= {TapHttp}[http://tap.rubyforge.org/projects/tap-http] A task library for submitting http requests using {Tap}[http://tap.rubyforge.org]. == Description TapHttp provides modules to construct and submit HTTP requests from a hash that specifies the target url, headers, parameters, etc. TapHttp is designed to work with a {Ubiquity}[http://labs.mozilla.com/2008/08/introducing-ubiquity/] command called {redirect-http}[http://gist.github.com/25932]; together they allow the capture and resubmission of web forms. * Lighthouse[http://bahuvrihi.lighthouseapp.com/projects/9908-tap-task-application/tickets] * Github[http://github.com/bahuvrihi/tap-http/tree/master] * {Google Group}[http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-on-tap] === Usage TapHttp submits http requests using the Tap::Http::Dispatch module. Headers, parameters, and other configurations may be specified, but the only required field is :url. include Tap::Http res = Dispatch.submit_request( :params => {'q' => 'tap-http'}, :url => 'http://www.google.com/search') res.body[0,80] # => "