module Protobuf module Generators module Printable PARENT_CLASS_MESSAGE = "::Protobuf::Message".freeze PARENT_CLASS_ENUM = "::Protobuf::Enum".freeze PARENT_CLASS_SERVICE = "::Protobuf::Rpc::Service".freeze # Initialize the printer. # Must be called by any class/module that includes the Printable module. # def init_printer(indent_level) @io = self.current_indent = indent_level.to_i end protected attr_accessor :current_indent private # Print a one-line comment. # def comment(message) puts "# #{message}" end # Print a "header" comment. # # header("Lorem ipsum dolor") # ## # # Lorem ipsum dolor # # def header(message) puts puts "##" puts "# #{message}" puts "#" end # Increase the indent level. An outdent will only occur if given a block # (after the block is finished). # def indent self.current_indent += 1 yield outdent end # Take a string and upcase the first character of each namespace. # Due to the nature of varying standards about how class/modules are named # (e.g. CamelCase, Underscore_Case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE), we only want # to capitalize the first character to ensure ruby will treat the value # as a constant. Otherwise we do not attempt to change the # token's definition. # # modulize("") -> "::Foo::Bar::Baz" # modulize("") -> "::Foo::Bar::Baz" # modulize("") -> "::Foo::Bar::BAZ" # def modulize(name) name = name.gsub(/\./, '::') name = name.gsub(/(^(?:::)?[a-z]|::[a-z])/, &:upcase) name end # Decrease the indent level. Cannot be negative. # def outdent self.current_indent -= 1 unless end # Return the parent class for a given type. # Valid types are :message, :enum, and :service, otherwise an error # will be thrown. # def parent_class(type) case type when :message then PARENT_CLASS_MESSAGE when :enum then PARENT_CLASS_ENUM when :service then PARENT_CLASS_SERVICE else fail "Unknown parent class type #{type}: #{caller[0..5].join("\n")}" end end # Print a class or module block, indicated by type. # If a class, can be given a parent class to inherit from. # If a block is given, call the block from within an indent block. # Otherwise, end the block on the same line. # def print_block(name, parent_klass, type, &block) name = modulize(name) block_def = "#{type} #{name}" block_def += " < #{parent_class(parent_klass)}" if parent_klass if block_given? puts block_def indent { } puts "end" puts else block_def += "; end" puts block_def end end # Use print_block to print a class, with optional parent class # to inherit from. Accepts a block for use with print_block. # def print_class(name, parent_klass, &block) print_block(name, parent_klass, :class, &block) end # Use print_block to print a module. # Accepts a block for use with print_block. # def print_module(name, &block) print_block(name, nil, :module, &block) end # Print a file require. # # print_require('foo/bar/baz') -> "require 'foo/bar/baz'" # def print_require(file) puts "require '#{file}'" end # Puts the given message prefixed by the indent level. # If no message is given print a newline. # def puts(message = nil) if message @io.puts((" " * current_indent) + message) else @io.puts end end # Print the given message raw, no indent. # def print(contents) @io.print(contents) end # Returns the contents of the underlying StringIO object. # def print_contents @io.rewind end end end end