--- en: names: # The culturally appropriate casual way to refer to someone's name # Say, for example, your customer has the given name "Ken" and surname "Tanaka". # In English, you'd want to say something like "Hello, Ken," but in Japanese # that would be considered overly familiar (to the point that it would cause offence), # so the appropriate greeting would be "Hello, Tanaka-sama." # This key is the culturally-appropriate equivalent of "Ken". greeting: "%{given}" # This is both the given and surnames, arranging them in the culturally-appropriate order. # Say, for example, your customer has the given name "Ken" and surname "Tanaka". # In Japanese, this would be "TanakaKen-sama" (note there is no space), # but in English it would be "Ken Tanaka". full: "%{given} %{surname}"