/* hash_load.c * Copyright (c) 2011, Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ox.h" #include "ruby.h" #define MARK_INC 256 // The approach taken for the hash and has_no_attrs parsing is to push just // the key on to the stack and then decide what to do on the way up/out. static VALUE create_top(PInfo pi) { volatile VALUE top = rb_hash_new(); helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, 0, top, HashCode); pi->obj = top; return top; } static void mark_value(PInfo pi, VALUE val) { if (NULL == pi->marked) { pi->marked = ALLOC_N(VALUE, MARK_INC); pi->mark_size = MARK_INC; } else if (pi->mark_size <= pi->mark_cnt) { pi->mark_size += MARK_INC; REALLOC_N(pi->marked, VALUE, pi->mark_size); } pi->marked[pi->mark_cnt] = val; pi->mark_cnt++; } static bool marked(PInfo pi, VALUE val) { if (NULL != pi->marked) { VALUE *vp = pi->marked + pi->mark_cnt - 1; for (; pi->marked <= vp; vp--) { if (val == *vp) { return true; } } } return false; } static void unmark(PInfo pi, VALUE val) { if (NULL != pi->marked) { VALUE *vp = pi->marked + pi->mark_cnt - 1; int i; for (i = 0; pi->marked <= vp; vp--, i++) { if (val == *vp) { for (; 0 < i; i--, vp++) { *vp = *(vp + 1); } pi->mark_cnt--; break; } } } } static void add_str(PInfo pi, VALUE s) { Helper parent = helper_stack_peek(&pi->helpers); volatile VALUE a; if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(s, pi->options->rb_enc); } switch (parent->type) { case NoCode: parent->obj = s; parent->type = StringCode; break; case ArrayCode: rb_ary_push(parent->obj, s); break; default: a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, parent->obj); rb_ary_push(a, s); parent->obj = a; parent->type = ArrayCode; break; } } static void add_text(PInfo pi, char *text, int closed) { add_str(pi, rb_str_new2(text)); } static void add_cdata(PInfo pi, const char *text, size_t len) { add_str(pi, rb_str_new(text, len)); } static void add_element(PInfo pi, const char *ename, Attr attrs, int hasChildren) { if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { create_top(pi); } if (NULL != attrs && NULL != attrs->name) { volatile VALUE h = rb_hash_new(); volatile VALUE key; volatile VALUE val; volatile VALUE a; for (; 0 != attrs->name; attrs++) { if (Qnil != pi->options->attr_key_mod) { key = rb_funcall(pi->options->attr_key_mod, ox_call_id, 1, rb_str_new2(attrs->name)); } else if (Yes == pi->options->sym_keys) { key = rb_id2sym(rb_intern(attrs->name)); } else { key = rb_str_new2(attrs->name); } val = rb_str_new2(attrs->value); if (0 != pi->options->rb_enc) { rb_enc_associate(val, pi->options->rb_enc); } rb_hash_aset(h, key, val); } a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, h); mark_value(pi, a); helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, rb_intern(ename), a, ArrayCode); } else { helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, rb_intern(ename), Qnil, NoCode); } } static void add_element_no_attrs(PInfo pi, const char *ename, Attr attrs, int hasChildren) { if (helper_stack_empty(&pi->helpers)) { create_top(pi); } helper_stack_push(&pi->helpers, rb_intern(ename), Qnil, NoCode); } static int umark_hash_cb(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE x) { unmark((PInfo)x, value); return ST_CONTINUE; } static void end_element_core(PInfo pi, const char *ename, bool check_marked) { Helper e = helper_stack_pop(&pi->helpers); Helper parent = helper_stack_peek(&pi->helpers); volatile VALUE pobj = parent->obj; volatile VALUE found = Qundef; volatile VALUE key; volatile VALUE a; if (NoCode == e->type) { e->obj = Qnil; } if (Qnil != pi->options->element_key_mod) { key = rb_funcall(pi->options->element_key_mod, ox_call_id, 1, rb_id2str(e->var)); } else if (Yes == pi->options->sym_keys) { key = rb_id2sym(e->var); } else { key = rb_id2str(e->var); } // Make sure the parent is a Hash. If not set then make a Hash. If an // Array or non-Hash then append to array or create and append. switch (parent->type) { case NoCode: pobj = rb_hash_new(); parent->obj = pobj; parent->type = HashCode; break; case ArrayCode: pobj = rb_hash_new(); rb_ary_push(parent->obj, pobj); break; case HashCode: found = rb_hash_lookup2(parent->obj, key, Qundef); break; default: a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, parent->obj); pobj = rb_hash_new(); rb_ary_push(a, pobj); parent->obj = a; parent->type = ArrayCode; break; } if (Qundef == found) { rb_hash_aset(pobj, key, e->obj); } else if (RUBY_T_ARRAY == rb_type(found)) { if (check_marked && marked(pi, found)) { unmark(pi, found); a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, found); rb_ary_push(a, e->obj); rb_hash_aset(pobj, key, a); } else { rb_ary_push(found, e->obj); } } else { // something there other than an array if (check_marked && marked(pi, e->obj)) { unmark(pi, e->obj); } a = rb_ary_new(); rb_ary_push(a, found); rb_ary_push(a, e->obj); rb_hash_aset(pobj, key, a); } if (check_marked && NULL != pi->marked && RUBY_T_HASH == rb_type(e->obj)) { rb_hash_foreach(e->obj, umark_hash_cb, (VALUE)pi); } } static void end_element(PInfo pi, const char *ename) { end_element_core(pi, ename, true); } static void end_element_no_attrs(PInfo pi, const char *ename) { end_element_core(pi, ename, false); } static void finish(PInfo pi) { xfree(pi->marked); } struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_callbacks = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, add_text, add_element, end_element, finish, }; ParseCallbacks ox_hash_callbacks = &_ox_hash_callbacks; struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_cdata_callbacks = { NULL, NULL, NULL, add_cdata, add_text, add_element, end_element, finish, }; ParseCallbacks ox_hash_cdata_callbacks = &_ox_hash_cdata_callbacks; struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, add_text, add_element_no_attrs, end_element_no_attrs, NULL, }; ParseCallbacks ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks = &_ox_hash_no_attrs_callbacks; struct _parseCallbacks _ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks = { NULL, NULL, NULL, add_cdata, add_text, add_element_no_attrs, end_element_no_attrs, NULL, }; ParseCallbacks ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks = &_ox_hash_no_attrs_cdata_callbacks;