#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'facter/util/resolution' describe Facter::Util::Resolution do it "should require a name" do lambda { Facter::Util::Resolution.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should have a name" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").name.should == "yay" end it "should have a method for setting the code" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").should respond_to(:setcode) end it "should support a timeout value" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").should respond_to(:timeout=) end it "should default to a timeout of 0 seconds" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").limit.should == 0 end it "should default to nil for code" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").code.should be_nil end it "should default to nil for interpreter" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").interpreter.should be_nil end it "should provide a 'limit' method that returns the timeout" do res = Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay") res.timeout = "testing" res.limit.should == "testing" end describe "when setting the code" do before do @resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay") end it "should default to the detected interpreter if a string is provided" do Facter::Util::Resolution::INTERPRETER = "/bin/bar" @resolve.setcode "foo" @resolve.interpreter.should == "/bin/bar" end it "should set the code to any provided string" do @resolve.setcode "foo" @resolve.code.should == "foo" end it "should set the code to any provided block" do block = lambda { } @resolve.setcode(&block) @resolve.code.should equal(block) end it "should prefer the string over a block" do @resolve.setcode("foo") { } @resolve.code.should == "foo" end it "should fail if neither a string nor block has been provided" do lambda { @resolve.setcode }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "should be able to return a value" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").should respond_to(:value) end describe "when returning the value" do before do @resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay") end describe "and setcode has not been called" do it "should return nil" do Facter::Util::Resolution.expects(:exec).with(nil, nil).never @resolve.value.should be_nil end end describe "and the code is a string" do describe "on windows" do before do Facter::Util::Resolution::WINDOWS = true Facter::Util::Resolution::INTERPRETER = "cmd.exe" end it "should return the result of executing the code with the interpreter" do @resolve.setcode "/bin/foo" Facter::Util::Resolution.expects(:exec).once.with("/bin/foo", "cmd.exe").returns "yup" @resolve.value.should == "yup" end it "should return nil if the value is an empty string" do @resolve.setcode "/bin/foo" Facter::Util::Resolution.expects(:exec).once.returns "" @resolve.value.should be_nil end end describe "on non-windows systems" do before do Facter::Util::Resolution::WINDOWS = false Facter::Util::Resolution::INTERPRETER = "/bin/sh" end it "should return the result of executing the code with the interpreter" do @resolve.setcode "/bin/foo" Facter::Util::Resolution.expects(:exec).once.with("/bin/foo", "/bin/sh").returns "yup" @resolve.value.should == "yup" end it "should return nil if the value is an empty string" do @resolve.setcode "/bin/foo" Facter::Util::Resolution.expects(:exec).once.returns "" @resolve.value.should be_nil end end end describe "and the code is a block" do it "should warn but not fail if the code fails" do @resolve.setcode { raise "feh" } @resolve.expects(:warn) @resolve.value.should be_nil end it "should return the value returned by the block" do @resolve.setcode { "yayness" } @resolve.value.should == "yayness" end it "should return nil if the value is an empty string" do @resolve.setcode { "" } @resolve.value.should be_nil end it "should return nil if the value is an empty block" do @resolve.setcode { "" } @resolve.value.should be_nil end it "should use its limit method to determine the timeout, to avoid conflict when a 'timeout' method exists for some other reason" do @resolve.expects(:timeout).never @resolve.expects(:limit).returns "foo" Timeout.expects(:timeout).with("foo") @resolve.setcode { sleep 2; "raise This is a test"} @resolve.value end it "should timeout after the provided timeout" do @resolve.expects(:warn) @resolve.timeout = 0.1 @resolve.setcode { sleep 2; raise "This is a test" } Thread.expects(:new).yields @resolve.value.should be_nil end it "should waitall to avoid zombies if the timeout is exceeded" do @resolve.stubs(:warn) @resolve.timeout = 0.1 @resolve.setcode { sleep 2; raise "This is a test" } Thread.expects(:new).yields Process.expects(:waitall) @resolve.value end end end it "should return its value when converted to a string" do @resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay") @resolve.expects(:value).returns "myval" @resolve.to_s.should == "myval" end it "should allow the adding of confines" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").should respond_to(:confine) end it "should provide a method for returning the number of confines" do @resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay") @resolve.confine "one" => "foo", "two" => "fee" @resolve.length.should == 2 end it "should return 0 confines when no confines have been added" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").length.should == 0 end it "should have a method for determining if it is suitable" do Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay").should respond_to(:suitable?) end describe "when adding confines" do before do @resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay") end it "should accept a hash of fact names and values" do lambda { @resolve.confine :one => "two" }.should_not raise_error end it "should create a Util::Confine instance for every argument in the provided hash" do Facter::Util::Confine.expects(:new).with("one", "foo") Facter::Util::Confine.expects(:new).with("two", "fee") @resolve.confine "one" => "foo", "two" => "fee" end end describe "when determining suitability" do before do @resolve = Facter::Util::Resolution.new("yay") end it "should always be suitable if no confines have been added" do @resolve.should be_suitable end it "should be unsuitable if any provided confines return false" do confine1 = mock 'confine1', :true? => true confine2 = mock 'confine2', :true? => false Facter::Util::Confine.expects(:new).times(2).returns(confine1).then.returns(confine2) @resolve.confine :one => :two, :three => :four @resolve.should_not be_suitable end it "should be suitable if all provided confines return true" do confine1 = mock 'confine1', :true? => true confine2 = mock 'confine2', :true? => true Facter::Util::Confine.expects(:new).times(2).returns(confine1).then.returns(confine2) @resolve.confine :one => :two, :three => :four @resolve.should be_suitable end end it "should have a class method for executing code" do Facter::Util::Resolution.should respond_to(:exec) end # It's not possible, AFAICT, to mock %x{}, so I can't really test this bit. describe "when executing code" do it "should fail if any interpreter other than /bin/sh is requested" do lambda { Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("/something", "/bin/perl") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should execute the binary" do Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("echo foo").should == "foo" end end end