#This is the official DataSift client library for Ruby. module DataSift #The User class represents a user of the API. Applications should start their #API interactions by creating an instance of this class. Once initialised it #provides factory methods for all of the functionality in the API. class User #The user agent to pass through with all HTTP requests. USER_AGENT = 'DataSiftRuby/' + File.open(File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/VERSION').first.strip!; #The base URL for API requests. API_BASE_URL = 'api.datasift.com/'; #The base URL for streams. STREAM_BASE_URL = 'stream.datasift.com/'; #The User's DataSift username. attr_reader :username #The User's DataSift API key. attr_reader :api_key #The User's total number of available hourly API credits. This is not #populated until an API request is made. attr_reader :rate_limit #The User's API credits remaining. This is not populated until an API #request is made. attr_reader :rate_limit_remaining #The APIClient class to use when making API requests. attr_reader :api_client #True if streaming connections should use SSL. attr_reader :use_ssl #Constructor. A username and API key are required when constructing an #instance of this class. #=== Parameters #* +username+ - The User's DataSift username #* +api_key+ - The User's DataSift API key def initialize(username, api_key, use_ssl = true) username.strip! api_key.strip! raise EInvalidData, 'Please supply valid credentials when creating a User object.' unless username.size > 0 and api_key.size > 0 @username = username @api_key = api_key @rate_limit = -1; @rate_limit_remaining = -1 @use_ssl = use_ssl end #Creates and returns a definition object. #=== Parameters #* +csdl+ - Optional CSDL string with which to prime the object. #=== Returns #A Definition object. def createDefinition(csdl = '') DataSift::Definition.new(self, csdl, false) end #Create a Historics query based on this Definition. #=== Parameters #* +hash+ - The stream hash for a new Historics query. #* +start_date+ - The start date for a new Historics query. #* +end_date+ - The end date for a new Historics query. #* +sources+ - An array of sources for a new Historics query. #* +name+ - The name for a new Historics query. #* +sample+ - The sample rate for the new Historics query. #=== Returns #A Historic object. def createHistoric(hash, start_date, end_date, sources, sample, name) return Historic.new(self, hash, start_date, end_date, sources, sample, name) end #Get a Historics query from the API. #=== Parameters #* +playback_id+ - The playback ID of the Historics query to retrieve. #=== Returns #A Historic object. def getHistoric(playback_id) return Historic.new(self, playback_id) end # Get a list of Historics queries in your account. #=== Parameters #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of Historics queries in your account. #* +historics+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a Historics query. def listHistorics(page = 1, per_page = 20) return Historic::list(self, page, per_page) end #Create a new PushDefinition object for this user. #=== Returns #A PushDefinition object. def createPushDefinition() return PushDefinition.new(self) end #Get an existing PushSubscription from the API. #=== Parameters #* +subscription_id+ - The ID of the subscription to fetch. #=== Returns #A PushSubscription object. def getPushSubscription(subscription_id) return PushSubscription.get(self, subscription_id) end #Get the log entries for all push subscription or the given subscription. #=== Parameters #* +subscription_id+ - Optional subscription ID. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching log entries. #* +log_entries+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a log entry. def getPushSubscriptionLog(subscription_id = false) if subscription_id return getPushSubscription(subscription_id).getLog() else return PushSubscription.getLogs(self) end end #Get a page of Push subscriptions in the given user's account, where each #page contains up to per_page items. Results will be ordered according to #the supplied ordering parameters. #=== Parameters #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #* +include_finished+ - True to include subscriptions against finished Historics queries. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching Push subscriptions in your account. #* +subscriptions+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a Push subscription. def listPushSubscriptions(page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = PushSubscription::ORDERBY_CREATED_AT, order_dir = PushSubscription::ORDERDIR_ASC, include_finished = false) return PushSubscription.list(self, page, per_page, order_by, order_dir, include_finished) end #Get a page of Push subscriptions in the given user's account, where each #page contains up to per_page items. Results will be ordered according to #the supplied ordering parameters. #=== Parameters #* +hash+ - The stream hash. #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #* +include_finished+ - True to include subscriptions against finished Historics queries. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching Push subscriptions in your account. #* +subscriptions+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a Push subscription. def listPushSubscriptionsToStreamHash(hash, page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = PushSubscription::ORDERBY_CREATED_AT, order_dir = PushSubscription::ORDERDIR_ASC, include_finished = false) return PushSubscription.listByStreamHash(self, hash, page, per_page, order_by, order_dir) end #Get a page of Push subscriptions in the given user's account, where each #page contains up to per_page items. Results will be ordered according to #the supplied ordering parameters. #=== Parameters #* +hash+ - The stream hash. #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #* +include_finished+ - True to include subscriptions against finished Historics queries. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching Push subscriptions in your account. #* +subscriptions+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a Push subscription. def listPushSubscriptionsToPlaybackId(playback_id, page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = PushSubscription::ORDERBY_CREATED_AT, order_dir = PushSubscription::ORDERDIR_ASC, include_finished = false) return PushSubscription.listByPlaybackId(self, playback_id, page, per_page, order_by, order_dir) end #Returns a StreamConsumer-derived object for the given hash, for the #given type. #=== Parameters #* +type+ - The consumer type for which to construct a consumer. #* +hash+ - The hash to be consumed. #=== Returns #A StreamConsumer-derived object. def getConsumer(type = nil, hash = nil, on_interaction = nil, on_stopped = nil) StreamConsumer.factory(self, type, Definition.new(self, nil, hash)) end #Returns the account balance information for this user. #=== Returns #A Hash containing the balance information. def getBalance return callAPI('balance')['balance'] end #Returns the usage data for this user. If a hash is provided then a more #detailed breakdown using interaction types is retrieved and returned. #=== Parameters #* +period+ - An optional period for which to fetch data ('hour' or 'day') #=== Returns #A Hash containing the usage information. def getUsage(period = 'hour') params = { 'period' => period } return callAPI('usage', params) end #Returns the user agent this library should use for all API calls. #=== Returns #The user agent string. def getUserAgent() return USER_AGENT end #Sets the ApiClient object to use to access the API #=== Parameters #* +client+ - The API client object to be used. def setApiClient(client) @api_client = client end #Sets whether to use SSL for API and stream communication. #=== Parameters #* +use_ssl+ - Pass true to use SSL. def enableSSL(use_ssl = true) @use_ssl = use_ssl end #Make a call to a DataSift API endpoint. #=== Parameters #* +endpoint+ - The endpoint of the API call. #* +params+ - A Hash of parameters to be passed along with the request. #=== Returns #A Hash containing the response data. def callAPI(endpoint, params = {}) if !@api_client @api_client = ApiClient.new() end res = @api_client.call(@username, @api_key, endpoint, params, getUserAgent()) # Set up the return value retval = res['data'] # Update the rate limits from the headers @rate_limit = res['rate_limit'] @rate_limit_remaining = res['rate_limit_remaining'] case res['response_code'] when 200 when 201 when 204 # Do nothing when 401 # Authentication failure raise AccessDeniedError, retval.has_key?('error') ? retval['error'] : 'Authentication failed' when 403 # Check the rate limit raise RateLimitExceededError, retval['comment'] if @rate_limit_remaining == 0 # Rate limit is ok, raise a generic exception raise APIError.new(res['response_code']), retval.has_key?('error') ? retval['error'] : 'Unknown error' else raise APIError.new(res['response_code']), retval.has_key?('error') ? retval['error'] : 'Unknown error' end return retval end end end