Then /^I should see option values for (.*)$/ do |value_string| values = value_string.gsub(" and ", ", ").split(", ") within "table.index.sortable" do values.each do |value| assert has_xpath?("//input[@value='#{value}']") end end end Then /^I fill in the option value fields for (.*)$/ do |parent| if parent == 'the new option value' parent = "tr#new_spree_option_value" else matches = parent.match(/([^"]*)"$/) ov = Spree::OptionValue.find_by_presentation(matches[matches.length - 1]) parent = "tr#spree_option_value_#{}" end within parent do %w(name presentation).each do |name| find(:xpath, ".//input[contains(@name, '[#{name}]')]").set('xxx-large') end find(:xpath, ".//input[contains(@name, '[image]')]").set(File.expand_path("../../../test/support/images/1.jpg", __FILE__)) end end Then /^I should see image "([^"]*)"$/ do |source| within "table.index" do assert has_xpath?(".//img[contains(@src, '#{source}')]") end end When /^I follow "([^"]*)" for option type "([^"]*)"$/ do |link_text, value_string| ov = Spree::OptionValue.find_by_presentation(value_string) within "tr#spree_option_value_#{}" do click_link link_text end end #============================================================ # Attempts at sortables... #When /^I drag option value "([^"]*)" to the top$/ do |value_string| # ov = OptionValue.find_by_presentation(value_string) # page.driver.browser.drag_and_drop("#spree_option_value_#{} span.handle", "0,-100") #end #When /^I drag option value "([^"]*)" to the top$/ do |value_string| # ov = OptionValue.find_by_presentation(value_string) # from = find("#spree_option_value_#{} span.handle") # to = find("table.index tr:first") # from.drag_to(to) #end # #When /^I reload the page$/ do # visit current_path #end # #Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" as the first option value$/ do |value_string| # ov = OptionValue.find_by_presentation(value_string) # #assert_equal 1, ov.position # #assert_equal find("table.index tr:first"), find("#spree_option_value_#{}") #end