs[:rev]) && @version != :"rdfa1.0" add_debug(element, "[Step 11] resource (resource|href|src)") res = process_uri(element, attrs[:resource], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, restrictions: SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI.fetch(@version, [])) if attrs[:resource] res ||= process_uri(element, (attrs[:href] || attrs[:src]), evaluation_context, base, restrictions: [:uri]) when typed_resource && !attrs[:about] && @version != :"rdfa1.0" add_debug(element, "[Step 11] typed_resource") typed_resource else # plain literal add_debug(element, "[Step 11] plain literal (inner text)"), language: language, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) end else # rdfa1.0 if element.text_content? || (element.children.length == 0) || attrs[:datatype] == "" # plain literal add_debug(element, "[Step 11 (1.0)] plain literal")[:content] || element.inner_text.to_s, language: language, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) elsif !element.text_content? and (datatype == nil or datatype == RDF.XMLLiteral) # XML Literal add_debug(element) {"[Step 11 (1.0)] XML Literal: #{element.inner_html}"} recurse = false c14nxl = element.children.c14nxl( library: @library, language: language, namespaces: {nil => XHTML}.merge(namespaces)), library: @library, datatype: RDF.XMLLiteral, validate: validate?, canonicalize: canonicalize?) end end rescue ArgumentError => e add_error(element, e.message) end # add each property properties.each do |p| # Lists: If element has an @inlist attribute, add the value to a list if attrs[:inlist] # If the current list mapping does not contain a list associated with this IRI, # instantiate a new list unless list_mapping[p] list_mapping[p] = add_debug(element) {"[Step 11] lists(#{p}): create #{list_mapping[p].inspect}"} end add_debug(element) {"[Step 11] add #{current_property_value.to_ntriples} to #{p.to_ntriples} #{list_mapping[p].inspect}"} list_mapping[p] << current_property_value elsif new_subject add_triple(element, new_subject, p, current_property_value) end end end if !skip and new_subject && !evaluation_context.incomplete_triples.empty? # Complete the incomplete triples from the evaluation context [Step 12] add_debug(element) do "[Step 12] complete incomplete triples: " + "new_subject=#{new_subject.to_ntriples}, " + "completes=#{evaluation_context.incomplete_triples.inspect}" end evaluation_context.incomplete_triples.each do |trip| case trip[:direction] when :none add_debug(element) {"[Step 12] add #{new_subject.to_ntriples} to #{trip[:list].inspect}"} trip[:list] << new_subject when :forward add_triple(element, evaluation_context.parent_subject, trip[:predicate], new_subject) when :reverse add_triple(element, new_subject, trip[:predicate], evaluation_context.parent_subject) end end end # Create a new evaluation context and proceed recursively [Step 13] if recurse if skip if language == evaluation_context.language && uri_mappings == evaluation_context.uri_mappings && term_mappings == evaluation_context.term_mappings && default_vocabulary == evaluation_context.default_vocabulary && base == evaluation_context.base && list_mapping == evaluation_context.list_mapping new_ec = evaluation_context add_debug(element, "[Step 13] skip: reused ec") else new_ec = evaluation_context.clone new_ec.base = base new_ec.language = language new_ec.uri_mappings = uri_mappings new_ec.namespaces = namespaces new_ec.term_mappings = term_mappings new_ec.default_vocabulary = default_vocabulary new_ec.list_mapping = list_mapping add_debug(element, "[Step 13] skip: cloned ec") end else # create a new evaluation context new_ec =, @host_defaults) new_ec.parent_subject = new_subject || evaluation_context.parent_subject new_ec.parent_object = current_object_resource || new_subject || evaluation_context.parent_subject new_ec.uri_mappings = uri_mappings new_ec.namespaces = namespaces new_ec.incomplete_triples = incomplete_triples new_ec.language = language new_ec.term_mappings = term_mappings new_ec.default_vocabulary = default_vocabulary new_ec.list_mapping = list_mapping add_debug(element, "[Step 13] new ec") end element.children.each do |child| # recurse only if it's an element traverse(child, new_ec) if child.element? end # Step 14: after traversing through child elements, for each list associated with # a property (list_mapping || {}).each do |p, l| # if that list is different from the evaluation context ec_list = evaluation_context.list_mapping[p] if evaluation_context.list_mapping add_debug(element) {"[Step 14] time to create #{l.inspect}? #{(ec_list != l).inspect}"} if ec_list != l add_debug(element) {"[Step 14] list(#{p}) create #{l.inspect}"} # Generate an rdf:List with the elements of that list. l.each_statement do |st| add_triple(element, st.subject, st.predicate, st.object) unless st.object == RDF.List end # Generate a triple relating new_subject, property and the list BNode, # or rdf:nil if the list is empty. if l.empty? add_triple(element, new_subject, p, RDF.nil) else add_triple(element, new_subject, p, l.subject) end end end # Role processing # @id is used as subject, bnode otherwise. # Predicate is xhv:role # Objects are TERMorCURIEorAbsIRIs. # Act as if the default vocabulary is XHV if attrs[:role] subject = attrs[:id] ? uri(base, "##{attrs[:id]}") : roles = process_uris(element, attrs[:role], evaluation_context, base, uri_mappings: uri_mappings, term_mappings: term_mappings, vocab: "", restrictions: TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI.fetch(@version, [])) add_debug(element) {"role: about: #{subject.to_ntriples}, roles: #{}"} roles.each do |r| add_triple(element, subject, RDF::URI(""), r) end end end end # space-separated TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI or SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI def process_uris(element, value, evaluation_context, base, options) return [] if value.to_s.empty? add_debug(element) {"process_uris: #{value}"} value.to_s.split(/\s+/).map {|v| process_uri(element, v, evaluation_context, base, options)}.compact end def process_uri(element, value, evaluation_context, base, options = {}) return if value.nil? restrictions = options[:restrictions] add_debug(element) {"process_uri: #{value}, restrictions = #{restrictions.inspect}"} options = {uri_mappings: {}}.merge(options) if !options[:term_mappings] && options[:uri_mappings] && restrictions.include?(:safe_curie) && value.to_s.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/) # SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI # When the value is surrounded by square brackets, then the content within the brackets is # evaluated as a CURIE according to the CURIE Syntax definition. If it is not a valid CURIE, the # value must be ignored. uri = curie_to_resource_or_bnode(element, $1, options[:uri_mappings], evaluation_context.parent_subject, restrictions) if uri add_debug(element) {"process_uri: #{value} => safeCURIE => #{uri.to_base}"} else add_warning(element, "#{value} not matched as a safeCURIE", RDF::RDFA.UnresolvedCURIE) end uri elsif options[:term_mappings] && TERM_REGEXP.match(value.to_s) && restrictions.include?(:term) # TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI # If the value is an NCName, then it is evaluated as a term according to General Use of Terms in # Attributes. Note that this step may mean that the value is to be ignored. uri = process_term(element, value.to_s, options) add_debug(element) {"process_uri: #{value} => term => #{uri ? uri.to_base : 'nil'}"} uri else # SafeCURIEorCURIEorIRI or TERMorCURIEorAbsIRI # Otherwise, the value is evaluated as a CURIE. # If it is a valid CURIE, the resulting URI is used; otherwise, the value will be processed as a URI. uri = curie_to_resource_or_bnode(element, value, options[:uri_mappings], evaluation_context.parent_subject, restrictions) if uri add_debug(element) {"process_uri: #{value} => CURIE => #{uri.to_base}"} elsif @version == :"rdfa1.0" && value.to_s.match(/^xml/i) # Special case to not allow anything starting with XML to be treated as a URI elsif restrictions.include?(:absuri) || restrictions.include?(:uri) # AbsURI does not use xml:base if restrictions.include?(:absuri) uri = uri(value) unless uri.absolute? uri = nil add_warning(element, "Malformed IRI #{uri.inspect}") end else uri = uri(base, value) end add_debug(element) {"process_uri: #{value} => URI => #{uri ? uri.to_base : nil}"} end uri end rescue ArgumentError => e add_warning(element, "Malformed IRI #{value}") rescue RDF::ReaderError => e add_debug(element, e.message) if value.to_s =~ /^\(^\w\):/ add_warning(element, "Undefined prefix #{$1}") else add_warning(element, "Relative URI #{value}") end end # [7.4.3] General Use of Terms in Attributes def process_term(element, value, options) if options[:vocab] # If there is a local default vocabulary, the IRI is obtained by concatenating that value and the term return uri(options[:vocab] + value) elsif options[:term_mappings].is_a?(Hash) # If the term is in the local term mappings, use the associated URI (case sensitive). return uri(options[:term_mappings][value.to_s.to_sym]) if options[:term_mappings].has_key?(value.to_s.to_sym) # Otherwise, check for case-insensitive match options[:term_mappings].each_pair do |term, uri| return uri(uri) if term.to_s.downcase == value.to_s.downcase end end # Finally, if there is no local default vocabulary, the term has no associated URI and must be ignored. add_warning(element, "Term #{value} is not defined", RDF::RDFA.UnresolvedTerm) nil end # From section 6. CURIE Syntax Definition def curie_to_resource_or_bnode(element, curie, uri_mappings, subject, restrictions) # URI mappings for CURIEs default to XHV, rather than the default doc namespace prefix, reference = curie.to_s.split(":", 2) # consider the bnode situation if prefix == "_" # we force a non-nil name, otherwise it generates a new name # As a special case, _: is also a valid reference for one specific bnode. raise ArgumentError, "BNode not allowed in this position" unless restrictions.include?(:bnode) bnode(reference) elsif curie.to_s.match(/^:/) # Default prefix RDF::URI("") + reference.to_s elsif !curie.to_s.match(/:/) # No prefix, undefined (in this context, it is evaluated as a term elsewhere) nil else # Prefixes always downcased prefix = prefix.to_s.downcase unless @version == :"rdfa1.0" add_debug(element) do "curie_to_resource_or_bnode check for #{prefix.to_s.to_sym.inspect} in #{uri_mappings.inspect}" end ns = uri_mappings[prefix.to_s.to_sym] if ns uri(ns + reference.to_s) else add_debug(element) {"curie_to_resource_or_bnode No namespace mapping for #{prefix.inspect}"} nil end end end def uri(value, append = nil) append = RDF::URI(append) value = RDF::URI(value) value = if append.absolute? value = append elsif append value = value.join(append) else value end value.validate! if validate? value.canonicalize! if canonicalize? value = RDF::URI.intern(value) if intern? value rescue ArgumentError => e raise RDF::ReaderError, e.message end end end