= Sunspot http://outoftime.github.com/sunspot Sunspot is a Ruby library for expressive, powerful interaction with the Solr search engine. Sunspot is built on top of the RSolr gem, which provides a low-level interface for Solr interaction; Sunspot provides a simple, intuitive, expressive DSL backed by powerful features for indexing objects and searching for them. Sunspot is designed to be easily plugged in to any ORM, or even non-database-backed objects such as the filesystem. This README is intended as a quick primer on what Sunspot is capable of; for detailed treatment of Sunspot's full feature range, check out the wiki: http://wiki.github.com/outoftime/sunspot === Features: * Define indexing strategy for each searchable class using intuitive block-based API * Clean separation between keyword-searchable fields and fields for scoping/ordering * Define fields based on existing attributes or "virtual fields" for custom indexing * Indexes each object's entire superclass hierarchy, for easy searching for all objects inheriting from a parent class * Intuitive DSL for scoping searches, with all the usual boolean operators available * Intuitive interface for requesting facets on indexed fields * Extensible adapter architecture for easy integration of other ORMs or non-model classes * Refine search using field facets, date range facets, or ultra-powerful query facets * Full compatibility with will_paginate * Ordering == Installation gem sources -a http://gems.github.com gem install outoftime-sunspot In order to start the packaged Solr installation, run: sunspot-solr start -- [-d /path/to/data/directory] [-p port] [-s path/to/solr/home] [--pid-dir=path/to/pid/dir] If you don't specify a data directory, your Solr index will be stored in your operating system's temporary directory. If you specify a solr home, the directory must contain a <code>conf</code> directory, which should contain at least <code>schema.xml</code> and <code>solrconfig.xml</code>. Be sure to copy the <code>schema.xml</code> out of the Sunspot gem's <code>solr/solr/conf</code> directory. Sunspot relies on the field name patterns defined in the packaged <code>schema.xml</code>, so those cannot be modified. You can also run your own instance of Solr wherever you'd like; just copy the solr/config/schema.xml file out of the gem's solr into your installation. You can change the URL at which Sunspot accesses Solr with: Sunspot.config.solr.url = 'http://solr.my.host:9818/solr' == Rails Integration The {Sunspot::Rails}[http://github.com/outoftime/sunspot_rails] plugin makes integrating Sunspot into Rails drop-in easy. == Using Sunspot === Define an index: class Post #... end Sunspot.setup(Post) do text :title, :body string :author_name integer :blog_id integer :category_ids float :average_rating, :using => :ratings_average time :published_at string :sort_title do title.downcase.sub(/^(an?|the)\W+/, ''/) if title = self.title end end See Sunspot.setup for more information. Note that in order for a class to be searchable, it must have an adapter registered for itself or one of its subclasses. Adapters allow Sunspot to load objects out of persistent storage, and to determine their primary key for indexing. {Sunspot::Rails}[http://github.com/outoftime/sunspot_rails] comes with an adapter for ActiveRecord objects, but for other types of models you will need to define your own. See Sunspot::Adapters for more information. === Search for objects: search = Sunspot.search Post do keywords 'great pizza' with :author_name, 'Mark Twain' with(:blog_id).any_of [2, 14] with(:category_ids).all_of [4, 10] with(:published_at).less_than Time.now any_of do with(:expired_at).greater_than(Time.now) with(:expired_at, nil) end without :title, 'Bad Title' without bad_instance # specifically exclude this instance from results paginate :page => 3, :per_page => 15 order_by :average_rating, :desc facet :blog_id end See Sunspot.search for more information. === Get data from search: search.results search.total search.page search.per_page search.facet(:blog_id) == About the API documentation All of the methods documented in the RDoc are considered part of Sunspot's public API. Methods that are not part of the public API are documented in the code, but excluded from the RDoc. If you find yourself needing to access methods that are not part of the public API in order to do what you need, please contact me so I can rectify the situation! == Dependencies 1. RSolr 2. Daemons 3. OptiFlag 4. Java Sunspot has been tested with MRI 1.8.6 and 1.8.7, REE 1.8.6, YARV 1.9.1, and JRuby 1.2.0 == Bugs Please submit bug reports to http://outoftime.lighthouseapp.com/projects/20339-sunspot == Further Reading * Sunspot Discussion: http://groups.google.com/group/ruby-sunspot * IRC: #sunspot-ruby @ Freenode * Posts about Sunspot from my tumblog: http://outofti.me/tagged/sunspot * Read about it on Linux Magazine: http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7341 == Contributors * Mat Brown (mat@patch.com) * Peer Allan (peer.allan@gmail.com) * Dmitriy Dzema (dima@dzema.name) * Benjamin Krause (bk@benjaminkrause.com) * Marcel de Graaf (marcel@slashdev.nl) * Brandon Keepers (brandon@opensoul.org) * Peter Berkenbosch (peterberkenbosch@me.com) * Brian Atkinson == License Sunspot is distributed under the MIT License, copyright (c) 2008-2009 Mat Brown