require 'java' require 'pathname' require 'killbill/http_servlet' require 'killbill/creator' include Java module Killbill # There are various types of plugins one can write for Killbill: # # 1) notifications plugins, which listen to external bus events and can react to it # 2) payment plugins, which are used to issue payments against a payment gateway module Plugin class JPlugin attr_reader :delegate_plugin, # Called by the Killbill lifecycle to register the servlet :rack_handler # Called by the Killbill lifecycle when initializing the plugin def start_plugin @delegate_plugin.start_plugin configure_rack_handler end # Called by the Killbill lifecycle when stopping the plugin def stop_plugin unconfigure_rack_handler @delegate_plugin.stop_plugin end def is_active end # Called by the Killbill lifecycle when instantiating the plugin def initialize(plugin_class_name, services = {}) @delegate_plugin = end def logger require 'logger' @delegate_plugin.nil? ? : @delegate_plugin.logger end protected def configure_rack_handler config_ru ="#{@delegate_plugin.root}/").expand_path if config_ru.file? "Found Rack configuration file at #{config_ru.to_s}" @rack_handler = Killbill::Plugin::RackHandler.instance @rack_handler.configure(logger, config_ru.to_s) unless @rack_handler.configured? else "No Rack configuration file found at #{config_ru.to_s}" nil end end def unconfigure_rack_handler @rack_handler.unconfigure unless @rack_handler.nil? end def do_call_handle_exception(method_name, *args) begin rargs = convert_args(method_name, args) res = @delegate_plugin.send(method_name.to_s.snake_case.to_sym, *rargs) yield(res) rescue Exception => e wrap_and_throw_exception(method_name, e) ensure @delegate_plugin.after_request end end def wrap_and_throw_exception(api, e) message = "#{api} failure: #{e}" unless e.backtrace.nil? message = "#{message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" end logger.warn message raise"#{api} failure", e.message) end def convert_args(api, args) args.collect! do |a| if a.nil? nil elsif a.java_kind_of? java.util.UUID JConverter.from_uuid(a) elsif a.java_kind_of? java.math.BigDecimal # A bit fragile if what we recieve is not a price... JConverter.from_big_decimal_with_cents_conversion(a) elsif a.java_kind_of? Java::com.ning.billing.catalog.api.Currency a.to_string elsif a.java_kind_of? Java::com.ning.billing.payment.api.PaymentMethodPlugin JConverter.from_payment_method_plugin(a) elsif a.java_kind_of? Java::com.ning.billing.beatrix.bus.api.ExtBusEvent JConverter.from_ext_bus_event(a) elsif ((a.java_kind_of? Java::boolean) || (a.java_kind_of? java.lang.Boolean)) JConverter.from_boolean(a) # Require because it looks like if non boxed value are passed they already arrive as Ruby type elsif ((a.java_kind_of? TrueClass) || (a.java_kind_of? FalseClass)) a elsif a.java_kind_of? java.util.List result = if a.size > 0 first_element = a.get(0) if first_element.java_kind_of? Java::com.ning.billing.payment.plugin.api.PaymentMethodInfoPlugin a.each do |el| result << JConverter.from_payment_method_info_plugin(el) end else raise"#{api} failure", "Unexpected parameter type #{first_element.class} for list") end end result elsif a.java_kind_of? Java::com.ning.billing.util.callcontext.CallContext JConverter.from_call_context(a) elsif a.java_kind_of? Java::com.ning.billing.util.callcontext.TenantContext JConverter.from_tenant_context(a) else # Since we don't pass the Context at this point, we can't raise any exceptions for unexpected types. raise"#{api} failure", "Unexpected parameter type #{a.class}") end end # Remove last argument if this is null (it means we passed a context) #args.delete_at(-1) if args[-1].nil? #args end end end end