# This file configures the New Relic Agent. New Relic monitors Ruby, Java,
# .NET, PHP, Python, Node, and Go applications with deep visibility and low
# overhead. For more information, visit www.newrelic.com.
# Generated <%= Time.now.strftime('%B %d, %Y') %><%= ", for version #{@agent_version}" if @agent_version %>
#<%= "\n# #{generated_for_user}\n#" if generated_for_user %>
# For full documentation of agent configuration options, please refer to
# https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/ruby-agent/installation-configuration/ruby-agent-configuration
common: &default_settings
# Required license key associated with your New Relic account.
license_key: <%= license_key %>
# Your application name. Renaming here affects where data displays in New
# Relic. For more details, see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/new-relic-apm/maintenance/renaming-applications
app_name: <%= app_name %>
# To disable the agent regardless of other settings, uncomment the following:
# agent_enabled: false
# Logging level for log/newrelic_agent.log; options are error, warn, info, or
# debug.
log_level: info
# All of the following configuration options are optional. Review them, and
# uncomment or edit them if they appear relevant to your application needs.
# An array of ActiveSupport custom events names to subscribe to and provide
# instrumentation for. For example,
# - my.custom.event
# - another.event
# - a.third.event
# active_support_custom_events_names: ""
# If `true`, all logging-related features for the agent can be enabled or disabled
# independently. If `false`, all logging-related features are disabled.
# application_logging.enabled: true
# If `true`, the agent captures log records emitted by this application.
# application_logging.forwarding.enabled: true
# Defines the maximum number of log records to buffer in memory at a time.
# application_logging.forwarding.max_samples_stored: 10000
# If `true`, the agent captures metrics related to logging for this application.
# application_logging.metrics.enabled: true
# If `true`, the agent decorates logs with metadata to link to entities, hosts, traces, and spans.
# application_logging.local_decorating.enabled: false
# If `true`, the agent will report source code level metrics for traced methods
# see: https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/features/ruby-codestream-integration/
# code_level_metrics.enabled: true
# If true, enables transaction event sampling.
# transaction_events.enabled: true
# Defines the maximum number of request events reported from a single harvest.
# transaction_events.max_samples_stored: 1200
# Prefix of attributes to exclude from all destinations. Allows * as wildcard at
# end.
# attributes_exclude: []
# Prefix of attributes to include in all destinations. Allows * as wildcard at
# end.
# attributes_include: []
# If true, enables capture of attributes for all destinations.
# attributes.enabled: true
# If true, enables an audit log which logs communications with the New Relic
# collector.
# audit_log.enabled: false
# List of allowed endpoints to include in audit log.
# audit_log.endpoints: [".*"]
# Specifies a path to the audit log file (including the filename).
# audit_log.path: "/audit_log"
# Specify a list of constants that should prevent the agent from starting
# automatically. Separate individual constants with a comma ,.
# For example, Rails::Console,UninstrumentedBackgroundJob.
# autostart.denylisted_constants: "rails::console"
# Defines a comma-delimited list of executables that the agent should not
# instrument. For example, rake,my_ruby_script.rb.
# autostart.denylisted_executables: "irb,rspec"
# Defines a comma-delimited list of Rake tasks that the agent should not
# instrument. For example, assets:precompile,db:migrate.
# autostart.denylisted_rake_tasks: "about,assets:clean,assets:clobber,assets:environment,assets:precompile,assets:precompile:all,db:create,db:drop,db:fixtures:load,db:migrate,db:migrate:status,db:rollback,db:schema:cache:clear,db:schema:cache:dump,db:schema:dump,db:schema:load,db:seed,db:setup,db:structure:dump,db:version,doc:app,log:clear,middleware,notes,notes:custom,rails:template,rails:update,routes,secret,spec,spec:features,spec:requests,spec:controllers,spec:helpers,spec:models,spec:views,spec:routing,spec:rcov,stats,test,test:all,test:all:db,test:recent,test:single,test:uncommitted,time:zones:all,tmp:clear,tmp:create,webpacker:compile"
# Backports the faster Active Record connection lookup introduced in Rails 6,
# which improves agent performance when instrumenting Active Record. Note that
# this setting may not be compatible with other gems that patch Active Record.
# backport_fast_active_record_connection_lookup: false
# If true, the agent captures attributes from browser monitoring.
# browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled: false
# Prefix of attributes to exclude from browser monitoring. Allows * as wildcard
# at end.
# browser_monitoring.attributes.exclude: []
# Prefix of attributes to include in browser monitoring. Allows * as wildcard at
# end.
# browser_monitoring.attributes.include: []
# This is true by default, this enables auto-injection of the JavaScript header
# for page load timing (sometimes referred to as real user monitoring or RUM).
# browser_monitoring.auto_instrument: true
# Manual override for the path to your local CA bundle. This CA bundle will be
# used to validate the SSL certificate presented by New Relic's data collection
# service.
# ca_bundle_path: nil
# Enable or disable the capture of memcache keys from transaction traces.
# capture_memcache_keys: false
# When true, the agent captures HTTP request parameters and attaches them to
# transaction traces, traced errors, and TransactionError events. When using the
# capture_params setting, the Ruby agent will not attempt to filter secret
# information. Recommendation: To filter secret information from request
# parameters,use the attributes.include setting instead. For more information,
# see the Ruby attribute examples.
# capture_params: false
# If true, the agent will clear Tracer::State in Agent.drop_buffered_data.
# clear_transaction_state_after_fork: false
# Path to newrelic.yml. If undefined, the agent checks the following directories
# (in order): config/newrelic.yml, newrelic.yml, $HOME/.newrelic/newrelic.yml
# and $HOME/newrelic.yml.
# config_path: newrelic.yml
# If true, enables cross application tracing. Cross application tracing is now
# deprecated, and disabled by default. Distributed tracing is replacing cross
# application tracing as the default means of tracing between services.
# To continue using it, set `cross_application_tracer.enabled: true` and
# `distributed_tracing.enabled: false`
# cross_application_tracer.enabled: false
# If false, custom attributes will not be sent on New Relic Insights events.
# custom_attributes.enabled: true
# If true, the agent captures New Relic Insights custom events.
# custom_insights_events.enabled: true
# Specify a maximum number of custom Insights events to buffer in memory at a
# time.
# custom_insights_events.max_samples_stored: 3000
# If false, the agent will not add database_name parameter to transaction or #
# slow sql traces.
# datastore_tracer.database_name_reporting.enabled: true
# If false, the agent will not report datastore instance metrics, nor add host
# or port_path_or_id parameters to transaction or slow SQL traces.
# datastore_tracer.instance_reporting.enabled: true
# If true, disables Action Cable instrumentation.
# disable_action_cable_instrumentation: false
# If true, disables Action Mailbox instrumentation.
# disable_action_mailbox: false
# If true, disables Action Mailer instrumentation.
# disable_action_mailer: false
# If true, disables instrumentation for Active Record 4+
# disable_active_record_notifications: false
# If true, disables Active Storage instrumentation.
# disable_active_storage: false
# If true, disables Active Support instrumentation.
# disable_active_support: false
# If true, disables Active Job instrumentation.
# disable_activejob: false
# If true, disables Active Record instrumentation.
# disable_active_record_instrumentation: false
# If true, the agent won't sample the CPU usage of the host process.
# disable_cpu_sampler: false
# If true, disables ActiveSupport custom events instrumentation.
# disable_custom_events_instrumentation: false
# If true, the agent won't measure the depth of Delayed Job queues.
# disable_delayed_job_sampler: false
# If true, disables the use of GC::Profiler to measure time spent in garbage
# collection
# disable_gc_profiler: false
# If true, the agent won't sample the memory usage of the host process.
# disable_memory_sampler: false
# If true, the agent won't wrap third-party middlewares in instrumentation
# (regardless of whether they are installed via Rack::Builder or Rails).
# disable_middleware_instrumentation: false
# If true, disables the collection of sampler metrics. Sampler metrics are
# metrics that are not event-based (such as CPU time or memory usage).
# disable_samplers: false
# If true, disables Sequel instrumentation.
# disable_sequel_instrumentation: false
# If true, disables Sidekiq instrumentation.
# disable_sidekiq: false
# If true, disables agent middleware for Sinatra. This middleware is responsible
# for advanced feature support such as distributed tracing, page load
# timing, and error collection.
# disable_sinatra_auto_middleware: false
# If true, disables view instrumentation.
# disable_view_instrumentation: false
# If true, the agent won't sample performance measurements from the Ruby VM.
# disable_vm_sampler: false
# Distributed tracing tracks and observes service requests as they flow through distributed systems.
# With distributed tracing data, you can quickly pinpoint failures or performance issues and fix them.
# distributed_tracing.enabled: true
# If true, the agent captures attributes from error collection.
# error_collector.attributes.enabled: false
# Prefix of attributes to exclude from error collection.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# error_collector.attributes.exclude: []
# Prefix of attributes to include in error collection.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# error_collector.attributes.include: []
# If true, the agent collects TransactionError events.
# error_collector.capture_events: true
# If true, the agent captures traced errors and error count metrics.
# error_collector.enabled: true
# A list of error classes that the agent should treat as expected.
# error_collector.expected_classes: []
# A map of error classes to a list of messages. When an error of one of the
# classes specified here occurs, if its error message contains one of the
# strings corresponding to it here, that error will be treated as expected.
# error_collector.expected_messages: {}
# A comma separated list of status codes, possibly including ranges. Errors
# associated with these status codes, where applicable, will be treated as
# expected.
# error_collector.expected_status_codes: ""
# A list of error classes that the agent should ignore.
# error_collector.ignore_classes: []
# A map of error classes to a list of messages. When an error of one of the
# classes specified here occurs, if its error message contains one of the
# strings corresponding to it here, that error will be ignored.
# error_collector.ignore_messages: ""
# A comma separated list of status codes, possibly including ranges. Errors
# associated with these status codes, where applicable, will be ignored.
# error_collector.ignore_status_codes: ""
# Defines the maximum number of frames in an error backtrace. Backtraces over
# this amount are truncated at the beginning and end.
# error_collector.max_backtrace_frames: 50
# Defines the maximum number of TransactionError events sent to Insights per
# harvest cycle.
# error_collector.max_event_samples_stored: 100
# Allows newrelic distributed tracing headers to be suppressed on outbound
# requests.
# exclude_newrelic_header: false
# Forces the exit handler that sends all cached data to collector before
# shutting down to be installed regardless of detecting scenarios where it
# generally should not be. Known use-case for this option is where Sinatra is
# running as an embedded service within another framework and the agent is
# detecting the Sinatra app and skipping the at_exit handler as a result.
# Sinatra classically runs the entire application in an at_exit block and would
# otherwise misbehave if the Agent's at_exit handler was also installed in
# those circumstances. Note: send_data_on_exit should also be set to true in
# tandem with this setting.
# force_install_exit_handler: false
# Ordinarily the agent reports dyno names with a trailing dot and process ID
# (for example, worker.3). You can remove this trailing data by specifying the
# prefixes you want to report without trailing data (for example, worker).
# heroku.dyno_name_prefixes_to_shorten: ["scheduler", "run"]
# If true, the agent uses Heroku dyno names as the hostname.
# heroku.use_dyno_names: true
# If true, enables high security mode. Ensure that you understand the
# implication of enabling high security mode before enabling this setting.
# https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/manage-apm-agents/configuration/high-security-mode/
# high_security: false
# Configures the hostname for the Trace Observer Host. When configured, enables
# tail-based sampling by sending all recorded spans to a Trace Observer for
# further sampling decisions, irrespective of any usual agent sampling decision.
# infinite_tracing.trace_observer.host: ""
# Configures the TCP/IP port for the Trace Observer Host
# infinite_tracing.trace_observer.port: 443
# Configure the compression level for data sent to the Trace Observer
# May be one of [none|low|medium|high]
# 'high' is the default. Set the level to 'none' to disable compression
# infinite_tracing.compression_level: high
# If true (the default), data sent to the Trace Observer will be batched
# instead of each span being sent individually
# infinite_tracing.batching: true
# Controls auto-instrumentation of bunny at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.bunny: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Fiber at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled]
# instrumentation.fiber: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of concurrent_ruby at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled]
# instrumentation.concurrent_ruby: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Curb at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.curb: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Delayed Job at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.delayed_job: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of the elasticsearch library at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.elasticsearch: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Excon at start up.
# May be one of [enabled|disabled].
# instrumentation.excon: enabled
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Grape at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.grape: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of HTTPClient at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.httpclient: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of http.rb gem at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.httprb: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of the Ruby standard library Logger.rb.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.logger: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of ActiveSupport::Logger at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.active_support.logger: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of memcache-client gem for Memcache at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.memcache_client: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of dalli gem for Memcache at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.memcache: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of memcached gem for Memcache at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.memcached: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Mongo at start up.
# May be one of [enabled|disabled].
# instrumentation.mongo: enabled
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Net::HTTP at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.net_http: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Puma::Rack::URLMap at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.puma_rack_urlmap: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Puma::Rack. When enabled, the agent hooks
# into the to_app method in Puma::Rack::Builder to find gems to instrument
# during application startup. May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.puma_rack: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Rack::URLMap at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.rack_urlmap: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Rack. When enabled, the agent hooks into the
# to_app method in Rack::Builder to find gems to instrument during application
# startup. May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.rack: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of rake at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.rake: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Redis at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.redis: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of resque at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.resque: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Sinatra at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.sinatra: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Tilt at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.tilt: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of Typhoeus at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.typhoeus: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of the Thread class at start up to allow the agent to correctly nest spans inside of an asynchronous transaction.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.thread: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of the Thread class at start up to automatically add tracing to all Threads created in the application.
# instrumentation.thread.tracing: true
# Controls auto-instrumentation of gRPC clients at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.grpc_client: auto
# Controls auto-instrumentation of gRPC servers at start up.
# May be one of [auto|prepend|chain|disabled].
# instrumentation.grpc_server: auto
# Specifies a list of hostname patterns separated by commas that will match
# gRPC hostnames that traffic is to be ignored by New Relic for.
# New Relic's gRPC client instrumentation will ignore traffic streamed to a
# host matching any of these patterns, and New Relic's gRPC server
# instrumentation will ignore traffic for a server running on a host whose
# hostname matches any of these patterns. By default, no traffic is ignored
# when gRPC instrumentation is itself enabled.
# For example, "private.com$,exception.*"
# instrumentation.grpc.host_denylist: ""
# A dictionary of label names and values that will be applied to the data sent
# from this agent. May also be expressed as a semicolon-delimited ; string of
# colon-separated : pairs.
# For example,Server:One;Data Center:Primary.
# labels: ""
# Defines a name for the log file.
# log_file_name: "newrelic_agent.log"
# Defines a path to the agent log file, excluding the filename.
# log_file_path: "log/"
# Specifies a marshaller for transmitting data to the New Relic collector.
# Currently json is the only valid value for this setting.
# marshaller: json
# If true, the agent will collect metadata about messages and attach them as
# segment parameters.
# message_tracer.segment_parameters.enabled: true
# If true, the agent captures Mongo queries in transaction traces.
# mongo.capture_queries: true
# If true, the agent obfuscates Mongo queries in transaction traces.
# mongo.obfuscate_queries: true
# If true, the agent captures Elasticsearch queries in transaction traces.
# elasticsearch.capture_queries: true
# If true, the agent obfuscates Elasticsearch queries in transaction traces.
# elasticsearch.obfuscate_queries: true
# When true, the agent transmits data about your app to the New Relic collector.
# monitor_mode: true
# If true, uses Module#prepend rather than alias_method for Active Record
# instrumentation.
# prepend_active_record_instrumentation: false
# Specify a custom host name for display in the New Relic UI
# Be be aware that you cannot rename a hostname, so please rename
# process_host.display_name: "default hostname"
# Defines a host for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy
# server.
# proxy_host: nil
# Defines a password for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy
# server.
# proxy_pass: nil
# Defines a port for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy
# server.
# proxy_port: nil
# Defines a user for communicating with the New Relic collector via a proxy
# server.
# proxy_user: nil
# Timeout for waiting on connect to complete before a rake task
# rake.connect_timeout: 10
# Specify an array of Rake tasks to automatically instrument.
# This configuration option converts the Array to a RegEx list.
# If you'd like to allow all tasks by default, use `rake.tasks: [.+]`.
# Rake tasks will not be instrumented unless they're added to this list.
# For more information, visit the (New Relic Rake Instrumentation docs)[/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/background-jobs/rake-instrumentation].
# rake.tasks: []
# Define transactions you want the agent to ignore, by specifying a list of
# patterns matching the URI you want to ignore.
# rules.ignore_url_regexes: []
# Applies Language Agent Security Policy settings.
# security_policies_token: ""
# If true, enables the exit handler that sends data to the New Relic collector
# before shutting down.
# send_data_on_exit: true
# If true, the agent collects slow SQL queries.
# slow_sql.enabled: false
# If true, the agent collects explain plans in slow SQL queries. If this setting
# is omitted, the transaction_tracer.explain_enabled setting will be applied as
# the default setting for explain plans in slow SQL as well.
# slow_sql.explain_enabled: false
# Specify a threshold in seconds. The agent collects slow SQL queries and
# explain plans that exceed this threshold.
# slow_sql.explain_threshold: 1.0
# Defines an obfuscation level for slow SQL queries.
# Valid options are obfuscated, raw, or none.
# slow_sql.record_sql: none
# Generate a longer sql_id for slow SQL traces. sql_id is used for aggregation
# of similar queries.
# slow_sql.use_longer_sql_id: false
# If true, the agent captures attributes on span events.
# span_events_attributes.enabled: true
# Defines the maximum number of span events reported from a single harvest.
# This can be any integer between 1 and 10000. Increasing this value may impact
# memory usage.
# span_events.max_samples_stored: 2000
# Prefix of attributes to exclude from span events. Allows * as wildcard at end.
# span_events.attributes.exclude: []
# Prefix of attributes to include on span events. Allows * as wildcard at end.
# span_events.attributes.include: []
# If true, enables span event sampling.
# span_events.enabled: true
# Sets the maximum number of span events to buffer when streaming to the trace
# observer.
# span_events.queue_size: 10000
# Specify a list of exceptions you do not want the agent to strip when
# strip_exception_messages is true. Separate exceptions with a comma. For
# example, "ImportantException,PreserveMessageException".
# strip_exception_messages.allowed_classes: ""
# If true, the agent strips messages from all exceptions except those in the
# allowlist. Enabled automatically in high security mode.
# strip_exception_messages.enabled: true
# When set to true, forces a synchronous connection to the New Relic collector
# during application startup. For very short-lived processes, this helps ensure # the New Relic agent has time to report.
# sync_startup: false
# If true, enables use of the thread profiler.
# thread_profiler.enabled: false
# Defines the maximum number of seconds the agent should spend attempting to
# connect to the collector.
# timeout: 120
# If true, the agent captures attributes from transaction events.
# transaction_events_attributes.enabled: false
# Prefix of attributes to exclude from transaction events.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# transaction_events.attributes.exclude: []
# Prefix of attributes to include in transaction events.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# transaction_events.attributes.include: []
# If true, the agent captures attributes on transaction segments.
# transaction_segments_attributes.enabled: true
# Prefix of attributes to exclude from transaction segments.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# transaction_segments.attributes.exclude: []
# Prefix of attributes to include on transaction segments.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# transaction_segments.attributes.include: []
# If true, the agent captures attributes from transaction traces.
# transaction_tracer.attributes.enabled: false
# Prefix of attributes to exclude from transaction traces.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# transaction_tracer.attributes.exclude: []
# Prefix of attributes to include in transaction traces.
# Allows * as wildcard at end.
# transaction_tracer.attributes.include: []
# If true, enables collection of transaction traces.
# transaction_tracer.enabled: true
# Threshold (in seconds) above which the agent will collect explain plans.
# Relevant only when explain_enabled is true.
# transaction_tracer.explain_threshold: 0.5
# If true, enables the collection of explain plans in transaction traces.
# This setting will also apply to explain plans in slow SQL traces if
# slow_sql.explain enabled is not set separately.
# transaction_tracer.explain_enabled: true
# Maximum number of transaction trace nodes to record in a single transaction
# trace.
# transaction_tracer.limit_segments: 4000
# If true, the agent records Redis command arguments in transaction traces.
# transaction_tracer.record_redis_arguments: false
# Obfuscation level for SQL queries reported in transaction trace nodes.
# By default, this is set to obfuscated, which strips out the numeric and string
# literals. If you do not want the agent to capture query information, set this
# to 'none'. If you want the agent to capture all query information in its
# original form, set this to 'raw'. When you enable high security mode this is
# automatically set to 'obfuscated'
# transaction_tracer.record_sql: 'obfuscated'
# Specify a threshold in seconds. The agent includes stack traces in transaction
# trace nodes when the stack trace duration exceeds this threshold.
# transaction_tracer.stack_trace_threshold: 0.5
# Specify a threshold in seconds. Transactions with a duration longer than this
# threshold are eligible for transaction traces. Specify a float value or the
# string apdex_f.
# transaction_tracer.transaction_threshold: 1.0
# If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in an AWS
# environment.
# utilization.detect_aws: true
# If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in an Azure
# environment.
# utilization.detect_azure: true
# If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in Docker.
# utilization.detect_docker: true
# If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in an Google Cloud
# Platform environment.
# utilization.detect_gcp: true
# If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in Kubernetes.
# utilization.detect_kubernetes: true
# If true, the agent automatically detects that it is running in a Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment.
# utilization.detect_pcf: true
# Environment-specific settings are in this section.
# RAILS_ENV or RACK_ENV (as appropriate) is used to determine the environment.
# If your application has other named environments, configure them here.
<<: *default_settings
app_name: <%= app_name %> (Development)
<<: *default_settings
# It doesn't make sense to report to New Relic from automated test runs.
monitor_mode: false
<<: *default_settings
app_name: <%= app_name %> (Staging)
<<: *default_settings