require 'spec_helper' require "active_support/core_ext/hash" require "active_support/core_ext/object" require 'datagrid/renderer' describe Datagrid::Helper do subject do template = allow(template).to receive(:protect_against_forgery?).and_return(false) template.view_paths << File.expand_path("../../../app/views", __FILE__) template.view_paths << File.expand_path("../../support/test_partials", __FILE__) template end before(:each) do allow(subject).to receive(:params).and_return({}) allow(subject).to receive(:request) do, :query_parameters).new("/location", {}) end allow(subject).to receive(:url_for) do |options| options.is_a?(String) ? options : ["/location", options.to_param.presence].compact.join('?') end end let(:group) { Group.create!(:name => "Pop") } let!(:entry) { Entry.create!( :group => group, :name => "Star", :disabled => false, :confirmed => false, :category => "first" ) } let(:grid) { } context "when grid has no records" do let(:grid) do test_report do scope { Entry.where("1 != 1") } column(:id) end end it "should show an empty table with dashes" do datagrid_table = subject.datagrid_table(grid) expect(datagrid_table).to match_css_pattern( "table.datagrid tr td.noresults" => 1 ) expect(datagrid_table).to include("——") end end describe ".datagrid_table" do it "should have grid class as html class on table" do expect(subject.datagrid_table(grid)).to match_css_pattern( "table.datagrid.simple_report" => 1 ) end it "should have namespaced grid class as html class on table" do module ::Ns23 class TestGrid include Datagrid scope { Entry } column(:id) end end expect(subject.datagrid_table( match_css_pattern( "table.datagrid.ns23_test_grid" => 1 ) end it "should return data table html" do datagrid_table = subject.datagrid_table(grid) expect(datagrid_table).to match_css_pattern({ "table.datagrid tr div.order" => 1, "table.datagrid tr" => /Group.*/, "table.datagrid tr div.order" => 1, "table.datagrid tr" => /Name.*/, "table.datagrid tr" => "Pop", "table.datagrid tr" => "Star" }) end it "should support giving assets explicitly" do Entry.create!(entry.attributes.except("id")) datagrid_table = subject.datagrid_table(grid, [entry]) expect(datagrid_table).to match_css_pattern({ "table.datagrid tr div.order" => 1, "table.datagrid tr" => /Group.*/, "table.datagrid tr div.order" => 1, "table.datagrid tr" => /Name.*/, "table.datagrid tr" => "Pop", "table.datagrid tr" => "Star" }) end it "should support no order given" do expect(subject.datagrid_table(grid, [entry], :order => false)).to match_css_pattern("table.datagrid th .order" => 0) end it "should support columns option" do expect(subject.datagrid_table(grid, [entry], :columns => [:name])).to match_css_pattern( "table.datagrid" => 1, "table.datagrid" => 1, "table.datagrid" => 0, "table.datagrid" => 0 ) end context "with column_names attribute" do let(:grid) do test_report(:column_names => "name") do scope { Entry } column(:name) column(:category) end end it "should output only given column names" do expect(subject.datagrid_table(grid, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "table.datagrid" => 1, "table.datagrid" => 1, "table.datagrid th.category" => 0, "table.datagrid td.category" => 0 ) end end context "when grid has no columns" do let(:grid) do test_report do scope {Entry} end end it "should render no_columns message" do expect(subject.datagrid_table(grid, [entry])).to equal_to_dom("No columns selected") end end context 'with partials attribute' do let(:grid) do test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name) column(:category) end end it 'renders namespaced table partial' do rendered_partial = subject.datagrid_table(grid, [entry], { :partials => 'client/datagrid' }) expect(rendered_partial).to include 'Namespaced table partial.' expect(rendered_partial).to include 'Namespaced row partial.' expect(rendered_partial).to include 'Namespaced head partial.' expect(rendered_partial).to include 'Namespaced order_for partial.' end end context "when scope is enumerator" do let(:grid) do test_report do scope { ['a', 'b'].to_enum } column(:name) do |value| value end end end it "should render table" do expect(subject.datagrid_table(grid)).to match_css_pattern( "table.datagrid" => 1, "table.datagrid" => 2, ) end end context "when scope is lazy enumerator" do before(:each) do pending("not supported by ruby < 2.0") if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0' end let(:grid) do test_report do scope { ['a', 'b'].lazy } column(:name) do |value| value end end end it "should render table" do expect(subject.datagrid_table(grid)).to match_css_pattern( "table.datagrid" => 1, "table.datagrid" => 2, ) end end end describe ".datagrid_rows" do it "should support urls" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :url => lambda {|model|}) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr a[href=Star]" => "Star" ) end it "should support conditional urls" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :url => lambda {|model| false}) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr" => "Star" ) end it "should add ordering classes to column" do rp = test_report(:order => :name) do scope { Entry } column(:name) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr" => "Star" ) end it "should add ordering classes to column" do rp = test_report(:order => :name) do scope { Entry } column(:name) end expect( subject.datagrid_rows(rp) do |row| subject.content_tag(:strong, end ).to match_css_pattern( "strong" => "Star" ) end it "should add ordering classes to column" do rp = test_report(:order => :name, :descending => true) do scope { Entry } column(:name) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr" => "Star" ) end it "should render html columns" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => true) do |model| content_tag(:span, end end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr span" => "Star" ) end it "should render argument-based html columns" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => lambda {|data| content_tag :h1, data}) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr h1" => "Star" ) end it "should render argument-based html columns with custom data" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => lambda {|data| content_tag :em, data}) do end end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr em" => "STAR" ) end it "should render html columns with double arguments for column" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => true) do |model, grid| content_tag(:span, "#{}-#{grid.assets.klass}" ) end end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr span" => "Star-Entry" ) end it "should render argument-based html blocks with double arguments" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => lambda { |data, model| content_tag :h1, "#{data}-#{}" }) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr h1" => "Star-star" ) end it "should render argument-based html blocks with triple arguments" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => lambda { |data, model, grid| content_tag :h1, "#{data}-#{}-#{grid.assets.klass}" }) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr h1" => "Star-star-Entry" ) end it "should render argument-based html blocks with double arguments and custom data" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => lambda { |data, model| content_tag :h1, "#{data}-#{}" }) do end end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr h1" => "STAR-Star" ) end it "should render argument-based html blocks with triple arguments and custom data" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :html => lambda { |data, model, grid| content_tag :h1, "#{data}-#{}-#{grid.assets.klass}" }) do end end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr h1" => "STAR-Star-Entry" ) end it "should support columns option" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name) column(:category) end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry], :columns => [:name])).to match_css_pattern( "tr" => "Star" ) expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry], :columns => [:name])).to match_css_pattern( "tr td.category" => 0 ) end it "should allow CSS classes to be specified for a column" do rp = test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name, :class => 'my_class') end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(rp, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "tr" => "Star" ) end context "when grid has complicated columns" do let(:grid) do test_report(:name => 'Hello') do scope {Entry} filter(:name) column(:name) do |model, grid| "'#{}' filtered by '#{}'" end end end it "should ignore them" do expect(subject.datagrid_rows(grid, [entry])).to match_css_pattern( "" => 1 ) end end it "should escape html" do entry.update_attributes!(:name => "
") expect(subject.datagrid_rows(grid, [entry], :columns => [:name])).to equal_to_dom(<<-HTML) <div>hello</div> HTML end it "should not escape safe html" do entry.update_attributes!(:name => "
") grid.column(:safe_name) do |model| end expect(subject.datagrid_rows(grid, [entry], :columns => [:safe_name])).to equal_to_dom(<<-HTML)
HTML end end describe ".datagrid_order_for" do it "should render ordering layout" do class OrderedGrid include Datagrid scope { Entry } column(:category) end object = => true, :order => :category) expect(subject.datagrid_order_for(object, object.column_by_name(:category))).to equal_to_dom(<<-HTML)
HTML end end describe ".datagrid_form_for" do it 'returns namespaced partial if partials options is passed' do rendered_form = subject.datagrid_form_for(grid, { :url => '', :partials => 'client/datagrid' }) expect(rendered_form).to include 'Namespaced form partial.' end it "should render form and filter inputs" do class FormForGrid include Datagrid scope { Entry } filter(:category) end object = => "hello") expect(subject.datagrid_form_for(object, :url => "/grid")).to match_css_pattern( "form.datagrid-form.form_for_grid[action='/grid']" => 1, "form input[name=utf8]" => 1, "form .filter label" => "Category", "form .filter input.category.default_filter[name='form_for_grid[category]'][value=hello]" => 1, "form input[name=commit][value=Search]" => 1, "form a.datagrid-reset[href='/location']" => 1 ) end it "should support html classes for grid class with namespace" do module ::Ns22 class TestGrid include Datagrid scope { Entry } filter(:id) end end expect(subject.datagrid_form_for(, :url => "grid")).to match_css_pattern( "form.datagrid-form.ns22_test_grid" => 1, "form.datagrid-form label[for=ns22_test_grid_id]" => 1, "form.datagrid-form input#ns22_test_grid_id[name='ns22_test_grid[id]']" => 1, ) end it "should have overridable param_name method" do class ParamNameGrid81 include Datagrid scope { Entry } filter(:id) def param_name 'g' end end expect(subject.datagrid_form_for(, :url => "/grid")).to match_css_pattern( "form.datagrid-form input[name='g[id]']" => 1, ) end it "takes default partials if custom doesn't exist" do class PartialDefaultGrid include Datagrid scope {Entry} filter(:id, :integer, :range => true) filter(:group_id, :enum, :multiple => true, :checkboxes => true, :select => [1,2]) def param_name 'g' end end rendered_form = subject.datagrid_form_for(, { :url => '', :partials => 'custom_form' }) expect(rendered_form).to include 'form_partial_test' expect(rendered_form).to match_css_pattern([ 'input.integer_filter.from', '', ".enum_filter input[value='1']", ".enum_filter input[value='2']", ]) end end describe ".datagrid_row" do let(:grid) do test_report do scope { Entry } column(:name) column(:category) end end let(:entry) do Entry.create!(:name => "Hello", :category => "greetings") end it "should provide access to row data" do r = subject.datagrid_row(grid, entry) expect( eq("Hello") expect(r.category).to eq("greetings") end it "should provide an interator" do r = subject.datagrid_row(grid, entry) expect( {|z| z.upcase}).to eq(["HELLO", "GREETINGS"]) expect( eq("Hello") expect(r.category).to eq("greetings") end it "should yield block" do subject.datagrid_row(grid, entry) do |row| expect( eq("Hello") expect(row.category).to eq("greetings") end end it "should output data from block" do name = subject.datagrid_row(grid, entry) do |row| subject.concat( subject.concat(",") subject.concat(row.category) end expect(name).to eq("Hello,greetings") end it "should give access to grid and asset" do r = subject.datagrid_row(grid, entry) expect(r.grid).to eq(grid) expect(r.asset).to eq(entry) end it "should use cache" do grid = test_report do scope {Entry} self.cached = true column(:random1, html: true) {rand(10**9)} column(:random2) {|model| format(rand(10**9)) {|value| value}} end entry = Entry.create! data_row = grid.data_row(entry) html_row = subject.datagrid_row(grid, entry) expect(html_row.random1).to eq(html_row.random1) expect(html_row.random2).to_not eq(html_row.random1) expect(data_row.random2).to eq(html_row.random2) expect(data_row.random2).to_not eq(html_row.random1) grid.cached = false expect(html_row.random2).to_not eq(html_row.random2) expect(html_row.random2).to_not eq(html_row.random1) expect(data_row.random2).to_not eq(html_row.random2) expect(data_row.random2).to_not eq(html_row.random1) end end describe ".datagrid_value" do it "should format value by column name" do report = test_report do scope {Entry} column(:name) do |e| "#{}" end end expect(subject.datagrid_value(report, :name, entry)).to eq("Star") end it "should support format in column" do report = test_report do scope {Entry} column(:name) do |e| format( do |value| link_to value, "/profile" end end end expect(subject.datagrid_value(report, :name, entry)).to be_html_safe expect(subject.datagrid_value(report, :name, entry)).to eq("Star") end it "applies decorator" do report = test_report do scope {Entry} decorate do |model| do def name end end end column(:name, html: true) end entry = Entry.create!(name: 'hello') expect(subject.datagrid_value(report, :name, entry)).to eq("HELLO") end end describe ".datagrid_header" do it "should support order_by_value colums" do grid = test_report(:order => "category") do scope { Entry } column(:category, :order => false, :order_by_value => true) def param_name 'grid' end end expect(subject.datagrid_header(grid)).to equal_to_dom(<Category
HTML end end end