module ThreeScaleToolbox module Helper class << self def compare_hashes(first, second, keys) { |key| first.fetch(key, nil) } == { |key| second.fetch(key, nil) } end ## # Compute array difference with custom comparator def array_difference(ary, other_ary) ary.reject do |ary_elem| other_ary.find do |other_ary_elem| yield(ary_elem, other_ary_elem) end end end ## # Returns new hash object with not nil valid params def filter_params(valid_params, source) valid_params.each_with_object({}) do |key, target| target[key] = source[key] unless source[key].nil? end end def parse_uri(uri) # raises error when remote_str is not string, but object or something else. uri_obj = URI(uri) # URI::HTTP is parent of URI::HTTPS # with single check both types are checked raise ThreeScaleToolbox::InvalidUrlError, "invalid url: #{uri}" unless uri_obj.kind_of?(URI::HTTP) uri_obj end def hash_deep_dup(hash) JSON.parse(JSON.generate(hash)) end def service_invalid_deployment_option?(error) Array(Hash(error)['deployment_option']).any? do |msg| msg.match(/is not included in the list/) end end def system_name_already_taken_error?(error) Array(Hash(error)['system_name']).any? { |msg| msg.match(/has already been taken/) } end def period_already_taken_error?(error) Array(Hash(error)['period']).any? { |msg| msg.match(/has already been taken/) } end def application_plan_mapping(source_app_plans, target_app_plans) do |target| source = source_app_plans.find { |app_plan| app_plan.system_name == target.system_name } [source, target] end.reject { |key, _| key.nil? } end def random_lowercase_name(length=8) [*('a'..'z')].sample(length).join end def backend_metric_link_parser(link) return if link.nil? link.match(/admin\/api\/backend_apis\/(\d+)\/metrics/) { |m| m.captures[0] } end end class BooleanTransformer def call(param_str) raise ArgumentError unless param_str.is_a?(String) return true if true?(param_str) return false if false?(param_str) raise ArgumentError end def true?(param_str) case param_str when 'true', '1' true else false end end def false?(param_str) case param_str when 'false', '0' true else false end end end end end