format do # link is called by web_link, card_link, and view_link # (and is overridden in other formats) def link_to text, href, opts={} if text and href != text "#{text}[#{href}]" else href end end # link to a specific url or path def web_link href, opts={} text = opts.delete(:text) || href new_class = case href when /^https?:/ ; 'external-link' when /^mailto:/ ; 'email-link' when /^([a-zA-Z][\-+\.a-zA-Z\d]*):/ ; $1 + '-link' when /^\// href = internal_url href[1..-1] ; 'internal-link' else return card_link href, opts end add_class opts, new_class link_to text, href, opts end # link to a specific card def card_link name, opts={} text = (opts.delete(:text) || name).to_name.to_show @context_names name = Card[name].cardname if Symbol===name path_opts = opts.delete( :path_opts ) || {} path_opts[:name ] = name path_opts[:known] = opts[:known].nil? ? Card.known?(name) : opts.delete(:known) add_class opts, ( path_opts[:known] ? 'known-card' : 'wanted-card' ) link_to text, path_opts, opts end # link to a specific view (defaults to current card) # this is generally used for ajax calls def view_link text, view, opts={} path_opts = opts.delete( :path_opts ) || {} path_opts[:view] = view unless view == :home opts[:remote] = true opts[:rel] = 'nofollow' link_to text, path_opts, opts end def path opts={} name = opts.delete(:name) || base = opts[:action] ? "card/#{ opts.delete :action }/" : '' opts[:no_id] = true if [:new, :create].member? opts[:action] #generalize. dislike hardcoding views/actions here linkname = name.to_name.url_key unless name.empty? || opts.delete(:no_id) base += ( opts[:id] ? "~#{ opts.delete :id }" : linkname ) end opts[:card] = {} opts[:card][:name] = name if opts.delete(:known)==false && name.present? && name.to_s != linkname if type = opts.delete(:type) and Card.known?( type ) opts[:card][:type] = type end opts.delete(:card) if opts[:card].empty? query = opts.empty? ? '' : "?#{opts.to_param}" internal_url( base + query ) end def internal_url relative_path wagn_path relative_path end end format :html do def link_to text, href, opts={} if Hash===href href = path href end [:remote, :method].each do |key| if val = opts.delete(key) opts["data-#{key}"] = val end end content_tag :a, raw(text), opts.merge(:href=>href) end end