= TrueUnits The TrueUnits gem provides a simple way to display correct suffix for a noun depending on the number. It's most important for russian, ukrainian, etc. languages. === Examples 1 день, 2 дня, 25 дней 1 дерево, 2 дерева, 25 деревьев. == Installation Add one string to the Gemfile gem 'true_units' and run bundle install == Usage It's very simple. If you need a correct translation for hours then you should add few lines to your locale yml file under the true_units key true_units: hours: v1: час v2: часа v3: часов So now you can write foo.tu_hours where foo is a numerical variable. === More examples: true_units: minutes: v1: минута v2: минуты v3: минут seconds: v1: секунда v2: секунды v3: секунд days: v1: день v2: дня v3: дней wins: v1: победа v2: победы v3: побед guards: v1: охранник v2: охранника v3: охранников tickets: v1: билет v2: билета v3: билетов === usage puts 1.tu_guards puts 34.tu_tickets puts 7.tu_days == Author Alexander Dedusenko == Copyright This gem is released under the MIT License.