/** @module ember */ import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import { Mixin } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; /** RegistryProxyMixin is used to provide public access to specific registry functionality. @class RegistryProxyMixin @private */ export default Mixin.create({ __registry__: null, /** Given a fullName return the corresponding factory. @public @method resolveRegistration @param {String} fullName @return {Function} fullName's factory */ resolveRegistration(fullName, options) { assert('fullName must be a proper full name', this.__registry__.isValidFullName(fullName)); return this.__registry__.resolve(fullName, options); }, /** Registers a factory that can be used for dependency injection (with `inject`) or for service lookup. Each factory is registered with a full name including two parts: `type:name`. A simple example: ```javascript import Application from '@ember/application'; import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; let App = Application.create(); App.Orange = EmberObject.extend(); App.register('fruit:favorite', App.Orange); ``` Ember will resolve factories from the `App` namespace automatically. For example `App.CarsController` will be discovered and returned if an application requests `controller:cars`. An example of registering a controller with a non-standard name: ```javascript import Application from '@ember/application'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; let App = Application.create(); let Session = Controller.extend(); App.register('controller:session', Session); // The Session controller can now be treated like a normal controller, // despite its non-standard name. App.ApplicationController = Controller.extend({ needs: ['session'] }); ``` Registered factories are **instantiated** by having `create` called on them. Additionally they are **singletons**, each time they are looked up they return the same instance. Some examples modifying that default behavior: ```javascript import Application from '@ember/application'; import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; let App = Application.create(); App.Person = EmberObject.extend(); App.Orange = EmberObject.extend(); App.Email = EmberObject.extend(); App.session = EmberObject.create(); App.register('model:user', App.Person, { singleton: false }); App.register('fruit:favorite', App.Orange); App.register('communication:main', App.Email, { singleton: false }); App.register('session', App.session, { instantiate: false }); ``` @method register @param fullName {String} type:name (e.g., 'model:user') @param factory {Function} (e.g., App.Person) @param options {Object} (optional) disable instantiation or singleton usage @public */ register: registryAlias('register'), /** Unregister a factory. ```javascript import Application from '@ember/application'; import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; let App = Application.create(); let User = EmberObject.extend(); App.register('model:user', User); App.resolveRegistration('model:user').create() instanceof User //=> true App.unregister('model:user') App.resolveRegistration('model:user') === undefined //=> true ``` @public @method unregister @param {String} fullName */ unregister: registryAlias('unregister'), /** Check if a factory is registered. @public @method hasRegistration @param {String} fullName @return {Boolean} */ hasRegistration: registryAlias('has'), /** Return a specific registered option for a particular factory. @public @method registeredOption @param {String} fullName @param {String} optionName @return {Object} options */ registeredOption: registryAlias('getOption'), /** Register options for a particular factory. @public @method registerOptions @param {String} fullName @param {Object} options */ registerOptions: registryAlias('options'), /** Return registered options for a particular factory. @public @method registeredOptions @param {String} fullName @return {Object} options */ registeredOptions: registryAlias('getOptions'), /** Allow registering options for all factories of a type. ```javascript import Application from '@ember/application'; let App = Application.create(); let appInstance = App.buildInstance(); // if all of type `connection` must not be singletons appInstance.registerOptionsForType('connection', { singleton: false }); appInstance.register('connection:twitter', TwitterConnection); appInstance.register('connection:facebook', FacebookConnection); let twitter = appInstance.lookup('connection:twitter'); let twitter2 = appInstance.lookup('connection:twitter'); twitter === twitter2; // => false let facebook = appInstance.lookup('connection:facebook'); let facebook2 = appInstance.lookup('connection:facebook'); facebook === facebook2; // => false ``` @public @method registerOptionsForType @param {String} type @param {Object} options */ registerOptionsForType: registryAlias('optionsForType'), /** Return the registered options for all factories of a type. @public @method registeredOptionsForType @param {String} type @return {Object} options */ registeredOptionsForType: registryAlias('getOptionsForType'), /** Define a dependency injection onto a specific factory or all factories of a type. When Ember instantiates a controller, view, or other framework component it can attach a dependency to that component. This is often used to provide services to a set of framework components. An example of providing a session object to all controllers: ```javascript import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed'; import Application from '@ember/application'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; let App = Application.create(); let Session = EmberObject.extend({ isAuthenticated: false }); // A factory must be registered before it can be injected App.register('session:main', Session); // Inject 'session:main' onto all factories of the type 'controller' // with the name 'session' App.inject('controller', 'session', 'session:main'); App.IndexController = Controller.extend({ isLoggedIn: alias('session.isAuthenticated') }); ``` Injections can also be performed on specific factories. ```javascript App.inject(, , ) App.inject('route', 'source', 'source:main') App.inject('route:application', 'email', 'model:email') ``` It is important to note that injections can only be performed on classes that are instantiated by Ember itself. Instantiating a class directly (via `create` or `new`) bypasses the dependency injection system. @public @method inject @param factoryNameOrType {String} @param property {String} @param injectionName {String} **/ inject: registryAlias('injection'), }); function registryAlias(name) { return function() { return this.__registry__[name](...arguments); }; }