These are a series of elements that indicate the type of XML and basic descriptive data about the XML.
Address information contains the basic descriptive elements of a location.
[deg] North-south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Use negative values for southern hemisphere.
[deg] East-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. Use negative values for the western hemisphere.
Also known as Open Location Code. See
Unique Building ID. See
System identifiers contain type codes and an identifier for both a sending and a receiving system. These fields are needed to be able to transmit data between two
systems, and have it identified in the two systems. Also, there is an id attribute to define a local id to be used internally.
id local to the current document
Use to reference the id of the same object on the base building where the object has not been replaced.
Use the idref attribute if the element being referenced is available locally in the current xml transaction. Use the Sending/Receiving System Identifiers to identify
elements in other xml transactions.
Id reference in the current document. Optional. If the element isn't available in the current document, don't use this.
These are the system identifiers for a specific contractor at a business
Quality assurance: The observation techniques and activities used externally by an organization to evaluate the effectiveness of their quality management
system and to provide feedback that may result in quality improvements (BPI, 2006).
Utility company or fuel provider
Indicates insulation not present.
Indicates insulation present but material type unknown.
This should indicate the effective R-value of the complete assembly including any air films or other treatments. For below-grade surfaces adjacent to ground, it should not include the insulating effect of the ground.
[ft] Vertical distance from top of foundation wall to top of insulation.
[ft] Vertical distance from top of foundation wall to bottom of insulation.
[ft] Depth from top of slab to bottom of vertical slab perimeter insulation
[ft] Width from slab edge inward of horizontal under-slab insulation
Does the appliance serve multiple building/dwelling units?
loads/week of actual usage by the occupants
[lbs dry clothes/kWh] The energy performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes dryers prior to September 13, 2013. The new metric is
Combined Energy Factor.
[lbs dry clothes/kWh] The energy performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes dryers as of September 13, 2013, it includes the active
drying cycle energy as well as energy consumed during Stand-by and Off modes.
The energy performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes washers prior to March 7, 2015. The new metric is Integrated Modified Energy
The energy performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes washers as of March 7, 2015.
The water performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes washers prior to March 7, 2015. The new metric is Integrated Water
The water performance metric for ENERGY STAR certified residential clothes washers as of March 7, 2015.
loads/week of actual usage by the occupants; use LabelUsage instead for the loads/week on the EnergyGuide label
loads/week per the Energy Guide label; use Usage instead for loads/week of actual usage by the occupants
loads/week of actual usage by the occupants; use LabelUsage instead for the loads/week on the EnergyGuide label
loads/week per the Energy Guide label; use Usage instead for loads/week of actual usage by the occupants
True if it is the primary refrigerator
[cu.ft.] Volume of refrigerator for keeping food at less than freezing.
[cu.ft.] Freezer Volume
Portable room dehumidifiers are typically used to dehumidify a single room or space and can be easily moved to where they are needed. Whole-home dehumidifiers are typically installed to use your home’s air ducts to dehumidify one or more rooms and are often permanent. Some dehumifiers can operate in both configurations by means of a ducting kit.
Rated water removal rate. This represents the expected performance in a basement for portable dehumidifiers and expected performance in the average home for whole-home dehumifiiers. [pints/day]
For whole-home dehumidifiers, this is a measure of the rectangular volume that the product case occupies, exclusive of any duct attachment collars or other external components. [ft^3]
The rated efficiency of the dehumidifier in liters of water removed per kilowatt-hour of energy consumed. [L/kWh]
The rated efficiency of the dehumidifier in liters of water removed per kilowatt-hour of energy consumed. The IEF is a new metric used for dehumidifiers as of 2019 that incorporates energy consumed when the fan is running while the refrigeration system is off and standby power consumption, in addition to the energy consumed by the refrigeration system. [L/kWh]
Enter the setpoint as a fractional number between 0 and 1, i.e. 60% RH = 0.6.
Use a different Attic element for each type of attic.
The space over which this attic is
Specifies whether the attic is within the infiltration volume impacted by an air leakage test.
Use a different Foundation element for each type of foundation.
Specifies whether the foundation is within the infiltration volume impacted by an air leakage test.
Use a different Garage element for each type of garage.
Use the Roof element for all pitched/horizontal surfaces underneath ambient conditions.
[sq.ft.] Surface area of the roof itself
Pitch of roof ?/12
[in] Thickness of the entire wall assembly, including any siding, sheathing, continuous insulation, and interior finish.
[sq.ft.] Gross wall area
[ft] Total length of foundation wall
[ft] Total height in feet of foundation wall
[in] Thickness of the foundation wall structural element (e.g., concrete), excluding any interior framing and continuous insulation.
[ft] Depth below grade of foundation wall
If this foundation wall is adjacent to another foundation, use this reference to indicate which one.
Use the Floor element for all floors/ceilings. For example, living space ceilings/attic floors, floors above foundations, floors under bonus
rooms, cantilevered floors, etc.
From the perspective of the living/conditioned space.
Use the Slab element for all horizontal surfaces adjacent to the ground.
[sq.ft.] Area of the slab
[in] Thickness of the foundation slab structural element (e.g., concrete), excluding any floor coverings and continuous insulation.
[ft] Length of slab perimeter.
[ft] Perimeter of the slab exposed to ambient conditions
[ft] Perimeter of slab measured in feet that is on-grade (2 ft. below grade or less) and exposed to ambient conditions.
[ft] Depth from the top of the slab surface to grade
The Window element can be used to describe a single window or a group of windows with the same characteristics. For a group of windows, use the sum of
the window areas in the Area subelement.
The Skylight element can be used to describe a single skylight or a group of skylights with the same characteristics. For a group of skylights, use
the sum of the skylight areas in the Area subelement.
Pitch of skylight ?/12
For a skylight that includes a shaft or a sun tunnel, reference the attic floor that it penetrates.
[sq.ft.] Total door surface area for this group of doors
Use these to reference which heating, cooling, or heat pump are the primary systems.
[sq.ft.] Conditioned floor area that this distribution system serves.
For software that does not calculate an annual distribution system efficiency (DSE) for heating, the DSE may be approximated by equation 3.4.i in ANSI/BPI-2400-S-2012: Standard Practice for Standardized Qualification of Whole-House Energy Savings, Predictions by Calibration to Energy Use History. Enter values as a fractional number between 0 and 1, i.e. 80% = 0.8
For software that does not calculate an annual distribution system efficiency (DSE) for cooling, the DSE may be approximated by equation 3.4.i in ANSI/BPI-2400-S-2012: Standard Practice for Standardized Qualification of Whole-House Energy Savings, Predictions by Calibration to Energy Use History. Enter values as a fractional number between 0 and 1, i.e. 80% = 0.8
Number of similar ventilation fans (e.g., bath fans).
Relevant when FanType="central fan integrated supply".
Has controls to block the flow of outside air when the CFIS system is not ventilating. For example, an electronically-controlled mechanical damper, or an in-line fan that substantially blocks the flow when not running.
Describes if/how the CFIS system provides additional ventilation beyond when the HVAC system is running to meet a given ventilation target.
When AdditionalRuntimeOperatingMode="supplemental fan", specifies the VentilationFan that serves as that supplemental fan.
[CFM] as rated by manufacturer
[CFM] as calculated using duct size, prescriptive approach
[CFM] as tested by assessor/auditor/inspector
24 = continuous, less than 24 = intermittent
Does the system serve multiple building/dwelling units?
The fraction of supply air that is from recirculation.
[sones] from manufacturer's info
[sones] as tested in field
The net total energy (sensible plus latent, also called enthalpy) recovered by the supply airstream adjusted by electric
consumption, case heat loss or heat gain, air leakage and airflow mass imbalance between the two airstreams, as a percent of the potential
total energy that could be recovered plus the exhaust fan energy. Values for some products can be found at the Home Ventilating Institute
The net sensible energy recovered by the supply airstream as adjusted by electric consumption, case heat loss or heat gain,
air leakage, airflow mass imbalance between the two airstreams and the energy used for defrost (when running the Very Low Temperature Test),
as a percent of the potential sensible energy that could be recovered plus the exhaust fan energy. Values for some products can be found at
the Home Ventilating Institute (
The net total energy (sensible plus latent, also called enthalpy) recovered by the supply airstream adjusted by case heat loss
or heat gain, air leakage and airflow mass imbalance between the two airstreams, as a percent of the potential total energy that could be
recovered. This value is used to predict and compare Cooling Season Performance for the HRV/ERV unit. This value should be used for energy
modeling when wattage for air movement is separately accounted for in the energy model. Values for some products can be found at the Home
Ventilating Institute (
The net sensible energy recovered by the supply airstream as adjusted by case heat loss or heat gain, air leakage, airflow
mass imbalance between the two airstreams and the energy used for defrost (when running the Very Low Temperature Test), as a percent of the
potential sensible energy that could be recovered. This value should be used for energy modeling when wattage for air movement is separately
accounted for in the energy model. Values for some products can be found at the Home Ventilating Institute (
For central fan integrated supply mechanical ventilation, specifies the HVAC distribution system it is attached
Does the system serve multiple building/dwelling units or a shared laundry/equipment room?
A multiplier on the performance of the system. A value of 1 implies no performance adjustment.
[gal] Nominal capacity
[gal] Measured capacity
[Btuh] For a heat pump water heater, the capacity of the heat pump.
[Btuh] The capacity of the electric resistance heating in a heat pump water heater.
The amount of energy delivered as heated water in a day divided by the total daily energy consumption of a residential water heater, as
determined following standardized DOE testing procedure.
DOE’s new metric for communicating the energy efficiency of a residential water heater, which replaces the Energy Factor (EF) metric. More
efficient water heaters have a higher Uniform Energy Factor (UEF). UEF is determined by the Department of Energy’s test method outlined in 10 CFR Part
430, Subpart B, Appendix E.
The dimensionless coefficient of performance, used to measure the efficiency of a commercial heat pump water heater.
Where the air is supplied from; not the location where the supply ducts are running through.
Where the air is exhausted to; not the location where the exhaust ducts are running through.
[gal per hour] An estimate of the maximum volume of hot water in gallons that a storage water heater can supply within an hour that begins
with the water heater fully heated.
A water heater's usage bin is derived from its First Hour Rating (FHR) as part of the Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) testing procedures.
[gal per minute] The amount of gallons per minute of hot water that can be supplied by an instantaneous water heater while maintaining a
nominal temperature rise of 77°F during steady state operation.
The ratio of energy delivered to heat cold water compared to the energy consumed by the water heater, as determined following standardized
DOE testing procedure.
Refers to the insulation in the tank wall itself. This information is sometimes available on the water heater's name plate or
the units specification sheet, or can be estimated by removing the water heater's access plate.
The standby heat loss rate for, e.g., indirect or commercial water heaters. Published in the AHRI Consumer’s Directory of Certified Efficiency Ratings.
[deg F]
Indicates whether this water heater uses a desuperheater. The attached heat pump or air conditioner can be referenced in the
RelatedHVACSystem element.
Reference a HeatingSystem, HeatPump, or CoolingSystem.
The water heating system that this distribution system serves.
Measured length of hot water piping from the hot water heater to the farthest hot water fixture, measured
longitudinally from plans, assuming the hot water piping does not run diagonally, plus 10 feet of piping for each floor level,
plus 5 feet of piping for unconditioned basements. [ft]
Hot water recirculation loop piping length including both supply and return sides of the loop, measured
longitudinally from plans, assuming the hot water piping does not run diagonally. [ft]
Length of the branch hot water piping from the recirculation loop to the farthest hot water fixture from the
recirculation loop, measured longitudinally from plans, assuming the branch hot water piping does not run diagonally, plus 20
feet of piping for each floor level greater than one plus 10 feet of piping for unconditioned basements. [ft]
Efficiency percent expressed as a fraction from 0-1.
Number of similar water fixtures.
[gallons per minute] flow rate of water
Is the fixture considered low-flow?
Does this faucet have an aerator?
[minutes] Number of minutes per day a water fixture operates.
Does the shower have a device that restricts the flow of water automatically once it has reached temperature?
Independent organization has verified that product or appliance meets or exceeds the standard in question.
[Btu/h-ft^2-F] Often referred to as Fr-tau-alpha (FRta), this describes the optical efficiency portion of the overall collector efficiency.
In the OG-100 SRCC Certified Solar Thermal Collector Directory, this is the y-intercept of the efficiency curve.
Often referred to as Fr-Ul (FRUl), this describes the collector thermal losses portion of the overall collector efficiency. In the OG-100
SRCC Certified Solar Thermal Collector Directory, this is the slope of the efficiency curve.
The Solar Fraction is the portion of the total conventional hot water heating load (delivered energy and tank standby losses). The higher
the solar fraction, the greater the solar contribution to water heating, which reduces the energy required by the backup water heater. This value can be
found in the OG-300 SRCC Certified Solar Water Heating System Directory.
The Solar Energy Factor is defined as the energy delivered by the system divided by the electrical or gas energy put into the system. The
higher the number, the more energy efficient. This value can be found in the OG-300 SRCC Certified Solar Water Heating System
Does the system serve multiple building/dwelling units?
[DC Watts] Peak power as supplied by the manufacturer
System losses can be due to soiling, shading, snow, mismatch, wiring, electrical connections, light-induced degradation, nameplate rating
inaccuracies, age, and availability.
[kWh] Projected Annual Output for a typical meteorological year as determined by PVWatts or similar.
[$] The LCOE is the total cost of installing and operating a project expressed in dollars per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated by
the system over its life. Can be calculated with System Advisor Model, a similar software, or through a simplified calculation at
Number of similar batteries.
Has the ability to feed electricity back on to the grid.
The total energy available when the battery is discharged starting from 100% state of charge until it reaches the cut-off voltage.
The stored energy that can actually be used. In most cases usable capacity is less than the nominal capacity.
[W] The amount of power the battery typically generates under non-peak conditions.
[W] The peak power that the battery can generate for a short period of time.
[V] The nominal voltage is the battery voltage when the state of charge is 0.5 (midway between being fully charged, and fully discharged)
with a 0.2C discharge current.
Not all the power that is used to charge the battery is available during discharge. Round trip efficiency is the ratio of the energy put
in to the energy retrieved from storage.
[V] Voltage of the AC power source
[A] Max current to electric vehicle
[W] Maximum charging rate
[W] Power used by charger when vehicle is not charging
[kWh] the calculated total energy that would be produced during a one-year period with an average wind speed of 5 m/s (11.2
[dBA] the sound pressure level not exceeded by the wind turbine 95% of the time at a distance of 60 meters from the rotor with an average
wind speed of 5 m/s (11.2 mph).
[kW] the wind turbine’s power output at 11 m/s (24.6 mph). Manufacturers may still describe or name their wind turbine models using a
nominal power (e.g. 5 kW S-343).
[kW] the highest point on the certified power curve.
[$] The LCOE is the total cost of installing and operating a project expressed in dollars per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated by
the system over its life. Can be calculated with System Advisor Model, a similar software, or through a simplified calculation at
Light units of the same type. For example you could have all the 60W incandescents.
The LightingFixture that this is attached to
The fraction of lighting units in the specified Location, where all the fractions for the Location sum to 1. If a Location is not specified, fractions
apply to the entire building.
Lumens is a measure of light output (brightness) as opposed to watts, which measures energy consumption. The EPA and DOE encourages people to
determine the amount of light they need (or brightness) first before purchasing a light bulb. Once brightness is determined, you can look for the bulb with the
lowest watts.
[W] per unit
[CFM/watt] The efficiency rating of a ceiling fan as determined by the test procedure defined by the Environmental Protection Agency's
ENERGY STAR Testing Facility Guidance Manual: Building a Testing Facility and Performing the Solid State Test Method for ENERGY STAR Qualified Ceiling
Fans, Version 1.1, December 9, 2002. This is generally printed on the box in which the ceiling fan is shipped.
Number of similar ceiling fans.
Indicates if the pool or spa is above or below ground.
[gal] Volume of pool or spa.
Months per year pool or spa is in operation.
Type of filter used, if any.
Pool or spa pump: a mechanical assembly consisting of a “wet-end,” which houses the impeller and a motor. The pump increases the “head” and “flow” of the water (ENERGY STAR, 2013).
Manufacturer of pool or spa pump.
Serial number of pool or spa pump.
Model number of pool or spa pump.
Independent organization has verified that product or appliance meets or exceeds the standard in question (ENERGY STAR, CEE, or other)
[gal/Wh] The measure of overall pool or spa filter pump efficiency in units of gallons per watt-hour, as determined using the applicable test method in Section 4.1.2. Energy factor is analogous to other energy factors such as miles per gallon. Energy factor (EF) is calculated as: EF (gal/Wh) = flow rate (gpm) * 60 ÷ power (watts) (ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 2011).
The speed setting at which the Energy Factor was measured (ENERGY STAR, 2013).
The motor power output designed by the manufacturer for a rated RPM, voltage and frequency. May be less than total horsepower where the service factor is greater than 1.0, or equal to total horsepower where the service factor = 1.0 (ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 2011).
The total horsepower, or product of the rated horsepower and the service factor of a motor used on a pool or spa pump (also known as SFHP) based on the maximum continuous duty motor power output rating allowable for the nameplate ambient rating and motor insulation class (e.g., total horsepower = rated horsepower * service factor) (ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 2011).
A multiplier applied to the rated horsepower of a pump motor to indicate the percent above nameplate horsepower at which the motor can operate continuously without exceeding its allowable insulation class temperature limit, provided that other design parameters, such rated voltage, frequency and ambient temperature, are within limits. A 1.5 hp pump with a 1.65 service factor produces 2.475 hp (total horsepower) at the maximum service factor point (ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 2011).
[Rev/min] The number of revolutions of the motor shaft in a given unit of time, expressed as revolutions per minute (RPM) (ENERGY STAR, 2013).
[gal/min] The volume of water flowing through the filtration system in a given time, usually measured in gallons per minute (gpm) (ANSI/APSP/ICC-15 2011).
[hours] Number of hours per day a pool pump operates at a particular speed setting.
Type of pool or spa cleaner used, if any.
Hours per day pool or spa cleaner is used.
Type of heater used to heat pool or spa, if any.
Hours per day pool or spa heater is used.
Monitored throughout assessment, not just appliance testing
Pulled from industry standards by users (e.g. BPI Gold Sheet) or via software program
Baseline pressure is read under the following conditions: no items running, all fans off, all exterior doors closed, and all interior
doors are opened.
The poor case CAZ depressurization test is configured by determining the largest combustion appliance zone depressurization attainable at
the time of testing due to the combined effects of door position, exhaust appliance operation, and air handler fan operation. A base pressure must be
measured with all fans off and doors open. The poor case CAZ depressurization measurement is the pressure difference between the largest
depressurization attained at the time of testing and the base pressure.
With respect to the baseline pressure (e.g. no fans running, all exterior doors closed, and all interior doors opened)
parts per million (ppm)
The ID of the system tested
[deg F]
BPI Gold Sheet is one example that shows action levels based upon decision logic
[deg F] after 10 minutes run time
For a home built before 1978, did the contracted scope of work disturb greater than 6 sq.ft. of interior painted surfaces?
For a home built before 1978, did the contracted scope of work disturb greater than 20 sf of exterior painted surfaces?
Did the contracted scope of work include window replacement?
Certification Number of the EPA Lead-Safe Certified firm that performed the work.
in pCi/L
Was the homeowner provided with educational material?
If moisture management of a crawlspace (e.g., installation of polyethylene sheeting) or radon mitigation measures were a part of the scope of
work,were measures installed to be compliant with one of the following: - Specifications of EPA’s Indoor airPLUS program - Techniques detailed in EPA's
Radon-Resistant New Construction - ASTM E2121, Standard Practice for Installing Radon Mitigation Systems in Existing Low-Rise Residential Buildings (section
Was the result less than 4 pCi/L
Are there unvented combustion heating or hearth appliances present in the living area?
If yes, does the appliance conform with ANSI Z21.11.2?
If yes, is the appliance used as a primary source of heating?
Does home have attached garage?
If yes, is there a continuous air barrier between garage and living space?
If yes, is there an exhaust fan in garage?
Indications of pest entry or damage?
Evidence of pesticide, insecticide use?
Do measures comply with industry standards to prevent pest entry? NOTE: This is for ALL measures that may create entry points for vermin. For example,
air sealing measures identified to reduce infiltration should have proper sealants - even if those measures were not recommended/installed for pest control
Was asbestos suspected?
Was substance tested for asbestos?
Was asbestos found?
Was spray foam polyurethane foam and / or other potential sources of indoor pollutants installed or applied as part of the scope of
This element is formerly known as "spillage, draft, and CO readings under natural conditions" as explained in BPI's Gold Sheet "Combustion Safety Test Procedure
for Vented Appliances."
If yes, was this installed as part of scope of work?
If no, was this recommended in scope of work?
ASHRAE 62.2-2010 has an infiltration credit. ASHRAE 62-89 and 62.2-2013 do not have infiltration credits.
This is just the # of the calculated infiltration credit.
This is the net amount of continuous ventilation needed AFTER infiltration credit is applied (if any)
This is amount without taking into consideration any infiltration credit
This is amount without taking into consideration any infiltration credit
Should be 20 cfm, if the local AHJ permits windows to be used for local exhaust
This is the net amount of continuous ventilation needed AFTER window credit is applied (if any)
This is the net amount of continuous ventilation needed AFTER window credit is applied (if any)
The airflow deficit for each bathroom or kitchen is the required airflow less the airflow rating of the exhaust equipment. If there is no exhaust device or if the
existing device cannot be measured nor read it, the exhaust device airflow is assumed to be zero.
Does a proper air barrier separate the house from the garage?
Are ducts and air handlers located in the garage properly air sealed?
Is the clothes dryer properly vented?
should be represented as a fraction (ie 0.5 instead of 50%)
Energy use will be negative for energy producing end uses such as PV and SolarThermal.
A multiplier on the performance of the system. A value of 1 implies no performance adjustment.
Air sealing and insulation implemented prior to replacement and used in calculations for sizing new / replacement system?
Does the system serve multiple building/dwelling units?
[Btuh] Input Heating Capacity
[Btuh] Output Heating Capacity
The average annual auxiliary electrical energy consumption for, e.g., a gas furnace or boiler, in kilowatt-hours per year. Published in the AHRI
Consumer’s Directory of Certified Efficiency Ratings.
[grams per hour] from EPA label
[grams per hour] from EPA label
[Btuh] Output heating capacity; typically the nameplate capacity at 47F.
[Btuh] Output heating capacity at 17F from AHRI database.
[Btuh] Output cooling capacity
[deg F] Temperature below which the compressor is disabled, often to prevent damage or occupant comfort issues. The default is the manufacturer's minimum operating temperature, but the value may be set higher. For a duel-fuel heat pump, use the BackupHeatingSwitchoverTemperature element.
Whether the heat pump backup is integrated into the unit (describe in BackupSystemFuel, BackupAnnualHeatingEfficiency, BackupHeatingCapacity), or a
separate heating system (add reference in BackupSystem).
References the HeatingSystem that provides the backup for a separate backup.
[Btuh] Input heating capacity
[Btuh] Output heating capacity
[deg F] Temperature at which the backup heating is activated and the compressor is disabled in, e.g., a dual-fuel heat pump.
[deg F] Temperature above which the backup heating is disabled, often to prevent backup heating usage during recovery from a thermostat heating setback. For a duel-fuel heat pump, use the BackupHeatingSwitchoverTemperature element.
[Btuh] Output cooling capacity
[gpm] Water flow rate through the geothermal loop
[ft] Length of each borehole (vertical) or trench (horizontal)
[ft] Distance between bores/trenches
[in] Measured as center-to-center (not edge-to-edge) distance between two branches of a vertical U-tube
For AFUE and Percent enter values as a fractional number between 0 and 1, i.e. 80% = 0.8
Ah is computed by multiplying the discharge current (Amps) by the discharge time (hours). kWh is computed by multiplying the power output (kW) by the discharge time (hours).
For %/hr enter values as a fraction, i.e. 1.20%/hr = 0.0120 and 0.68%/hr = 0.0068.
System Pump and Zone Valve Corrections made
This should exclude the exterior air film -- e.g., use zero for uninsulated ducts. For ducts buried in insulation, this should only represent any surrounding insulation duct wrap and not the entire attic insulation R-value.
Describes ducts buried in, e.g., attic loose-fill insulation. Partially buried ducts have insulation that does not cover the top of the ducts. Fully buried ducts have insulation that just covers the top of the ducts. Deeply buried ducts have insulation that continues above the top of the ducts. See for more information.
The overall effective R-value. Includes the exterior air film as well as other effects such as adjustments for insulation wrapped around round ducts, or ducts buried in attic insulation.
If a DuctType of supply or return is specified above, this is the fraction of the supply or return duct area. If DuctType is omitted above, this is
the fraction of the total duct area.
HPXML records may contain data about an individual, either a person, or a business. This element contains the root elements for individual identifier values between a
sending and a receiving system.
System identifiers contain type codes and an identifier for both a sending and a receiving system. These fields are needed to be able to transmit data between two
systems, and have it identified in the two systems.
Overall characterization of building for descriptive, rather than modeling purposes
If the building is attached to other units in the horizontal plane.
If the building is attached to other units on the vertical plane.
Fuels available on site via utility lines/pipes or delivery.
The year the current occupants moved into the building
18 or older
less than 18 years old
Percentage as a fraction (50% = 0.5)
AMI = Area Median Income; FPL = Federal Poverty Level
Passive solar design—also known as climatic design—involves using a building's windows, walls, and floors to collect, store, and
distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer. (source:
[ft] height of building
Number of dwelling units represented by the HPXML Building element. Used as a multiplier.
Total number of dwelling units in the physical building.
Total number of floors including a basement, whether conditioned or unconditioned
Number of floors that are heated/cooled including a basement
Number of floors above grade that are heated/cooled
[ft] Average distance from the floor to the ceiling
[ft] distance between floors
Number of bathrooms with a tub or shower
[sq.ft.] Gross floor area (based on ASHRAE definition) is the sum of the floor areas of the spaces within the building, including
basements, mezzanine and intermediate‐floored tiers, and penthouses with headroom height of 7.5 ft (2.2 meters) or greater. Measurements must be taken
from the exterior faces of exterior walls OR from the centerline of walls separating buildings, OR from the centerline of walls separating spaces.
Excludes non‐enclosed (or non‐enclosable) roofed‐over areas such as exterior covered walkways, porches, terraces or steps, roof overhangs, and similar
features. Excludes air shafts, pipe trenches, and chimneys. Excludes floor area dedicated to the parking and circulation of motor
[sq.ft.] The floor area of an occupiable space defined by the inside surfaces of its walls but excluding shafts, column enclosures, and
other permanently enclosed, inaccessible, and unoccupiable areas. Obstructions in the space such as furnishings, display or storage racks, and other
obstructions, whether temporary or permanent, may not be deducted from the space are considered to be part of the net occupiable
[sq.ft.] All finished space that is within the (insulated) conditioned space boundary (that is, within the insulated envelope), regardless
of HVAC configuration.
[sq.ft.] Floor area of home that is finished and assumed to be occupied.
[sq.ft.] The total area of all enclosed spaces measured to the internal face of the external walls. Included are areas of sloping surfaces
such as staircases, galleries, raked auditoria, and tiered terraces where the area taken is from the area on the plan. Excluded are areas that are not
enclosed such as open floors, covered ways and balconies.
[sq.ft.] The total area of all enclosed spaces measured to the internal face of the external walls. Included are areas of sloping surfaces
such as staircases, galleries, raked auditoria, and tiered terraces where the area taken is from the area on the plan. Excluded are areas that are not
enclosed such as open floors, covered ways and balconies.
[sq.ft.] An enclosed space within a building that does not meet the requirements of a conditioned space. Spaces that have no control over
thermal conditions but intentionally or unintentionally receive thermal energy from adjacent spaces are considered unconditioned spaces (such as an
attached garage on a house or a vestibule with no thermal comfort criteria). Spaces that are ventilated only to maintain air quality are considered
unconditioned spaces (such as a parking garage with no thermal comfort criteria).
[cu.ft.] A volume of a building surrounded by solid surfaces such as walls, roofs, floors, fenestration, and doors where the total opening
area to the outside can be reduced to less than 1% of the Gross Interior Floor Area of the space. Spaces that are temporarily enclosed such as patios
enclosed with tenting are not considered Enclosed Spaces for annual building analysis. These spaces should be treated as exterior to the
[cu.ft.] Volume inside the building envelope of the conditioned spaces. This metric can be calculated as the volume of the building if
every space is conditioned or on a floor-by-floor basis. For spaces with vertical walls and horizontal ceilings and floors, this is calculated as the
Gross Conditioned Floor Area times the height from the top surface of the finished floor to the top surface of the finished floor separating levels of
the building or to the inside surface of the roof for the top floor. The volume of spaces that have nonvertical walls or nonhorizontal ceilings of
floors should be calculated separately to properly account for the non-rectangular geometry. This metric does include the volume of floor or ceiling
return air plenums.
Primary foundation type of building
Primary attic type of building
The number of sections (width) of the manufactured home. CrossMod is a new style of manufactured home with more flexibility in configuration, higher roof pitch, covered porches, and garages or carports. They look more like a site-built single family detached home, but are manufactured in a factory and assembled on site.
Weather location used in model simulation and/or utility bill regression analysis
A listing of Green Building Verifications from the RESO Data Dictionary
The name of the verification or certification awarded to a new or pre-existing residential or commercial structure. For example: LEED,
Energy Star, ICC-700. In cases where more than one certification have been awarded, leverage multiple iterations of the green verification fields via
the repeating element method.
If "other" is selected for GreenBuildingVerification/Type, fill in type here.
The name of the body or group providing the verification/certification/rating named in the GreenBuildingVerificationType field. There is
almost always a direct correlation between bodies and programs.
A final score indicating the performance of energy efficiency design and measures in the home as tested by a third-party rater. Points
achieved to earn a certification in the GreenVerificationRating field do not apply to this field. HERS Index is most common with new homes and runs with
a lower number being more efficient. A net-zero home uses zero energy and has a HERS score of 0. A home that produces more energy than it uses has a
negative score. Home Energy Score is a tool more common for existing homes and runs with a higher number being more efficient. It takes square footage
into account and caps with 10 as the highest number of points.
Many verifications or certifications have a rating system that provides an indication of the structure's level of energy efficiency. When
expressed in a numeric value, please use the GreenVerificationMetric field. Verifications and Certifications can also be a name, such as Gold or Silver,
which is the purpose of this field.
The source of the green data. May address photovoltaic characteristics, or a verified score, certification, label, etc. This may be a pick
list of options showing the source. i.e. Program Sponsor, Program Verifier, Public Record, Assessor, etc.
Many verification programs include a multi-step process that may begin with plans and specs, involve testing and/or submission of building
specifications along the way and include a final verification step. When ratings are involved it is not uncommon for the final rating to be either
higher or lower than the target preliminary rating. Sometimes the final approval is not available until after sale and occupancy. Status indicates what
the target was at the time of listing and may be updated when verification is complete. To limit liability concerns this field reflects information that
was available at the time of listing or updated later and should be confirmed by the buyer.
Provides a link to the specific property’s high-performance rating or scoring details directly from and hosted by the sponsoring body of
the program. Typically provides thorough details, for example, which points where achieved and how, or in the case of a score what specifically was
tested and the results.
The version of the certification or verification that was awarded. Some rating programs have a year, a version, or possibly
The year the certification or verification was awarded.
A permanently constructed spa where piping and equipment are an integral part of the structure, and not intended to be moved.
A factory-built electric spa or hot tub, supplied with piping and equipment for temperature-controlled circulated water at the time of sale or sold separately for subsequent attachment.
Number of people
[gal] Rated volume of portable spa
[W] Standby Power as measured by ANSI/APSP/ICC-14
[W] Maximum standby power allowed for this size spa under ANSI/APSP/ICC-14
[kWh] Total annual power consumption in standby mode, based on test procedure in ANSI/APSP/ICC-14. Typically standby power * 8760.
Months per year portable spa is in operation.
Start date of project
Estimated completion date of project
Actual completion date of project
Amount of time spent by contractor on this stage of the project
Cost of any fees associated with the audit or other project activities
Cost of all work proposed or performed
These are the system identifiers for a specific measure on a job
A load profile is created using measurements of a customer's electricity use at regular intervals, typically one hour or less, and
provides an accurate representation of a customer's usage pattern over time.
Quality assurance: The observation techniques and activities used externally by an organization to evaluate the effectiveness of their quality management system
and to provide feedback that may result in quality improvements (BPI, 2006).
or removed component
Indicates whether it is measured energy savings or estimated energy savings.
[kW] Demand savings from energy efficiency programs
should be represented as a fraction (ie 0.5 instead of 50%)
should be represented as a fraction (ie 0.5 instead of 50%)
For Percent enter values as a fractional number, i.e. 30% = 0.3
The Leakage Area is defined in TECBLAST as the size of a sharp edged orifice which would leak at the same flow rate as the measured leakage, if the orifice were
subjected to the Test Pressure. Leakage Area [sq in] = Duct System Leakage Rate [CFM] / (1.06 * (Test Pressure [Pa]) ^ 0.5)
Consumption records with enough granularity to be able to use smart meter data.
Negative number for renewable generation. Positive number for consumption.
Date/time stamp in the ISO 8601 format when the usage measured began.
Date/time stamp of the meter reading.
Baseload power is the energy consumed for the day-to-day operation of a home that is not used as a response to outside weather (i.e. excludes heating and cooling)
(Krigger and Dorsi, 2009).
The following fields are to support BPI-2400
This identifies which data quality requirements (if any) were met by the bills for the relevant energy source and therefore which calibration metrics (if any) are
used to determine whether the calibrated model is accepted.
Detailed Calibration Weather Regression CV-RMSE. Eqn. 3.2.2.G.i of BPI-2400. Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% = 0.1)
Weather Normalized Annual Heating Usage
Weather Normalized Annual Cooling Usage
Weather Normalized Annual Baseload Usage
Eqn. 3.2.3.A.i of BPI-2400. Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% = 0.1)
Eqn. 3.2.3.A.ii of BPI-2400. In either kWh for electricity or MBtu (million Btu) for all other fuels.
Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% = 0.1)
In either kWh for electricity or MBtu (million Btu) for all other fuels.
Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% = 0.1)
In either kWh for electricity or MBtu (million Btu) for all other fuels.
Used to determine model calibration acceptance when bills fail Detailed criteria, but meet simple criteria. Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% =
Used to determine model calibration acceptance when bills fail Detailed criteria, but meet simple criteria. Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% =
Used to determine model calibration acceptance when bills fail Detailed criteria, but meet simple criteria. Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% =
Used to determine model calibration acceptance when bills fail Detailed criteria, but meet simple criteria. Percentage expressed as a fraction (ie 10% =
Energy Type
direct metering = tenants directly metered; master meter without sub-metering = tenants not sub metered; master meter with sub-metering = tenant
sub-metered by building owner
[$/energy unit] The cost of providing an additional unit of output
[kBtu/ft^2] Energy use intensity (EUI) is a unit of measurement that describes a building's energy use. EUI represents the energy consumed by a
building relative to its size.
Period during which electrical power is expected to be provided at a significantly higher than average supply level.
Water use intensity is defined as annual water use divided by total gross square footage of facility space reported in gallons per square foot (DOE,
2013). This element may also be reported as gallons, per day, per person.
Baseload power is the energy consumed for the day-to-day operation of a home that is not used as a response to outside weather (i.e. excludes heating and cooling)
(Krigger and Dorsi, 2009).
Type of stud, joist, etc. (2x4, 2x6, etc)
[in] Spacing on center
[sq.ft.] Total window surface area for this group of windows
Number of windows in the group
Shading coefficients are defined as a multiplier on transmittance: 1 is transparent, 0 is opaque.
The shading coefficient to apply during the summer months. Shading coefficients are defined as a multiplier on transmittance: 1 is transparent, 0 is
The shading coefficient to apply during the winter months. Shading coefficients are defined as a multiplier on transmittance: 1 is transparent, 0 is
Used to describe drapes, blinds, etc. If moveable insulation also provides shading, the shading should be documented here.
The shading coefficient to apply during the summer months. Shading coefficients are defined as a multiplier on transmittance: 1 is transparent, 0 is
The shading coefficient to apply during the winter months. Shading coefficients are defined as a multiplier on transmittance: 1 is transparent, 0 is
Defined as the sum of the areas for operable storms divided by the sum of the areas for all storms. The fraction should not take into account how much a storm can be opened (e.g., 50% for a double hung storm). If the StormWindow element represents a single storm, the value should be 0 or 1.
Rigid opaque foam panels (permanently installed or not) or cellular shades that provide insulation.
[ft] Depth of overhang
[ft] Vertical distance from overhang to top of window
[ft] Vertical distance from overhang to bottom of window
Defined as the sum of the areas for operable windows divided by the sum of the areas for all windows. The fraction should not take into account how much a window can be opened (e.g., 50% for a double hung window). If the Window/Skylight element represents a single window/skylight, the value should be 0 or 1.
[deg F]
This element is intended to describe the type of infiltration measured, e.g., for an individual single-family attached or multifamily dwelling unit. Either whole building or single unit infiltration can be measured. For single unit infiltration, leakage can occur through exterior surfaces, interior surfaces, or both. For example, guarded tests measure unit exterior leakage, unguarded or compartmentalization tests measure unit total leakage, and combining both tests can measure unit interior leakage.
[Pa] with respect to outside
[] The Effective Leakage Area is defined as the area of a special nozzle-shaped hole (similar to the inlet of a blower door fan) that would leak the same
amount of air as the building does at a pressure of 4 Pascals.
[sq. ft.] The volume of the building that is applicable to the air infiltration measurement test. The volume can be defined as the conditioned building volume
plus the volume of crawlspaces, attics, and/or basements that are connected to the building's conditioned space via open doors or hatches.
[ft] Vertical distance between lowest and highest above-grade points within the pressure boundary, per ASHRAE 62.2.
A partially underground basement that has a door directly on grade to the outside, typically built on a sloping lot.
for single unit retrofits in multifamily properties
For use on sections of the house that are cantilevered or over ambient (outdoor) conditions for some other reason.
The floor is supported on a pair of I-beams spanning across the length of the manufactured home. The floor wing is the part of the floor outside the supports, and the floor belly is the part between the supports. The floor wing and belly sections are protected from outside elements including water, wind, and rodents using a wrap attached to the underside of floor joists, and may contain insulation.
Use the 'none' choice for cases where the belly wrap is functionally missing even if pieces of the wrap are still present.
Sheathing insulation should be specified in the Insulation element as well.
Please specify stud spacing and framing factor in the appropriate places as well.
See for a description of different framing types.
[deg F]
[deg F]
[deg F]
[deg F]
Fraction of rooms controlled by thermostatic radiator valves
Percent of rooms controlled by electronic zone valves with thermostats
The year and month the duct system was sealed.
Year and month of the last tune and repair for this HVAC equipment.
Width x Length x Thickness
Minimum efficiency reporting value, commonly known as MERV rating, is a measurement scale designed in 1987 by the American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to rate the effectiveness of air filters.
The Year and Month the filter was last replaced.
Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) region.
Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) subregion.
Cambium Generation and Emission Assessment (GEA) region.
For locations that observe Daylight Savings, use Standard time.
For example, US/Eastern for U.S. Eastern Time. See
For example, ET for US Eastern Time.
Positive or negative offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) using Standard Time. For example, -5 for Eastern Time.
Building Description
Indicates which weather station is used for the modeling. It's a reference that points to
If different from building street address.
A list of comments in priority order.
Utility company information
Fraction of total pipe insulated
[Pa] positive for supply side measurements, negative for return side.
[F] drybulb
[F] drybulb
[F] wetbulb
[Btuh] output capacity
Fraction of the nominal output capacity
[F] drybulb
[F] drybulb
[Btuh] output capacity
Fraction of the nominal output capacity
AMI = Area Median Income; FPL = Federal Poverty Level
"other housing unit" refers to the living/conditioned space of the adjacent unit.
Enumerations from
"other housing unit" refers to the living/conditioned space of the adjacent unit.
"other housing unit" refers to the living/conditioned space of the adjacent unit.
Gives compass direction a surface (window, wall) is facing. Measured in degrees clockwise from North.
MBtu refers to million Btu.
"other housing unit" refers to the living/conditioned space of the adjacent unit.
"other housing unit" refers to the living/conditioned space of the adjacent unit.
The generic "heat pump water heater" enumeration is assumed to refer to an integrated (not split) heat pump water heater.
A fraction that has to be between 0 and 1 inclusive
A fraction that can be greater than one (ie 110%)
By leaving this field empty, the weather station is assumed used for all functions such as utility bill regression analysis and energy model simulations. If different
weather stations are used for the different functions, use this field to specify the usage of each weather station.
"other housing unit" refers to the living/conditioned space of the adjacent unit.
The North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors and, skylights provides a method for rating the structural performance, water resistance and air leakage of fenestration products.