module Authlogic module Session # = Callbacks # # Just like in ActiveRecord you have before_save, before_validation, etc. You have similar callbacks with Authlogic, see all callbacks below. module Callbacks CALLBACKS = %w(before_create after_create before_destroy after_destroy before_find after_find before_save after_save before_update after_update before_validation after_validation) def self.included(base) #:nodoc: [:destroy, :find_record, :save, :validate].each do |method| base.send :alias_method_chain, method, :callbacks end base.send :include, ActiveSupport::Callbacks base.define_callbacks *CALLBACKS end # Runs the following callbacks: # # before_destroy # destroy # after_destroy # only if destroy is successful def destroy_with_callbacks run_callbacks(:before_destroy) result = destroy_without_callbacks run_callbacks(:after_destroy) if result result end # Runs the following callbacks: # # before_find # find_record # after_find # if a record was found def find_record_with_callbacks run_callbacks(:before_find) result = find_record_without_callbacks run_callbacks(:after_find) if result result end # Runs the following callbacks: # # before_save # before_create # only if new_session? == true # before_update # only if new_session? == false # save # # the following are only run is save is successful # after_save # before_update # only if new_session? == false # before_create # only if new_session? == true def save_with_callbacks(&block) run_callbacks(:before_save) if new_session? run_callbacks(:before_create) else run_callbacks(:before_update) end result = save_without_callbacks(&block) if result run_callbacks(:after_save) if new_session? run_callbacks(:after_create) else run_callbacks(:after_update) end end result end # Runs the following callbacks: # # before_validation # validate # after_validation # only if errors.empty? def validate_with_callbacks run_callbacks(:before_validation) validate_without_callbacks run_callbacks(:after_validation) if errors.empty? end end end end