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E8–E8– E8–E8–8–&8– E8– initializeE8– E8–No reason givenE8–Not yet implemented8–E8–pendingE8–Ü |The semantics of `RSpec::Core::Pending#pending` have changed in |RSpec 3. In RSpec 2.x, it caused the example to be skipped. In |RSpec 3, the rest of the example is still run but is expected to |fail, and will be marked as a failure (rather than as pending) if |the example passes. | |Passing a block within an example is now deprecated. Marking the |example as pending provides the same behavior in RSpec 3 which was |provided only by the block in RSpec 2.x. | |Move the code in the block provided to `pending` into the rest of |the example body. | |Called from E8–. | 8–EE8–E8–b`pending` may not be used outside of examples, such as in before(:context). Maybe you want `skip`?8–E8–skip8–E8– mark_skipped!ņ8–8–E8– mark_pending!ó8–8–E8– mark_fixed!E8–rescue in 8–E8–RSpecE8–CoreE8–PendingE8– StandardErrorE8–SkipDeclaredInExampleE8– @argumentE8–argumentE8– attr_readerE8–core#define_methodE8–TestE8–UnitE8–AssertionFailedErrorE8–PendingExampleFixedErrorE8–NO_REASON_GIVENE8–NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTEDE8– ArgumentErrorE8– CallerFilterE8–messageE8–current_exampleE8– block_given?E8–first_non_rspec_lineE8–to_sE8–gsubE8–raiseE8–newE8–exampleE8–message_or_boolE8–metadataE8–[]=E8–StringE8–!E8–===E8–execution_resultE8–pending_message=E8–pending_fixed=E8–#$!E8–core#define_singleton_methodE8–^\s+\|ż! "p"Š"¬"Ķ"ń""#.#:#X#Œ#Æ#Ö#ā#ż#ķ&'%'9'Æ'»'Ó'ß'( ((9(E(Q(p(ž(¦(æ(×(ņ()<)Y)u)”)ŗ)Ņ)ź)*>*a*ˆ*©*É*ä*+'+O+g++˜+Æ+Ź+ķ+ , ,:,O,f,Š,®,Š,ē,-