require 'test_helper' require 'benchmark' SONG_PROPERTIES = 50.times.collect do |i| "property_#{i}" end module SongRepresenter include Representable::JSON SONG_PROPERTIES.each { |p| property p } end class SongDecorator < Representable::Decorator include Representable::JSON SONG_PROPERTIES.each { |p| property p } end module AlbumRepresenter include Representable::JSON # collection :songs, extend: SongRepresenter collection :songs, extend: SongDecorator end def random_song attrs = Hash[SONG_PROPERTIES.collect { |n| [n,n] }] end times = [] 3.times.each do album = 50.times.collect { random_song }) times << Benchmark.measure do puts "================ next!" album.extend(AlbumRepresenter).to_json end end puts times.join("") # 100 songs, 100 attrs # 0.050000 0.000000 0.050000 ( 0.093157) ## 100 songs, 1000 attrs # 0.470000 0.010000 0.480000 ( 0.483708) ### without binding cache: # 2.790000 0.030000 2.820000 ( 2.820190) ### with extend: on Song, with binding cache> # 2.490000 0.030000 2.520000 ( 2.517433) 2.4-3.0 ### without skip? # 2.030000 0.020000 2.050000 ( 2.050796) 2.1-2.3 ### without :writer # 2.270000 0.010000 2.280000 ( 2.284530 1.9-2.2 ### without :render_filter # 2.020000 0.000000 2.020000 ( 2.030234) 1.5-2.0 ###without default_for and skipable? # 1.730000 0.010000 1.740000 ( 1.735597 1.4-1.7 ### without :serialize # 1.780000 0.010000 1.790000 ( 1.786791) 1.4-1.7 ### using decorator # 1.400000 0.030000 1.430000 ( 1.434206) 1.4-1.6 ### with prepare AFTER representable? # 1.330000 0.010000 1.340000 ( 1.335900) 1.1-1.3 # representable 2.0 # 3.000000 0.020000 3.020000 ( 3.013031) 2.7-3.0 # no method missing # 2.280000 0.030000 2.310000 ( 2.313522) 2.2-2.5 # no def_delegator in Definition # 2.130000 0.010000 2.140000 ( 2.136115) 1.7-2.1