*1.1.4 (August 20, 2013)* * Bump version v1.1.4 * Release redis-rails 4.0.0 * Release redis-actionpack 4.0.0 * Release redis-activesupport 4.0.0 * Release redis-sinatra 1.4.0 * Release redis-rack-cache 1.2.2 * Release redis-i18n 0.6.5 * Release redis-rack 1.5.0 * New versions of the AS, AP and Rails gems [Alexey Vasiliev] * fix gems for Rails 4 [Alexey Vasiliev] * JRuby testing, remove 1.8.7 from tests (unsupported), fix some tests [Alexey Vasiliev] * Change configurations for the Rails dummy app. * use @default_options when calling @pool.set to avoid infinite-ttl session leak, fixes #179 [Sean Walbran] * Test against Rails 4 not master [Rafael Mendonça França] * Make possible to work with rack 1.5 [Rafael Mendonça França] * Add support pluralization support to Redis i18n [Joachim Filip Ignacy Bartosik] * Fixes #189 [Fabrizio Regini] * fix CI script [Fabrizio Regini] * Redis::Factory => Redis::Store::Factory * Added performance warning, per #186. [Brian P O'Rourke] * Fix: read_multi was returning ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry instead of deserialized value [Miles D Goodings] * Fix: can't modify frozen String errors in Redis::Store::Marshalling [Miles D Goodings] * Add expire method and tests [Han Chang] * Run against Rails 4 and Ruby 2.0 [Steve Klabnik] * Clean up README files to be more clear and helpful [Matthew Beale] * Bundler 1.2.0 is now out, don't require the RC on the CI server * Relaxed the requirement for the Redis gem (>= 2.2). Updated development dependencies. * Ensure Redis 2.6 compat *1.1.3 (October 6, 2012)* * Bump version v1.1.3 * Invoke namespaced commands only when keys are present. *1.1.2 (September 4, 2012)* * Bump version v1.1.2 [Matt Horan] * Override flushdb for namespaced datastore [Gregory Marcilhacy] *1.1.1 (June 26, 2012)* * Bump version v1.1.1 * README, CHANGELOG * Bumped redis-sinatra 1.3.3 * Bumped redis-rack 1.4.2 * Bumped redis-i18n 0.6.1 * Relaxing dependencies * Relax requirement on redis (use >= 2.2.0) Because resque still depends on redis 2.x and sidekiq on redis 3.x, using >= 2.2.0 instead of ~> 3.0.0 allows compatibility with both. [Lukas Westermann] * Use default value for port, otherwise factory_test.rb:65 fails (port = 0) [Lukas Westermann] * Use redis 3.x [Lukas Westermann] * Adding examples for rails cache store config with URLs [aliix] * Bumped redis-rack-cache 1.2 * Bump: [Matt Horan] - redis-rails 3.2.3 - redis-actionpack 3.2.3 - redis-activesupport 3.2.3 * Loosen actionpack version requirement for possible Rails 3.2.3 compatibility [Filip Tepper] * Add Rails 3.2.2 support for redis-actionpack, redis-activesupport, redis-rails [Jack Chu] * Bumped redis-rack 1.4.1 * Bumped: - redis-rack 1.4.0 - redis-activesupport 3.2.1 - redis-actionpack 3.2.1 - redis-rails 3.2.1 * Bump redis-sinatra 1.3.2 *1.1.0 (February 14, 2012)* * Bump version v1.1.0 * Prepare stable releases - redis-store 1.1.0 - redis-actionpack 3.1.3 - redis-activesupport 3.1.3 - redis-i18n 0.6.0 - redis-rack-cache 1.1 - redis-rack 1.3.5 - redis-rails 3.1.3 - redis-sinatra 1.3.1 * Replace minitest-rails with mini_specunit [Matt Horan] * Bumped: [Matt Horan] - redis-actionpack 3.1.3.rc4 - redis-activesupport 3.1.3.rc2 - redis-i18n 0.6.0.rc2 - redis-rack-cache 1.1.rc3 - redis-rails 3.1.3.rc4 - redis-sinatra 1.3.1.rc2 * Remove redis-actionpack dependency on redis-rack-cache [Matt Horan] *1.1.0 [rc2] (February 3, 2012)* * Bump version v1.1.0.rc2 * Bumped: [Matt Horan] - redis-store 1.1.0.rc2 - redis-actionpack 3.1.3.rc3 - redis-rails 3.1.3.rc3 * README, CHANGELOG * Don't clobber :redis_server if provided to ActionDispatch::Session::RedisStore [Matt Horan] * Support :servers option to ActionDispatch::Session::RedisStore [Matt Horan] * Add missing assertions [Matt Horan] * Integrate against a distributed Redis store [Matt Horan] * Remove duplicated logic for merging default Redis server with options [Matt Horan] * Rename ActionDispatch::Session::RedisSessionStore to RedisStore in keeping with documentation and MemCacheStore [Matt Horan] * Test auto-load of unloaded class [Matt Horan] * Replace assert_response with must_be [Matt Horan] * Pending upstream fix [Matt Horan] * Additional tests for rack-actionpack, borrowed from MemCacheStoreTest [Matt Horan] * Test redis-actionpack with dummy Rails application [Matt Horan] * Use Rack::Session::Redis API in RedisSessionStore [Matt Horan] * Quiet warnings [Matt Horan] * Remove superfluous tests [Matt Horan] * Cleanup Redis::Store::Ttl setnx and set tests with help from @mike-burns [Matt Horan] * Verify Ttl#setnx sets raw => true if expiry is provided [Matt Horan] * Fix redis-rack spec [Matt Horan] * Previous fix for double marshal just disabled expiry. Instead, call setnx from Ttl module with :raw => true so that Marshal.dump [Matt Horan] * Test and fix for double marshal [Matt Horan] * Cleanup Redis::Store::Ttl spec [Matt Horan] * Fix Redis::Rack version require [Matt Horan] * Redis::Store::Ttl extends Redis#set with TTL support [Matt Horan] * Specs for Redis::Store::Ttl [Matt Horan] * Bumped: - redis-rack-cache 1.1.rc2 - redis-actionpack 3.1.3.rc2 - redis-rails 3.1.3.rc2 * Ensure TTL is an integer - Rails cache returns a float when used with race_condition_ttl [Matt Williams] *1.1.0 [rc] (December 30, 2011)* * Bump version v1.1.0.rc * Prepare RCs * redis-store 1.1.0.rc * CHANGELOG * Use strict dependencies. * READMEs and Licenses * redis-actionpack now depends on redis-rack-cache * Redis::Factory.convert_to_redis_client_options => Redis::Factory.resolve. * Don't use autoload * Make redis-rack-cache tests to pass again * Target Rack::Cache 1.1 for redis-rack-cache * Target Rack 1.4.0 for redis-rack * Gemspecs, dependencies and versions * Make redis-rails tests to pass again * redis-actionpack dependencies * redis-activesupport dependencies * Fix for redis-rack tests * Fix for redis-activesupport tests * Make redis-sinatra tests to pass again * Make redis-actionpack tests to pass again * Install bundler 1.1 RC on travis-ci.org [Michael Klishin] * Make redis-rack tests to pass again * Added SETEX support to Interface and Marshalling * Make redis-i18n tests to pass again * Make redis-activesupport tests to pass again * More tests for redis-store core * Redis::Factory is created with general options and not the redis_server [Julien Kirch] * Moved README.md * Split gems in subdirectories * Moved everything under redis-store * Use bundler 1.1.rc * Better Ruby idiom on File.expand_path * Moved Rake test tasks into lib/tasks/redis.tasks.rb, in order to DRY Rake * Testing: Use relative paths when referring to pid files * Autoload modules * Moved Rake test tasks under lib/ in order to make them accessible to all * Let the Redis::DistributedStore test to pass * Let Redis Rake tasks to work again * Run tests without dtach * Switch from RSpec to MiniTest::Unit * Removed all the references to Rails, Merb, Sinatra, Rack, i18n, Rack::Session and Rack::Cache * Gemfile is now depending on the gemspec. Removed Jewler. *1.0.0 (September 1, 2011)* * Bump version v1.0.0 * Avoid encoding issues when sending strings to Redis. [Damian Janowski] * Fixed a bug that caused all the users to share the same session (with a session_id of 0 or 1) [Mathieu Ravaux] * ActiveSupport cache stores reply to read_multi with a hash, not an array. [Matt Griffin] * Rack::Session && Rack::Cache store can be created with options [aligo] * add destroy_session [aligo] * compatible with rails 3.1. rely on Rack::Session::Redis stores API. [aligo] * Fixed Marshalling semantic *1.0.0 [rc1] (June 5, 2011)* * Bump version v1.0.0.rc1 * Re-implement the delete_entry because it s needed by the ActiveSupport::Cache [Cyril Mougel] * Change readme documentation for rack-cache to use single redis database with namespace support per Redis maintainers recommendation [Travis D. Warlick, Jr.] * Rack-Cache entity and meta store base classes should use the Redis::Factory.convert_to_redis_client_options method for DRYness and for namespace support [Travis D. Warlick, Jr.] * Modify #fetch for cache stores to return the yielded value instead of OK [Rune Botten] * Minor revisions to Readme language and organization [Jeff Casimir] * Re-implement the delete_entry because it s needed by the ActiveSupport::Cache implementation in Rails 3 [Cyril Mougel] * Refactor delete_matched [Andrei Kulakov] *1.0.0 [beta5] (April 2, 2011)* * Bump version v1.0.0.beta5 * Introducing Rails.cache.reconnect, useful for Unicorn environments. Closes #21 * Namespaced i18n backend should strip namespace when lists available locales. Closes #62 * how to configure Redis session store in Sinatra [Christian von Kleist] * gracefully handle Connection Refused errors, allows database fall-back on fetch [Michael Kintzer] * Sinatra's API must have changed, its registered not register. [Michael D'Auria] *1.0.0 [beta4] (December 15, 2010)* * Bump version v1.0.0.beta4 * Force Rails cache store when ActiveSupport is detected * Make sure to accept options when :servers isn't passed * Always force session store loading when using Rails * Make it compatible with Rails 3 sessions store [Andre Medeiros] * Better Rails 3 detection [Andre Medeiros] * Added support for password in Redis URI resolution [Jacob Gyllenstierna] * fix deleting values from session hash [Calvin Yu] * Use defensive design when build options for a store * ActiveSupport cache store doesn't accept any argument in Rails 2 * Updated dependencies *1.0.0 [beta3] (September 10, 2010)* * Bump version v1.0.0.beta3 * Updated gemspec * Made compatible with Ruby 1.9.2 * Made compatible with Rails 3 * Making the redis-store rails session store compatible with Rails 2.3.9. [Aaron Gibralter] * Updated to v2.3.9 the development dependencies for Rails 2.x * Added password support * Set default URI string for Rack session store according to redis gem * Require redis:// scheme as mandatory part of URI string * Updated locked dependencies * Added namespace support for Redis::DistrubutedStore * Specs for Interface module * Moved a spec to reflect lib/ structure * Made specs run again with bundler-1.0.0.rc.2 * Prepare for bundler-1.0.0.rc.1 * Use tmp/ for Redis database dumps * README, gemspec * Lookup for scoped keys * Introducing I18n::Backend::Redis * Don't pollute Redis namespace. closes #16 * Don't look twice for Rails module * Fixed loading ActionDispatch::Session issue with Rails 3 * ActiveSupport cache now uses new Rails 3 namespace API * Let Rack::Cache entity store to use plain Redis client * CHANGELOG * Gemspec * Redis::DistributedMarshaled => Redis::DistributedStore * Extracted expiration logic in Redis::Ttl * Introducing Redis::Store and extracted marshalling logic into Redis::Marshalling * CHANGELOG * Gemspec * Removed superfluous specs. Documentation. * Made the specs pass with Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3 * Made the specs pass with Ruby 1.9.2 * Prepare specs for Ruby 1.9.2 * Made the specs pass for Rails 3 * Namespaced keys for ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore * Got RedisSessionStore working again with namespace * Delegate MarshaledClient#to_s decoration to Redis::Namespace * Redis::Namespace * Accept :namespace option when instantiate a store * Test against merb-1.1.0 for now * Updated Rake tasks for Redis installation * Advanced configurations for Rails in README. closes #8 * Locked gems * Changed the gemspec according to the new directories structure * Changed directories structure, according to the ActiveSupport loading policies * Typo in CHANGELOG *1.0.0 [beta2] (June 12, 2010)* * Bump version v1.0.0.beta2 * Added committers names to CHANGELOG * Added CHANGELOG * Rake namespace: redis_cluster => redis:cluster * Fixed Rails 3 failing spec * Added ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore#read_multi * Enabled notifications for ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore * Moved spec * Use consistent Rails 3 check in session store * Make sure of use top-level module * Updated Rails 2.x development dependencies *1.0.0 [beta1] (June 9, 2010)* * Bump version v1.0.0.beta1 * Made specs pass for Ruby 1.9.1 * Updated instructions to test against Rails 3.x * Updated copyright year * Prepare for v1.0.0.beta1 * Use Rails v3.0.0.beta4 * Require redis >= 2.0.0 gem in Gemfile * Updated instructions for Rails 2 session store * Added instructions for Rails 3 configuration * Check against Rails#version instead of Rails::VERSION::STRING * Added redis gem as dependency * Changed spec_helper.rb according to the new Rails 3 check * Fix the rails3 check [Bruno Michel] * Added bundler cleanup Rake task * Fixed ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore#fetch * Re-enabled redis:console Rake task * Don't use Rspec#have with ActiveSupport 3 * Fixed Rails 2 regression for ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore#delete_matched * Fixed issues for ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisStore #delete_matched, #read, #rwrite * Rails 3 namespace * Use Rails edge instead of 3.0.0.beta3 * Made the specs run again * Updated Gemfile development/test dependencies for rails3. * Updated README instructions * Updated test configuration files, according to redis-2.0.0-rc1 defaults * Made specs pass with redis-2.0.0 gem * Don't support the old redis-rb namespace * Import the whole redis-rb old Rake tasks * Updated redis-rb dependency *0.3.8 [Final] (May 21, 2010)* * Fixed gemspec executable issue * Updated .gemspec * Version bump to 0.3.8 * Started namespace migration for redis-2.0.0 * Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/akahn/redis-store * Fixed dependency issues. [Brian Takita] * Removed methopara because it require ruby 1.9.1. [Brian Takita] * Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/dsander/redis-store [Brian Takita] * Moved RedisSessionStore to rack session directory. [Brian Takita] * Got RedisSessionStore working with passing specs. [Brian Takita] * Using modified version of RedisSessionStore (http://github.com/mattmatt/redis-session-store). Still needs testing. [Brian Takita] * Using redis 1.0.5. [Brian Takita] * Ignoring gem files and gemspecs with a prefix. [Brian Takita] * Added git and jeweler to dependencies. [Brian Takita] * Ignoring .bundle and rubymine files. [Brian Takita] * Added ability to add a prefix to the gem name via the GEM_PREFIX environment variable. [Brian Takita] * Fixed marshalling issues with the new Redis api. Fixed redis-server configurations for the latest version of redis-server. Added redis_cluster:start and redis_cluster:stop rake tasks. Spec suite passes. [Brian Takita] * Fixed redis deprecation warnings. [Brian Takita] * Using redis 1.0.4. Loading redis.tasks.rb from redis gem using Bundler. Fixed redis test configurations. [Brian Takita] * Supports redis 1.0.5 [Dominik Sander] * Add Rack::Session::Redis usage for Sinatra to README [Alexander Kahn] * Updated development and testing dependencies * Made compatible with rack-cache-0.5.2 *0.3.7 [Final] (November 15, 2009)* * Version bump to 0.3.7 * Version bump to 0.3.7 * Updated spec instructions in README * Jeweler generated redis-store.gemspec * Removed no longer used Rake tasks. Added Gemcutter support via Jeweler. * Typo * Let Rcov task run with the Redis cluster started * Make spec suite pass again * README.textile -> README.md * Re-enabled Merb specs * Added *.rdb in .gitignore * Run detached Redis instances for spec suite * Start detached Redis server for specs * Added Gemfile, removed rubygems dependecy for testing. * Added *.swp to .gitignore * Added jeweler rake tasks * Make it work in classic Sinatra apps. [Dmitriy Timokhin] * Updated README with new instructions about redis-rb *0.3.6 [Final] (June 18, 2009)* * Prepare for v0.3.6 * Updated README with new version * Changed Redis config files for specs * Updated README instructions * New filelist in gemspec * Fixed typo in spec * Don't try to unmarshal empty strings * Running specs according to the DEBUG env var * Added specs for uncovered Merb Cache API * Added rcov Rake task * Fix README * Fix typo in README * Updated README instructions * Removed RedisError catching * Declaring for now RedisError in spec_helper.rb * Removed unnecessary classes * Fix specs for DistributedMarshaledRedis * Fix some specs * Made Server#notify_observers private * Ensure to select the correct database after the socket connection * Reverted socket pooling. Ensure to always return an active socket. * Lowering default timeout from 10 to 0.1 *0.3.5 [Final] (May 7, 2009)* * Prepare for v0.3.5 * Totally replace ezmobius-redis-rb Server implementation * Fixed default Server timeout to 1 second * Little refactoring * Ensure Server#active? always returns a boolean and never raise an exception * Made configurable connection pool timeout and size * Socket connection pooling * Updated README *0.3.0 [Final] (May 3, 2009)* * Prepare for v0.3.0 * README formatting issues * README formatting (again) * README formatting * Updated Rack::Session instructions for Sinatra * Make Rack::Session implementation working with Merb * Added instructions for Rack::Session * Expiration support for Rack::Session * Ensure to test Rails and Sinatra expiration implementations with both MarshaledRedis and DistrbutedMarshaledRedis * Expiration support for Merb::Cache * Use full qualified class names in specs. Minor spec fix. * Ported for foreword compatibility the expiration implementation from ezmobius/redis-rb * Little spec cleanup * Full support for Rack::Session * Extracted some logic into RedisFactory * Initial support for Rack::Session *0.2.0 [Final] (April 30, 2009)* * Prepare for v0.2.0 * Links in README * Maybe someday I will use the right formatting rules at first attempt * Still formatting README * Formatting for README * Updated instructions for Rack::Cache * Don't require any cache store if no Ruby framework is detected * Implemented EntityStore for Rack::Cache * Added REDIS constant for Rack::Cache::Metastore * MetaStore implementation for Rack::Cache *0.1.0 [Final] (April 30, 2009)* * Prepare for v0.1.0 * Sinatra cache support *0.0.3 [Final] (April 30, 2009)* * Prepare for v0.0.3 * Updated instructions for Merb * Hack for Merb cyclic dependency * Renaming main lib * Merb store #writable always returns true. Added pending test. * Merb store #fetch refactoring * Updated Redis installation instructions * Implemented #fetch for Merb store * Implemented #exists?, #delete and #delete_all for Merb cache store * Renamed project name in Rakefile * Updated project name in README * Updated README with Merb instructions * Changed name in gemspec * New gemspec * Initial cache store support for Merb * Moving files around * Don't complain about missing db in tmp/ *0.0.2 [Final] (April 16, 2009)* * Prepare for v0.0.2 * Updated file list in gemspec * Updated README instructions * Re-enabled spec for RedisStore#fetch * Update rdoc * Fix RedisStore#clear when use a cluster * Test RedisStore both with single server and with a cluster * Fix port in DistributedMarshaledRedis spec * Don't slave Redis cluster node * Changed Redis cluster configuration * Added configuration for Redis cluster * Use a distributed system if the store uses more than one server * Accept params for client connection *0.0.1 [Final] (April 11, 2009)* * Added :unless_exist option to #write * Added failing specs for :expires_in option * Made optional args compatible with the Cache interface * Implemented #delete_matched, #clear, #stats * Implemented #delete, #exist?, #increment, #decrement * Introduced RedisStore * Initial import