# frozen_string_literal: true require "json" require "logger" require "async" require "async/websocket/client" module Discorb # # Class for connecting to the Discord server. # class Client # @return [Discorb::Intents] The intents that the client is currently using. attr_accessor :intents # @return [Discorb::Application] The application that the client is using. # @return [nil] If never fetched application by {#fetch_application}. attr_reader :application # @return [Discorb::HTTP] The http client. attr_reader :http # @return [Integer] The heartbeat interval. attr_reader :heartbeat_interval # @return [Integer] The API version of the Discord gateway. # @return [nil] If not connected to the gateway. attr_reader :api_version # @return [String] The token of the client. attr_reader :token # @return [Discorb::AllowedMentions] The allowed mentions that the client is using. attr_reader :allowed_mentions # @return [Discorb::ClientUser] The client user. attr_reader :user # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Guild}] A dictionary of guilds. attr_reader :guilds # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::User}] A dictionary of users. attr_reader :users # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Channel}] A dictionary of channels. attr_reader :channels # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Emoji}] A dictionary of emojis. attr_reader :emojis # @return [Discorb::Dictionary{Discorb::Snowflake => Discorb::Message}] A dictionary of messages. attr_reader :messages # @return [Discorb::Logger] The logger. attr_reader :log # @return [Array] The commands that the client is using. attr_reader :commands # @return [Float] The ping of the client. # @note This will be calculated from heartbeat and heartbeat_ack. # @return [nil] If not connected to the gateway. attr_reader :ping # @return [:initialized, :running, :closed] The status of the client. attr_reader :status # @return [Integer] The session ID of connection. attr_reader :session_id # @private attr_reader :bottom_commands # # Initializes a new client. # # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions] allowed_mentions The allowed mentions that the client is using. # @param [Discorb::Intents] intents The intents that the client is currently using. # @param [Integer] message_caches The number of messages to cache. # @param [#puts] log The IO object to use for logging. # @param [Boolean] colorize_log Whether to colorize the log. # @param [:debug, :info, :warn, :error, :critical] log_level The log level. # @param [Boolean] wait_until_ready Whether to delay event dispatch until ready. # def initialize( allowed_mentions: nil, intents: nil, message_caches: 1000, log: nil, colorize_log: false, log_level: :info, wait_until_ready: true ) @allowed_mentions = allowed_mentions || AllowedMentions.new(everyone: true, roles: true, users: true) @intents = (intents or Intents.default) @events = {} @api_version = nil @log = Logger.new(log, colorize_log, log_level) @user = nil @users = Discorb::Dictionary.new @channels = Discorb::Dictionary.new @guilds = Discorb::Dictionary.new(sort: ->(k) { k[0].to_i }) @emojis = Discorb::Dictionary.new @messages = Discorb::Dictionary.new(limit: message_caches) @application = nil @last_s = nil @identify_presence = nil @wait_until_ready = wait_until_ready @ready = false @tasks = [] @conditions = {} @commands = [] @bottom_commands = [] @status = :initialized end # # Registers an event handler. # @see file:docs/Events.md # # @param [Symbol] event_name The name of the event. # @param [Symbol] id Custom ID of the event. # @param [Hash] discriminator The discriminator of the event. # @param [Proc] block The block to execute when the event is triggered. # # @return [Discorb::Event] The event. # def on(event_name, id: nil, **discriminator, &block) ne = Event.new(block, id, discriminator) @events[event_name] ||= [] @events[event_name] << ne ne end # # Almost same as {#on}, but only triggers the event once. # # @param (see #on) # # @return [Discorb::Event] The event. # def once(event_name, id: nil, **discriminator, &block) discriminator[:once] = true ne = Event.new(block, id, discriminator) @events[event_name] ||= [] @events[event_name] << ne ne end # # Remove event by ID. # # @param [Symbol] event_name The name of the event. # @param [Symbol] id The ID of the event. # def remove_event(event_name, id) @events[event_name].delete_if { |e| e.id == id } end # # Dispatch an event. # # @param [Symbol] event_name The name of the event. # @param [Object] args The arguments to pass to the event. # def dispatch(event_name, *args) Async do if (conditions = @conditions[event_name]) ids = Set[*conditions.map(&:first).map(&:object_id)] conditions.delete_if do |condition| next unless ids.include?(condition.first.object_id) check_result = condition[1].nil? || condition[1].call(*args) if check_result condition.first.signal(args) true else false end end end events = @events[event_name].dup || [] if respond_to?("on_" + event_name.to_s) event_method = method("on_" + event_name.to_s) class << event_method def id "method" end end events << event_method end if events.nil? @log.debug "Event #{event_name} doesn't have any proc, skipping" next end @log.debug "Dispatching event #{event_name}" events.each do |block| lambda { |event_args| Async(annotation: "Discorb event: #{event_name}") do |task| if block.is_a?(Discorb::Event) @events[event_name].delete(block) if block.discriminator[:once] end block.call(*event_args) @log.debug "Dispatched proc with ID #{block.id.inspect}" rescue StandardError, ScriptError => e message = "An error occurred while dispatching proc with ID #{block.id.inspect}\n#{e.full_message}" dispatch(:error, event_name, event_args, e) if @log.out @log.error message else warn message end end }.call(args) end end end # # Fetch user from ID. # @macro async # @macro http # # @param [#to_s] id # # @return [Discorb::User] The user. # # @raise [Discorb::NotFoundError] If the user doesn't exist. # def fetch_user(id) Async do _resp, data = http.get("/users/#{id}").wait User.new(self, data) end end # # Fetch channel from ID. # @macro async # @macro http # # @param [#to_s] id The ID of the channel. # # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel. # # @raise [Discorb::NotFoundError] If the channel doesn't exist. # def fetch_channel(id) Async do _resp, data = http.get("/channels/#{id}").wait Channel.make_channel(self, data) end end # # Fetch guild from ID. # @macro async # @macro http # # @param [#to_s] id # # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild. # # @raise [Discorb::NotFoundError] If the guild doesn't exist. # def fetch_guild(id) Async do _resp, data = http.get("/guilds/#{id}").wait Guild.new(self, data, false) end end # # Fetch invite from code. # @macro async # @macro http # # @param [String] code The code of the invite. # @param [Boolean] with_count Whether to include the count of the invite. # @param [Boolean] with_expiration Whether to include the expiration of the invite. # # @return [Discorb::Invite] The invite. # def fetch_invite(code, with_count: false, with_expiration: false) Async do _resp, data = http.get("/invites/#{code}?with_count=#{with_count}&with_expiration=#{with_expiration}").wait Invite.new(self, data, false) end end # # Fetch webhook from ID. # If application was cached, it will be used. # @macro async # @macro http # # @param [Boolean] force Whether to force the fetch. # # @return [Discorb::Application] The application. # def fetch_application(force: false) Async do next @application if @application && !force _resp, data = http.get("/oauth2/applications/@me").wait @application = Application.new(self, data) @application end end # # Fetch nitro sticker pack from ID. # @macro async # @macro http # # @return [Array] The packs. # def fetch_nitro_sticker_packs Async do _resp, data = http.get("/stickers-packs").wait data.map { |pack| Sticker::Pack.new(self, pack) } end end # # Update presence of the client. # # @param [Discorb::Activity] activity The activity to update. # @param [:online, :idle, :dnd, :invisible] status The status to update. # def update_presence(activity = nil, status: nil) payload = {} if !activity.nil? payload[:activities] = [activity.to_hash] end payload[:status] = status unless status.nil? if @connection Async do send_gateway(3, **payload) end else @identify_presence = payload end end alias change_presence update_presence # # Method to wait for a event. # # @param [Symbol] event The name of the event. # @param [Integer] timeout The timeout in seconds. # @param [Proc] check The check to use. # # @return [Object] The result of the event. # # @raise [Discorb::TimeoutError] If the event didn't occur in time. # def event_lock(event, timeout = nil, &check) Async do |task| condition = Async::Condition.new @conditions[event] ||= [] @conditions[event] << [condition, check] if timeout.nil? value = condition.wait else timeout_task = task.with_timeout(timeout) do condition.wait rescue Async::TimeoutError @conditions[event].delete_if { |c| c.first == condition } raise Discorb::TimeoutError, "Timeout waiting for event #{event}", cause: nil end value = timeout_task end value.length <= 1 ? value.first : value end end alias await event_lock def inspect "#<#{self.class} user=\"#{user}\">" end # # Load the extension. # # @param [Module] mod The extension to load. # def extend(mod) if mod.respond_to?(:events) @events.each_value do |event| event.delete_if { |c| c.discriminator[:extension] == mod.name } end mod.events.each do |name, events| @events[name] = [] if @events[name].nil? events.each do |event| @events[name] << event end end @commands.delete_if do |cmd| cmd.respond_to? :extension and cmd.extension == mod.name end mod.commands.each do |cmd| cmd.define_singleton_method(:extension) { mod.name } @commands << cmd end @bottom_commands += mod.bottom_commands mod.client = self end super(mod) end include Discorb::Gateway::Handler include Discorb::Command::Handler # # Starts the client. # @note This method behavior will change by CLI. # @see file:docs/cli.md # # @param [String] token The token to use. # def run(token) case ENV["DISCORB_CLI_FLAG"] when nil start_client(token) when "run" require "json" options = JSON.parse(ENV["DISCORB_CLI_OPTIONS"], symbolize_names: true) Process.daemon if options[:daemon] setup_commands(token) if options[:setup] if options[:log_level] if options[:log_level] == "none" @log.out = nil else @log.out = case options[:log_file] when nil, "stderr" $stderr when "stdout" $stdout else ::File.open(options[:log_file], "a") end @log.level = options[:log_level].to_sym @log.colorize_log = case options[:log_color] when nil if @log.out == $stdout || @log.out == $stderr true else false end when true, false options[:log_color] end end end start_client(token) when "setup" setup_commands(token) end end # # Stops the client. # def close! @connection.send_close @tasks.each(&:stop) @status = :closed @close_condition.signal end private def start_client(token) Async do |task| trap(:SIGINT) { @log.info "SIGINT received, closing..." close! } @token = token.to_s @close_condition = Async::Condition.new @main_task = Async do @status = :running connect_gateway(true).wait rescue @status = :stopped @close_condition.signal raise end @close_condition.wait @main_task.stop end end end end