module NginxTail module HttpMethod # # - "section 5.1.1 Method" # # OPTIONS GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE TRACE CONNECT # def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.class_eval do def self.to_http_method_s(http_method) (http_method ||= "").upcase! # will be nil if $request == "-" (ie. "dodgy" HTTP requests) case http_method when "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" http_method.inverse # if Sickill::Rainbow.enabled... else http_method end end # this ensures the below module methods actually make sense... raise "Class #{} should implement instance method 'http_method'" unless 'http_method' end end def to_http_method_s self.class.to_http_method_s(self.http_method) end end end