require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'pathname' def check_app_path(full, partial) p = rel = p.relative_path_from([:core_apps])) return true if rel.to_s == partial rel = p.relative_path_from([:apps])) return true if rel.to_s == partial return false end desc "Update pot/po files. To update a single app, call rake updatepo[app_relative_path], where app_relative_path is the path relative to the apps folder (or 'spider')." task :updatepo, [:app] do |t, args| require 'spiderfw' require 'spiderfw/i18n/shtml_parser' require 'gettext/tools' require 'ruby-debug' GetText.update_pofiles("spider", Dir.glob("{lib,bin,views}/**/*.{rb,rhtml,shtml}"), "Spider #{Spider::VERSION}") if !args[:app] || args[:app] == 'spider' apps = Spider.find_all_apps apps.each do |path| next if args[:app] && !check_app_path(path, args[:app]) require path+'/_init.rb' if'/po') end Spider.apps.each do |name, mod| next unless'/po') next if args[:app] && !check_app_path(mod.path, args[:app]) Dir.chdir(mod.path) GetText.update_pofiles(mod.short_name, Dir.glob("{lib,bin,controllers,models,views,widgets}/**/*.{rb,rhtml,shtml}"), "#{} #{mod.version}") print "\n" end end desc "Create mo-files. To create for a single app, call rake makemo[app_relative_path], where app_relative_path is the path relative to the apps folder (or 'spider')." task :makemo, [:app] do |t, args| require 'gettext/tools' GetText.create_mofiles(:verbose => true) if !args[:app] || args[:app] == 'spider' require 'spiderfw' apps = Spider.find_all_apps apps.each do |path| next if args[:app] && !check_app_path(path, args[:app]) if'/po') Dir.chdir(path) GetText.create_mofiles(:verbose => true, :po_root => './po', :mo_root => $SPIDER_PATH+'/data/locale') end end end task :test do Dir.chdir("test") require 'spiderfw' require 'test/unit/collector/dir' require 'test/unit' begin Spider.test_setup Spider._test_setup collector = suite = collector.collect('tests') rescue => exc Spider::Logger.error(exc) ensure Spider._test_teardown Spider.test_teardown end end begin require 'hanna/rdoctask' do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README', 'LICENSE', 'CHANGELOG'). include('lib/**/*.rb') # .exclude('lib/will_paginate/version.rb') rdoc.main = "README" # page to start on rdoc.title = "Spider documentation" rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' # rdoc output folder rdoc.options << '--webcvs=' end rescue LoadError end