require 'gosu' require 'luit' VENDOR_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) + "/../vendors" require "#{VENDOR_DIRECTORY}/lib/luit.rb" CURRENT_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) MEDIA_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) + "/media" Dir["#{CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/lib/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } Dir["#{CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/models/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } require 'opengl' class LoadoutWindow < Gosu::Window require 'luit' # CURRENT_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) MEDIA_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) + "/media" # CURRENT_DIRECTORY = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) puts "TEMP SAVE PATH: #{CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/../save.txt" # SAVE_FILE = "#{CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/../save.txt" CONFIG_FILE = "#{CURRENT_DIRECTORY}/../config.txt" def self.start width = nil, height = nil, fullscreen = false, options = {} # begin # window =, height, fullscreen, options).show # rescue Exception => e # puts "Exception caught in GameWindow" # puts e.message # puts e.backtrace # raise e # end end attr_accessor :width, :height, :block_all_controls, :game_window # attr_accessor :mouse_x, :mouse_y def initialize width = nil, height = nil, fullscreen = false, options = {} @block_all_controls = !options[:block_controls_until_button_up].nil? && options[:block_controls_until_button_up] == true ? true : false puts "INCOMING WIDHT AND HEIGHT: #{width} and #{height}" @config_file_path = self.class::CONFIG_FILE @cursor_object = nil # @mouse_y = 0 # @mouse_x = 0 @window = self @game_window = options[:game_window] puts "NEW GAME WINDOW UIN LOADOUT" puts @game_window # @scale = 1 LUIT.config({window: @window, z: 25}) config_path = options[:config_path] || CONFIG_FILE if width.nil? || height.nil? # @width, @height = ResolutionSetting::SELECTION[0].split('x').collect{|s| s.to_i} value = ConfigSetting.get_setting(@config_file_path, 'resolution', ResolutionSetting::SELECTION[0]) puts "RESOLUTION HERE: #{value}" raise "DID NOT GET A RESOLUTION FROM CONFIG" if value.nil? width, height = value.split('x') @width, @height = [width.to_i, height.to_i] else puts 'USING INCOMING' @width = width @height = height end default_width, default_height = ResolutionSetting::SELECTION[0].split('x') # default_width, default_height = default_value.split('x') default_width, default_height = [default_width.to_i, default_height.to_i] puts "DEFAULT WIDTH AND HIEGHT: #{default_width} - #{default_height}" puts "DEFAULT WIDTH AND HIEGHT.to_f: #{default_width.to_f} - #{default_height.to_f}" puts " WIDTH AND HIEGHT.: #{ @width} - #{@height}" # Need to just pull from config file.. and then do scaling. # index = GameWindow.find_index_of_current_resolution(self.width, self.height) if @width == default_width && @height == default_height @scale = 1 else # original_width, original_height = RESOLUTIONS[0] width_scale = @width / default_width.to_f height_scale = @height / default_height.to_f @scale = (width_scale + height_scale) / 2 end puts "NEW SCALE: #{@scale}" # super(@width, @height) super(@width, @height, false) @cursor =, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/cursor.png", false) @gl_background = # x = self.width / 2 - 100 # y = self.height / 2 - 100 @center_ui_y = 0 @center_ui_x = 0 reset_center_font_ui_y lineHeight = 50 @font = self.caption = "A menu with Gosu" # items = Array["exit", "additem", "item"] # actions = Array[lambda { self.close }, lambda { # @menu.add_item(, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/item.png", false), x, y, 1, lambda { }) # y += lineHeight # }, lambda {}] @menu =, @width, get_center_font_ui_y) # for i in (0..items.size - 1) # @menu.add_item(, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/#{items[i]}.png", false), x, y, 1, actions[i],, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/#{items[i]}_hover.png", false)) # y += lineHeight # end # exit_image ="#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/exit.png") # puts "WIDTH HERE: #{exit_image.width}" # 8 # @menu.add_item(exit_image, ((@width / 2) - (exit_image.width / 2)), get_center_font_ui_y, 1, lambda { self.close }, exit_image) fullscreen_window_height = Gosu.screen_height # @resolution_menu =, window_height, @width, @height, get_center_font_ui_y, config_path) @difficulty = nil @ship_menu =, fullscreen_window_height, @width, @height, get_center_font_ui_y, config_path) @ship_loadout_menu =, fullscreen_window_height, @width, @height, get_center_font_ui_y, config_path, @ship_menu.value, {scale: @scale}) increase_center_font_ui_y(@ship_loadout_menu.get_image.height + @ship_loadout_menu.get_large_image.height) # puts "KLASS HERE : #{klass.get_image_assets_path(klass::SHIP_MEDIA_DIRECTORY)}" # start_image ="#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/menu/start.png") @game_window_width, @game_window_height, @full_screen = [nil, nil, nil] # debug_start_image ="#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/debug_start.png") # @menu.add_item(debug_start_image, (@width / 2) - (debug_start_image.width / 2), get_center_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, lambda {self.close; GameWindow.start(@game_window_width, @game_window_height, dynamic_get_resolution_fs, {block_controls_until_button_up: true, debug: true, difficulty: @difficulty}) }, debug_start_image) # Increase y for padding # get_center_font_ui_y # increase_center_font_ui_y(@ship_menu.get_image.height) # back_image ="#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/back_to_menu.png") # @menu.add_item(back_image, (@width / 2) - (back_image.width / 2), get_center_font_ui_y, ZOrder::UI, lambda { self.close; },, "#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/back_to_menu.png", false)) # @button_id_mapping = self.class.get_id_button_mapping # @menu.add_item(start_image, (@width / 2) - (start_image.width / 2), get_center_font_ui_y, 1, lambda {self.close; GameWindow.start(@game_window_width, @game_window_height, dynamic_get_resolution_fs, {block_controls_until_button_up: true, difficulty: @difficulty}) }, start_image) # loadout_image ="#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/menu/loadout.png") # @menu.add_item(loadout_image, (@width / 2) - (loadout_image.width / 2), get_center_font_ui_y, 1, lambda {self.close; LoadoutWindow.start() }, loadout_image) # debug_start_image ="#{MEDIA_DIRECTORY}/debug_start.png") # @menu.add_item(debug_start_image, (@width / 2) - (debug_start_image.width / 2), get_center_font_ui_y, 1, lambda {self.close; GameWindow.start(@game_window_width, @game_window_height, dynamic_get_resolution_fs, {block_controls_until_button_up: true, debug: true, difficulty: @difficulty}) }, debug_start_image) @button_id_mapping = self.class.get_id_button_mapping(self) # @loadout_button =, :loadout, (@width / 2), get_center_font_ui_y, "Back To Menu", 0, 1) @back_button =, :back, (@width / 2), @height, "Back", 0, 1) @movement_x, @movement_y = [0.0, 0.0] end def dynamic_get_resolution_fs @fullscreen end def update @cursor_object = nil @menu.update @ship_value = @ship_menu.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) @cursor_object = @ship_loadout_menu.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y, @ship_value) # @loadout_button.update(-(@loadout_button.w / 2), -(@loadout_button.h)) @back_button.update(-(@back_button.w / 2), -(@back_button.h)) # @resolution_menu.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) # @difficulty_menu.update(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) # @game_window_width, @game_window_height, @fullscreen = @resolution_menu.get_resolution # @difficulty = @difficulty_menu.get_difficulty # @movement_x += 1.0 @movement_y += 1.0 @movement_x, @movement_y = @gl_background.scroll(@scroll_factor, @movement_x, @movement_y) end def draw @cursor.draw(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y, 100) # puts "X and Y: #{self.mouse_x} and #{self.mouse_y}" # @loadout_button.update(-(@loadout_button.w / 2), -(@loadout_button.h)) @back_button.draw(-(@back_button.w / 2), -(@back_button.h)) # @back.draw(0,0,0) reset_center_font_ui_y @menu.draw @ship_menu.draw @ship_loadout_menu.draw # @resolution_menu.draw # @difficulty_menu.draw @gl_background.draw(ZOrder::Background) end def button_down id if id == Gosu::MsLeft then @menu.clicked # @resolution_menu.clicked(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) @ship_menu.clicked(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) @ship_loadout_menu.clicked(self.mouse_x, self.mouse_y) end end def button_up id @block_all_controls = false end def increase_center_font_ui_y amount @center_ui_y += amount end def get_center_font_ui_y increase_center_font_ui_y(50) end def get_center_font_ui_x return @center_ui_x end def reset_center_font_ui_y @center_ui_y = -(self.height / 2) + self.height / 2 @center_ui_x = self.width / 2 end def self.get_id_button_mapping(local_window) { # back: lambda { |window, id| window.close; } back: lambda { |window, id| puts "RIGHT HERE IS THE ISSUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # puts "SElocal_windowLF? #{}" # can't get it to bring the game window back # self.close # puts "curser" # puts @cursor # raise "STOP HERRE" local_window.close # puts "!!!!!!GAME wINDOW: #{window.game_window}" if window.game_window #, nil, nil, {block_controls_until_button_up: true}).show else, {block_controls_until_button_up: true}).show end } } end # required for LUIT objects, passes id of element def onClick element_id puts "LOADOUT WINDOW ONCLICK" # Block any clicks unless curser object is nil if !@cursor_object button_clicked_exists = @button_id_mapping.key?(element_id) if button_clicked_exists @button_id_mapping[element_id].call(self, element_id) else puts "Clicked button that is not mapped: #{element_id}" end else puts "CURSOR OBJECT WASNLT NIL" puts @cursor_object end end end,nil,nil,{game_window: nil}).show() if __FILE__ == $0