// svg-pan-zoom v3.2.3 // https://github.com/ariutta/svg-pan-zoom (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o= 0; i--) { if (this.eventListeners.hasOwnProperty(haltEventListeners[i])) { delete this.eventListeners[haltEventListeners[i]] } } } } // Bind eventListeners for (var event in this.eventListeners) { this.svg.addEventListener(event, this.eventListeners[event], false) } // Zoom using mouse wheel if (this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled) { this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled = false // set to false as enable will set it back to true this.enableMouseWheelZoom() } } /** * Enable ability to zoom using mouse wheel */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.enableMouseWheelZoom = function() { if (!this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled) { var that = this // Mouse wheel listener this.wheelListener = function(evt) { return that.handleMouseWheel(evt); } // Bind wheelListener Wheel.on(this.svg, this.wheelListener, false) this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled = true } } /** * Disable ability to zoom using mouse wheel */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.disableMouseWheelZoom = function() { if (this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled) { Wheel.off(this.svg, this.wheelListener, false) this.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled = false } } /** * Handle mouse wheel event * * @param {Event} evt */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.handleMouseWheel = function(evt) { if (!this.options.zoomEnabled || this.state !== 'none') { return; } if (this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault){ if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } } // Default delta in case that deltaY is not available var delta = evt.deltaY || 1 , timeDelta = Date.now() - this.lastMouseWheelEventTime , divider = 3 + Math.max(0, 30 - timeDelta) // Update cache this.lastMouseWheelEventTime = Date.now() // Make empirical adjustments for browsers that give deltaY in pixels (deltaMode=0) if ('deltaMode' in evt && evt.deltaMode === 0 && evt.wheelDelta) { delta = evt.deltaY === 0 ? 0 : Math.abs(evt.wheelDelta) / evt.deltaY } delta = -0.3 < delta && delta < 0.3 ? delta : (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.log(Math.abs(delta) + 10) / divider var inversedScreenCTM = this.svg.getScreenCTM().inverse() , relativeMousePoint = SvgUtils.getEventPoint(evt, this.svg).matrixTransform(inversedScreenCTM) , zoom = Math.pow(1 + this.options.zoomScaleSensitivity, (-1) * delta); // multiplying by neg. 1 so as to make zoom in/out behavior match Google maps behavior this.zoomAtPoint(zoom, relativeMousePoint) } /** * Zoom in at a SVG point * * @param {SVGPoint} point * @param {Float} zoomScale Number representing how much to zoom * @param {Boolean} zoomAbsolute Default false. If true, zoomScale is treated as an absolute value. * Otherwise, zoomScale is treated as a multiplied (e.g. 1.10 would zoom in 10%) */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.zoomAtPoint = function(zoomScale, point, zoomAbsolute) { var originalState = this.viewport.getOriginalState() if (!zoomAbsolute) { // Fit zoomScale in set bounds if (this.getZoom() * zoomScale < this.options.minZoom * originalState.zoom) { zoomScale = (this.options.minZoom * originalState.zoom) / this.getZoom() } else if (this.getZoom() * zoomScale > this.options.maxZoom * originalState.zoom) { zoomScale = (this.options.maxZoom * originalState.zoom) / this.getZoom() } } else { // Fit zoomScale in set bounds zoomScale = Math.max(this.options.minZoom * originalState.zoom, Math.min(this.options.maxZoom * originalState.zoom, zoomScale)) // Find relative scale to achieve desired scale zoomScale = zoomScale/this.getZoom() } var oldCTM = this.viewport.getCTM() , relativePoint = point.matrixTransform(oldCTM.inverse()) , modifier = this.svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(relativePoint.x, relativePoint.y).scale(zoomScale).translate(-relativePoint.x, -relativePoint.y) , newCTM = oldCTM.multiply(modifier) if (newCTM.a !== oldCTM.a) { this.viewport.setCTM(newCTM) } } /** * Zoom at center point * * @param {Float} scale * @param {Boolean} absolute Marks zoom scale as relative or absolute */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.zoom = function(scale, absolute) { this.zoomAtPoint(scale, SvgUtils.getSvgCenterPoint(this.svg, this.width, this.height), absolute) } /** * Zoom used by public instance * * @param {Float} scale * @param {Boolean} absolute Marks zoom scale as relative or absolute */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.publicZoom = function(scale, absolute) { if (absolute) { scale = this.computeFromRelativeZoom(scale) } this.zoom(scale, absolute) } /** * Zoom at point used by public instance * * @param {Float} scale * @param {SVGPoint|Object} point An object that has x and y attributes * @param {Boolean} absolute Marks zoom scale as relative or absolute */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.publicZoomAtPoint = function(scale, point, absolute) { if (absolute) { // Transform zoom into a relative value scale = this.computeFromRelativeZoom(scale) } // If not a SVGPoint but has x and y than create a SVGPoint if (Utils.getType(point) !== 'SVGPoint' && 'x' in point && 'y' in point) { point = SvgUtils.createSVGPoint(this.svg, point.x, point.y) } else { throw new Error('Given point is invalid') return } this.zoomAtPoint(scale, point, absolute) } /** * Get zoom scale * * @return {Float} zoom scale */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.getZoom = function() { return this.viewport.getZoom() } /** * Get zoom scale for public usage * * @return {Float} zoom scale */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.getRelativeZoom = function() { return this.viewport.getRelativeZoom() } /** * Compute actual zoom from public zoom * * @param {Float} zoom * @return {Float} zoom scale */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.computeFromRelativeZoom = function(zoom) { return zoom * this.viewport.getOriginalState().zoom } /** * Set zoom to initial state */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.resetZoom = function() { var originalState = this.viewport.getOriginalState() this.zoom(originalState.zoom, true); } /** * Set pan to initial state */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.resetPan = function() { this.pan(this.viewport.getOriginalState()); } /** * Set pan and zoom to initial state */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.reset = function() { this.resetZoom() this.resetPan() } /** * Handle double click event * See handleMouseDown() for alternate detection method * * @param {Event} evt */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.handleDblClick = function(evt) { if (this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault) { if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault() } else { evt.returnValue = false } } // Check if target was a control button if (this.options.controlIconsEnabled) { var targetClass = evt.target.getAttribute('class') || '' if (targetClass.indexOf('svg-pan-zoom-control') > -1) { return false } } var zoomFactor if (evt.shiftKey) { zoomFactor = 1/((1 + this.options.zoomScaleSensitivity) * 2) // zoom out when shift key pressed } else { zoomFactor = (1 + this.options.zoomScaleSensitivity) * 2 } var point = SvgUtils.getEventPoint(evt, this.svg).matrixTransform(this.svg.getScreenCTM().inverse()) this.zoomAtPoint(zoomFactor, point) } /** * Handle click event * * @param {Event} evt */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.handleMouseDown = function(evt, prevEvt) { if (this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault) { if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault() } else { evt.returnValue = false } } Utils.mouseAndTouchNormalize(evt, this.svg) // Double click detection; more consistent than ondblclick if (this.options.dblClickZoomEnabled && Utils.isDblClick(evt, prevEvt)){ this.handleDblClick(evt) } else { // Pan mode this.state = 'pan' this.firstEventCTM = this.viewport.getCTM() this.stateOrigin = SvgUtils.getEventPoint(evt, this.svg).matrixTransform(this.firstEventCTM.inverse()) } } /** * Handle mouse move event * * @param {Event} evt */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.handleMouseMove = function(evt) { if (this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault) { if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault() } else { evt.returnValue = false } } if (this.state === 'pan' && this.options.panEnabled) { // Pan mode var point = SvgUtils.getEventPoint(evt, this.svg).matrixTransform(this.firstEventCTM.inverse()) , viewportCTM = this.firstEventCTM.translate(point.x - this.stateOrigin.x, point.y - this.stateOrigin.y) this.viewport.setCTM(viewportCTM) } } /** * Handle mouse button release event * * @param {Event} evt */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.handleMouseUp = function(evt) { if (this.options.preventMouseEventsDefault) { if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault() } else { evt.returnValue = false } } if (this.state === 'pan') { // Quit pan mode this.state = 'none' } } /** * Adjust viewport size (only) so it will fit in SVG * Does not center image */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.fit = function() { var viewBox = this.viewport.getViewBox() , newScale = Math.min(this.width/viewBox.width, this.height/viewBox.height) this.zoom(newScale, true) } /** * Adjust viewport size (only) so it will contain the SVG * Does not center image */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.contain = function() { var viewBox = this.viewport.getViewBox() , newScale = Math.max(this.width/viewBox.width, this.height/viewBox.height) this.zoom(newScale, true) } /** * Adjust viewport pan (only) so it will be centered in SVG * Does not zoom/fit/contain image */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.center = function() { var viewBox = this.viewport.getViewBox() , offsetX = (this.width - (viewBox.width + viewBox.x * 2) * this.getZoom()) * 0.5 , offsetY = (this.height - (viewBox.height + viewBox.y * 2) * this.getZoom()) * 0.5 this.getPublicInstance().pan({x: offsetX, y: offsetY}) } /** * Update content cached BorderBox * Use when viewport contents change */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.updateBBox = function() { this.viewport.recacheViewBox() } /** * Pan to a rendered position * * @param {Object} point {x: 0, y: 0} */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.pan = function(point) { var viewportCTM = this.viewport.getCTM() viewportCTM.e = point.x viewportCTM.f = point.y this.viewport.setCTM(viewportCTM) } /** * Relatively pan the graph by a specified rendered position vector * * @param {Object} point {x: 0, y: 0} */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.panBy = function(point) { var viewportCTM = this.viewport.getCTM() viewportCTM.e += point.x viewportCTM.f += point.y this.viewport.setCTM(viewportCTM) } /** * Get pan vector * * @return {Object} {x: 0, y: 0} */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.getPan = function() { var state = this.viewport.getState() return {x: state.x, y: state.y} } /** * Recalculates cached svg dimensions and controls position */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.resize = function() { // Get dimensions var boundingClientRectNormalized = SvgUtils.getBoundingClientRectNormalized(this.svg) this.width = boundingClientRectNormalized.width this.height = boundingClientRectNormalized.height // Reposition control icons by re-enabling them if (this.options.controlIconsEnabled) { this.getPublicInstance().disableControlIcons() this.getPublicInstance().enableControlIcons() } } /** * Unbind mouse events, free callbacks and destroy public instance */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.destroy = function() { var that = this // Free callbacks this.beforeZoom = null this.onZoom = null this.beforePan = null this.onPan = null // Destroy custom event handlers if (this.options.customEventsHandler != null) { // jshint ignore:line this.options.customEventsHandler.destroy({ svgElement: this.svg , instance: this.getPublicInstance() }) } // Unbind eventListeners for (var event in this.eventListeners) { this.svg.removeEventListener(event, this.eventListeners[event], false) } // Unbind wheelListener this.disableMouseWheelZoom() // Remove control icons this.getPublicInstance().disableControlIcons() // Reset zoom and pan this.reset() // Remove instance from instancesStore instancesStore = instancesStore.filter(function(instance){ return instance.svg !== that.svg }) // Delete options and its contents delete this.options // Destroy public instance and rewrite getPublicInstance delete this.publicInstance delete this.pi this.getPublicInstance = function(){ return null } } /** * Returns a public instance object * * @return {Object} Public instance object */ SvgPanZoom.prototype.getPublicInstance = function() { var that = this // Create cache if (!this.publicInstance) { this.publicInstance = this.pi = { // Pan enablePan: function() {that.options.panEnabled = true; return that.pi} , disablePan: function() {that.options.panEnabled = false; return that.pi} , isPanEnabled: function() {return !!that.options.panEnabled} , pan: function(point) {that.pan(point); return that.pi} , panBy: function(point) {that.panBy(point); return that.pi} , getPan: function() {return that.getPan()} // Pan event , setBeforePan: function(fn) {that.options.beforePan = fn === null ? null : Utils.proxy(fn, that.publicInstance); return that.pi} , setOnPan: function(fn) {that.options.onPan = fn === null ? null : Utils.proxy(fn, that.publicInstance); return that.pi} // Zoom and Control Icons , enableZoom: function() {that.options.zoomEnabled = true; return that.pi} , disableZoom: function() {that.options.zoomEnabled = false; return that.pi} , isZoomEnabled: function() {return !!that.options.zoomEnabled} , enableControlIcons: function() { if (!that.options.controlIconsEnabled) { that.options.controlIconsEnabled = true ControlIcons.enable(that) } return that.pi } , disableControlIcons: function() { if (that.options.controlIconsEnabled) { that.options.controlIconsEnabled = false; ControlIcons.disable(that) } return that.pi } , isControlIconsEnabled: function() {return !!that.options.controlIconsEnabled} // Double click zoom , enableDblClickZoom: function() {that.options.dblClickZoomEnabled = true; return that.pi} , disableDblClickZoom: function() {that.options.dblClickZoomEnabled = false; return that.pi} , isDblClickZoomEnabled: function() {return !!that.options.dblClickZoomEnabled} // Mouse wheel zoom , enableMouseWheelZoom: function() {that.enableMouseWheelZoom(); return that.pi} , disableMouseWheelZoom: function() {that.disableMouseWheelZoom(); return that.pi} , isMouseWheelZoomEnabled: function() {return !!that.options.mouseWheelZoomEnabled} // Zoom scale and bounds , setZoomScaleSensitivity: function(scale) {that.options.zoomScaleSensitivity = scale; return that.pi} , setMinZoom: function(zoom) {that.options.minZoom = zoom; return that.pi} , setMaxZoom: function(zoom) {that.options.maxZoom = zoom; return that.pi} // Zoom event , setBeforeZoom: function(fn) {that.options.beforeZoom = fn === null ? null : Utils.proxy(fn, that.publicInstance); return that.pi} , setOnZoom: function(fn) {that.options.onZoom = fn === null ? null : Utils.proxy(fn, that.publicInstance); return that.pi} // Zooming , zoom: function(scale) {that.publicZoom(scale, true); return that.pi} , zoomBy: function(scale) {that.publicZoom(scale, false); return that.pi} , zoomAtPoint: function(scale, point) {that.publicZoomAtPoint(scale, point, true); return that.pi} , zoomAtPointBy: function(scale, point) {that.publicZoomAtPoint(scale, point, false); return that.pi} , zoomIn: function() {this.zoomBy(1 + that.options.zoomScaleSensitivity); return that.pi} , zoomOut: function() {this.zoomBy(1 / (1 + that.options.zoomScaleSensitivity)); return that.pi} , getZoom: function() {return that.getRelativeZoom()} // Reset , resetZoom: function() {that.resetZoom(); return that.pi} , resetPan: function() {that.resetPan(); return that.pi} , reset: function() {that.reset(); return that.pi} // Fit, Contain and Center , fit: function() {that.fit(); return that.pi} , contain: function() {that.contain(); return that.pi} , center: function() {that.center(); return that.pi} // Size and Resize , updateBBox: function() {that.updateBBox(); return that.pi} , resize: function() {that.resize(); return that.pi} , getSizes: function() { return { width: that.width , height: that.height , realZoom: that.getZoom() , viewBox: that.viewport.getViewBox() } } // Destroy , destroy: function() {that.destroy(); return that.pi} } } return this.publicInstance } /** * Stores pairs of instances of SvgPanZoom and SVG * Each pair is represented by an object {svg: SVGSVGElement, instance: SvgPanZoom} * * @type {Array} */ var instancesStore = [] var svgPanZoom = function(elementOrSelector, options){ var svg = Utils.getSvg(elementOrSelector) if (svg === null) { return null } else { // Look for existent instance for(var i = instancesStore.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (instancesStore[i].svg === svg) { return instancesStore[i].instance.getPublicInstance() } } // If instance not found - create one instancesStore.push({ svg: svg , instance: new SvgPanZoom(svg, options) }) // Return just pushed instance return instancesStore[instancesStore.length - 1].instance.getPublicInstance() } } module.exports = svgPanZoom; },{"./control-icons":2,"./shadow-viewport":3,"./svg-utilities":5,"./uniwheel":6,"./utilities":7}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var Utils = require('./utilities') , _browser = 'unknown' ; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9847580/how-to-detect-safari-chrome-ie-firefox-and-opera-browser if (/*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode) { // internet explorer _browser = 'ie'; } module.exports = { svgNS: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' , xmlNS: 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' , xmlnsNS: 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' , xlinkNS: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' , evNS: 'http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events' /** * Get svg dimensions: width and height * * @param {SVGSVGElement} svg * @return {Object} {width: 0, height: 0} */ , getBoundingClientRectNormalized: function(svg) { if (svg.clientWidth && svg.clientHeight) { return {width: svg.clientWidth, height: svg.clientHeight} } else if (!!svg.getBoundingClientRect()) { return svg.getBoundingClientRect(); } else { throw new Error('Cannot get BoundingClientRect for SVG.'); } } /** * Gets g element with class of "viewport" or creates it if it doesn't exist * * @param {SVGSVGElement} svg * @return {SVGElement} g (group) element */ , getOrCreateViewport: function(svg, selector) { var viewport = null if (Utils.isElement(selector)) { viewport = selector } else { viewport = svg.querySelector(selector) } // Check if there is just one main group in SVG if (!viewport) { var childNodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(svg.childNodes || svg.children).filter(function(el){ return el.nodeName !== 'defs' && el.nodeName !== '#text' }) // Node name should be SVGGElement and should have no transform attribute // Groups with transform are not used as viewport because it involves parsing of all transform possibilities if (childNodes.length === 1 && childNodes[0].nodeName === 'g' && childNodes[0].getAttribute('transform') === null) { viewport = childNodes[0] } } // If no favorable group element exists then create one if (!viewport) { var viewportId = 'viewport-' + new Date().toISOString().replace(/\D/g, ''); viewport = document.createElementNS(this.svgNS, 'g'); viewport.setAttribute('id', viewportId); // Internet Explorer (all versions?) can't use childNodes, but other browsers prefer (require?) using childNodes var svgChildren = svg.childNodes || svg.children; if (!!svgChildren && svgChildren.length > 0) { for (var i = svgChildren.length; i > 0; i--) { // Move everything into viewport except defs if (svgChildren[svgChildren.length - i].nodeName !== 'defs') { viewport.appendChild(svgChildren[svgChildren.length - i]); } } } svg.appendChild(viewport); } // Parse class names var classNames = []; if (viewport.getAttribute('class')) { classNames = viewport.getAttribute('class').split(' ') } // Set class (if not set already) if (!~classNames.indexOf('svg-pan-zoom_viewport')) { classNames.push('svg-pan-zoom_viewport') viewport.setAttribute('class', classNames.join(' ')) } return viewport } /** * Set SVG attributes * * @param {SVGSVGElement} svg */ , setupSvgAttributes: function(svg) { // Setting default attributes svg.setAttribute('xmlns', this.svgNS); svg.setAttributeNS(this.xmlnsNS, 'xmlns:xlink', this.xlinkNS); svg.setAttributeNS(this.xmlnsNS, 'xmlns:ev', this.evNS); // Needed for Internet Explorer, otherwise the viewport overflows if (svg.parentNode !== null) { var style = svg.getAttribute('style') || ''; if (style.toLowerCase().indexOf('overflow') === -1) { svg.setAttribute('style', 'overflow: hidden; ' + style); } } } /** * How long Internet Explorer takes to finish updating its display (ms). */ , internetExplorerRedisplayInterval: 300 /** * Forces the browser to redisplay all SVG elements that rely on an * element defined in a 'defs' section. It works globally, for every * available defs element on the page. * The throttling is intentionally global. * * This is only needed for IE. It is as a hack to make markers (and 'use' elements?) * visible after pan/zoom when there are multiple SVGs on the page. * See bug report: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/781964/ * also see svg-pan-zoom issue: https://github.com/ariutta/svg-pan-zoom/issues/62 */ , refreshDefsGlobal: Utils.throttle(function() { var allDefs = document.querySelectorAll('defs'); var allDefsCount = allDefs.length; for (var i = 0; i < allDefsCount; i++) { var thisDefs = allDefs[i]; thisDefs.parentNode.insertBefore(thisDefs, thisDefs); } }, this.internetExplorerRedisplayInterval) /** * Sets the current transform matrix of an element * * @param {SVGElement} element * @param {SVGMatrix} matrix CTM * @param {SVGElement} defs */ , setCTM: function(element, matrix, defs) { var that = this , s = 'matrix(' + matrix.a + ',' + matrix.b + ',' + matrix.c + ',' + matrix.d + ',' + matrix.e + ',' + matrix.f + ')'; element.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', s); // IE has a bug that makes markers disappear on zoom (when the matrix "a" and/or "d" elements change) // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17654578/svg-marker-does-not-work-in-ie9-10 // and http://srndolha.wordpress.com/2013/11/25/svg-line-markers-may-disappear-in-internet-explorer-11/ if (_browser === 'ie' && !!defs) { // this refresh is intended for redisplaying the SVG during zooming defs.parentNode.insertBefore(defs, defs); // this refresh is intended for redisplaying the other SVGs on a page when panning a given SVG // it is also needed for the given SVG itself, on zoomEnd, if the SVG contains any markers that // are located under any other element(s). window.setTimeout(function() { that.refreshDefsGlobal(); }, that.internetExplorerRedisplayInterval); } } /** * Instantiate an SVGPoint object with given event coordinates * * @param {Event} evt * @param {SVGSVGElement} svg * @return {SVGPoint} point */ , getEventPoint: function(evt, svg) { var point = svg.createSVGPoint() Utils.mouseAndTouchNormalize(evt, svg) point.x = evt.clientX point.y = evt.clientY return point } /** * Get SVG center point * * @param {SVGSVGElement} svg * @return {SVGPoint} */ , getSvgCenterPoint: function(svg, width, height) { return this.createSVGPoint(svg, width / 2, height / 2) } /** * Create a SVGPoint with given x and y * * @param {SVGSVGElement} svg * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @return {SVGPoint} */ , createSVGPoint: function(svg, x, y) { var point = svg.createSVGPoint() point.x = x point.y = y return point } } },{"./utilities":7}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ // uniwheel 0.1.2 (customized) // A unified cross browser mouse wheel event handler // https://github.com/teemualap/uniwheel module.exports = (function(){ //Full details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Reference/Events/wheel var prefix = "", _addEventListener, _removeEventListener, onwheel, support, fns = []; // detect event model if ( window.addEventListener ) { _addEventListener = "addEventListener"; _removeEventListener = "removeEventListener"; } else { _addEventListener = "attachEvent"; _removeEventListener = "detachEvent"; prefix = "on"; } // detect available wheel event support = "onwheel" in document.createElement("div") ? "wheel" : // Modern browsers support "wheel" document.onmousewheel !== undefined ? "mousewheel" : // Webkit and IE support at least "mousewheel" "DOMMouseScroll"; // let's assume that remaining browsers are older Firefox function createCallback(element,callback,capture) { var fn = function(originalEvent) { !originalEvent && ( originalEvent = window.event ); // create a normalized event object var event = { // keep a ref to the original event object originalEvent: originalEvent, target: originalEvent.target || originalEvent.srcElement, type: "wheel", deltaMode: originalEvent.type == "MozMousePixelScroll" ? 0 : 1, deltaX: 0, delatZ: 0, preventDefault: function() { originalEvent.preventDefault ? originalEvent.preventDefault() : originalEvent.returnValue = false; } }; // calculate deltaY (and deltaX) according to the event if ( support == "mousewheel" ) { event.deltaY = - 1/40 * originalEvent.wheelDelta; // Webkit also support wheelDeltaX originalEvent.wheelDeltaX && ( event.deltaX = - 1/40 * originalEvent.wheelDeltaX ); } else { event.deltaY = originalEvent.detail; } // it's time to fire the callback return callback( event ); }; fns.push({ element: element, fn: fn, capture: capture }); return fn; } function getCallback(element,capture) { for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (fns[i].element === element && fns[i].capture === capture) { return fns[i].fn; } } return function(){}; } function removeCallback(element,capture) { for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; i++) { if (fns[i].element === element && fns[i].capture === capture) { return fns.splice(i,1); } } } function _addWheelListener( elem, eventName, callback, useCapture ) { var cb; if (support === "wheel") { cb = callback; } else { cb = createCallback(elem,callback,useCapture); } elem[ _addEventListener ]( prefix + eventName, cb, useCapture || false ); } function _removeWheelListener( elem, eventName, callback, useCapture ) { if (support === "wheel") { cb = callback; } else { cb = getCallback(elem,useCapture); } elem[ _removeEventListener ]( prefix + eventName, cb, useCapture || false ); removeCallback(elem,useCapture); } function addWheelListener( elem, callback, useCapture ) { _addWheelListener( elem, support, callback, useCapture ); // handle MozMousePixelScroll in older Firefox if( support == "DOMMouseScroll" ) { _addWheelListener( elem, "MozMousePixelScroll", callback, useCapture); } } function removeWheelListener(elem,callback,useCapture){ _removeWheelListener(elem,support,callback,useCapture); // handle MozMousePixelScroll in older Firefox if( support == "DOMMouseScroll" ) { _removeWheelListener(elem, "MozMousePixelScroll", callback, useCapture); } } return { on: addWheelListener, off: removeWheelListener }; })(); },{}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports = { /** * Extends an object * * @param {Object} target object to extend * @param {Object} source object to take properties from * @return {Object} extended object */ extend: function(target, source) { target = target || {}; for (var prop in source) { // Go recursively if (this.isObject(source[prop])) { target[prop] = this.extend(target[prop], source[prop]) } else { target[prop] = source[prop] } } return target; } /** * Checks if an object is a DOM element * * @param {Object} o HTML element or String * @return {Boolean} returns true if object is a DOM element */ , isElement: function(o){ return ( o instanceof HTMLElement || o instanceof SVGElement || o instanceof SVGSVGElement || //DOM2 (o && typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === 'string') ); } /** * Checks if an object is an Object * * @param {Object} o Object * @return {Boolean} returns true if object is an Object */ , isObject: function(o){ return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Object]'; } /** * Checks if variable is Number * * @param {Integer|Float} n * @return {Boolean} returns true if variable is Number */ , isNumber: function(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } /** * Search for an SVG element * * @param {Object|String} elementOrSelector DOM Element or selector String * @return {Object|Null} SVG or null */ , getSvg: function(elementOrSelector) { var element , svg; if (!this.isElement(elementOrSelector)) { // If selector provided if (typeof elementOrSelector === 'string' || elementOrSelector instanceof String) { // Try to find the element element = document.querySelector(elementOrSelector) if (!element) { throw new Error('Provided selector did not find any elements. Selector: ' + elementOrSelector) return null } } else { throw new Error('Provided selector is not an HTML object nor String') return null } } else { element = elementOrSelector } if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'svg') { svg = element; } else { if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'object') { svg = element.contentDocument.documentElement; } else { if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'embed') { svg = element.getSVGDocument().documentElement; } else { if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img') { throw new Error('Cannot script an SVG in an "img" element. Please use an "object" element or an in-line SVG.'); } else { throw new Error('Cannot get SVG.'); } return null } } } return svg } /** * Attach a given context to a function * @param {Function} fn Function * @param {Object} context Context * @return {Function} Function with certain context */ , proxy: function(fn, context) { return function() { return fn.apply(context, arguments) } } /** * Returns object type * Uses toString that returns [object SVGPoint] * And than parses object type from string * * @param {Object} o Any object * @return {String} Object type */ , getType: function(o) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(o).replace(/^\[object\s/, '').replace(/\]$/, '') } /** * If it is a touch event than add clientX and clientY to event object * * @param {Event} evt * @param {SVGSVGElement} svg */ , mouseAndTouchNormalize: function(evt, svg) { // If no cilentX and but touch objects are available if (evt.clientX === void 0 || evt.clientX === null) { // Fallback evt.clientX = 0 evt.clientY = 0 // If it is a touch event if (evt.changedTouches !== void 0 && evt.changedTouches.length) { // If touch event has changedTouches if (evt.changedTouches[0].clientX !== void 0) { evt.clientX = evt.changedTouches[0].clientX evt.clientY = evt.changedTouches[0].clientY } // If changedTouches has pageX attribute else if (evt.changedTouches[0].pageX !== void 0) { var rect = svg.getBoundingClientRect(); evt.clientX = evt.changedTouches[0].pageX - rect.left evt.clientY = evt.changedTouches[0].pageY - rect.top } // If it is a custom event } else if (evt.originalEvent !== void 0) { if (evt.originalEvent.clientX !== void 0) { evt.clientX = evt.originalEvent.clientX evt.clientY = evt.originalEvent.clientY } } } } /** * Check if an event is a double click/tap * TODO: For touch gestures use a library (hammer.js) that takes in account other events * (touchmove and touchend). It should take in account tap duration and traveled distance * * @param {Event} evt * @param {Event} prevEvt Previous Event * @return {Boolean} */ , isDblClick: function(evt, prevEvt) { // Double click detected by browser if (evt.detail === 2) { return true; } // Try to compare events else if (prevEvt !== void 0 && prevEvt !== null) { var timeStampDiff = evt.timeStamp - prevEvt.timeStamp // should be lower than 250 ms , touchesDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(evt.clientX - prevEvt.clientX, 2) + Math.pow(evt.clientY - prevEvt.clientY, 2)) return timeStampDiff < 250 && touchesDistance < 10 } // Nothing found return false; } /** * Returns current timestamp as an integer * * @return {Number} */ , now: Date.now || function() { return new Date().getTime(); } // From underscore. // Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once // during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run // as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration; // but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass // `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto. // jscs:disable // jshint ignore:start , throttle: function(func, wait, options) { var that = this; var context, args, result; var timeout = null; var previous = 0; if (!options) options = {}; var later = function() { previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : that.now(); timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; }; return function() { var now = that.now(); if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now; var remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); if (!timeout) context = args = null; } else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; } // jshint ignore:end // jscs:enable /** * Create a requestAnimationFrame simulation * * @param {Number|String} refreshRate * @return {Function} */ , createRequestAnimationFrame: function(refreshRate) { var timeout = null // Convert refreshRate to timeout if (refreshRate !== 'auto' && refreshRate < 60 && refreshRate > 1) { timeout = Math.floor(1000 / refreshRate) } if (timeout === null) { return window.requestAnimationFrame || requestTimeout(33) } else { return requestTimeout(timeout) } } } /** * Create a callback that will execute after a given timeout * * @param {Function} timeout * @return {Function} */ function requestTimeout(timeout) { return function(callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, timeout) } } },{}]},{},[1]);