#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin = NAME gpmaxmin - printing maximum and minimum values of a GPhys variable. = USAGE % gpmaxmin [options] path@varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]] = OPTIONS -h, --help : Print this message. -n, --number : Number of displayed points having max and min values. -a, --all : All points are displayed. -i, --index : Indicies of max and min points are displayed. = HISTORY 2005/05/17 S Takehiro (created) 2005/07/15 S Takehiro (open_gturl method is used for opening gphys variable) 2005/08/07 S Takehiro (parse_gturl removed) 2005/08/10 S Takehiro (locations having max and min values are displayed. utilize internal function for printing help message. --all, --index, --number options added.) 2005/08/23 S Takehiro (common methods to gp* command moved to gpcommon.rb) 2006/03/07 M Nakano (USAGE Typo fixed) 2010/03/10 Y SASAKI (change help block into RD format) =end require "numru/gphys" require "numru/gphys/gpcommon" include NumRu require "getoptlong" #------------------------ Default Settings ------------------------ URLfmt = "path@varname[,dimname=pos1[:pos2[:thinning_intv]][,dimname=...]]" print_maxdefault=5 #---------------------- Option Configuration ---------------------- parser = GetoptLong.new( ["--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], ["--all", "-a", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], ["--index", "-i", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], ["--number", "-n", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT]) begin parser.each{|opt, arg| case opt when "--help" then eval "$OPT_help=true" when "--number" then eval "$OPT_number='#{arg}'" when "--all" then eval "$OPT_all=true" when "--index" then eval "$OPT_index=true" else raise "must not happen" end } rescue GetoptLong::AmbigousOption, GetoptLong::InvalidOption, GetoptLong::MissingArgument, GetoptLong::NeedlessArgument => err help $srderr.puts err.message exit 1 end #------------------------ Help message ------------------------ if ( $OPT_help ) help exit(0) end #------------------------ Option check ------------------------ gturl = ARGV[0] gphys = GPhys::IO.open_gturl(gturl) print_maxnumber = ($OPT_number.to_i||print_maxdefault) #-------------------- find max. and min values ----------------------- maxval = gphys.val.max # naray-miss class method is implicitly expected minval = gphys.val.min # naray-miss class method is implicitly expected idx1ds = gphys.val.eq(maxval).where idxsmax = Array.new idx1ds.each do |idx1d| idxsmax.push(idx=Array.new) gphys.shape.each_with_index{|len,d| idx1d,idx[d] = idx1d.divmod(len)} end idx1ds = gphys.val.eq(minval).where idxsmin = Array.new idx1ds.each do |idx1d| idxsmin.push(idx=Array.new) gphys.shape.each_with_index{|len,d| idx1d,idx[d] = idx1d.divmod(len)} end #---------------------- Output max and min values ------------------------ print_maxnumber = idxsmax.length if ( $OPT_all ) print gturl+" : max="+maxval.to_s+", at, \n" for i in 0..[print_maxnumber,idxsmax.length].min-1 location = Array.new idxsmax[i].each_with_index{|idx,cid| if ($OPT_index) location.push(gphys.coord(cid).name+"=" + idx.to_s) else location.push(gphys.coord(cid).name+"=" + gphys.coord(cid).val[idx].to_s) end } print " "+ (i+1).to_s + " : "+ location.join(", ")+"\n" end print " ...(total "+idxsmax.length.to_s+" points)...\n" if ( print_maxnumber < idxsmax.length ) print "\n" print_maxnumber = idxsmin.length if ( $OPT_all ) print gturl+" : min="+minval.to_s+", at, \n" for i in 0..[print_maxnumber,idxsmin.length].min-1 location = Array.new idxsmin[i].each_with_index{|idx,cid| if ($OPT_index) location.push(gphys.coord(cid).name+"=" + idx.to_s) else location.push(gphys.coord(cid).name+"=" + gphys.coord(cid).val[idx].to_s) end } print " "+ (i+1).to_s + " : "+ location.join(", ")+"\n" end print " ...(total "+idxsmin.length.to_s+" points)...\n" if ( print_maxnumber < idxsmin.length )