require 'blacklight' require 'blacklight_oai_provider' require 'rails' module BlacklightOaiProvider class Engine < Rails::Engine # Do these things in a to_prepare block, to try and make them work # in development mode with class-reloading. The trick is we can't # be sure if the controllers we're modifying are being reloaded in # dev mode, if they are in the BL plugin and haven't been copied to # local, they won't be. But we do our best. config.to_prepare do BlacklightOaiProvider.inject! end # Add XSL Stylesheet to list of assets to be precompiled. initializer "blacklight_oai_provider.assets.precompile" do |app| app.config.assets.precompile += %w[blacklight_oai_provider/oai2.xsl] end # Load rake tasks. rake_tasks do Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))) do Dir.glob(File.join('railties', '*.rake')).each do |railtie| load railtie end end end end end