# frozen_string_literal: true

# A new wrapper for the Discorb API.
# @author sevenc-nanashi
module Discorb
  # @!visibility private
  # @!macro [new] async
  #   @note This is an asynchronous method, it will return a `Async::Task` object. Use `Async::Task#wait` to get the result.
  # @!macro [new] client_cache
  #   @note This method returns an object from client cache. it will return `nil` if the object is not in cache.
  #   @return [nil] The object wasn't cached.
  # @!macro members_intent
  #   @note You must enable `GUILD_MEMBERS` intent to use this method.
  # @!macro edit
  #   @note The arguments of this method are defaultly set to `:unset`. Specify value to set the value, if not don't specify or specify `:unset`.
  # @!macro http
  #   @note This method calls HTTP request.
  #   @raise [Discorb::HTTPError] HTTP request failed.
  def macro
    # NOTE: this method is only for YARD.
    puts "Wow, You found the easter egg!\n"
    red = "\e[31m"
    reset = "\e[m"
    puts <<~"EASTEREGG"
                 .               #{red}         #{reset}
               |                 #{red}   |     #{reset}
             __| |  __   __  _   #{red} _ |__    #{reset}
            /  | | (__  /   / \\ #{red}|/  |  \\ #{reset}
            \\__| |  __) \\__ \\_/ #{red}|   |__/  #{reset}

           Thank you for using this library!

require_order = %w[common flag dictionary error rate_limit http intents emoji_table modules] +
                %w[user member guild emoji channel embed message] +
                %w[application audit_logs color components event extension] +
                %w[file guild_template image integration interaction invite log permission] +
                %w[presence reaction role sticker utils voice_state webhook] +
                %w[gateway_requests gateway command] +
                %w[asset client extend]
require_order.each do |name|
  require_relative "discorb/#{name}.rb"