grid use definition

To use grids in Toadstool, Stipe comes with some awesome Mixins for easy creation of custom grids as well as commonly used silent classes.

Stipe's grid system is based on the original solution; there are concepts like columns, gutters and nesting. For the most part when framing a UI, simply extend already pre-defined silent classes like @extend %grid_4. These pre-formatted silent classes already come with additional support for mobile devices.

If you require more customization of a given grid, use @include grid($col_count), replacing $col_count with the number of colums you need.

For nested grids, Stipe supports 'alpha' and 'omega' concepts. For added spice, if you want to remove both margins, 'alphaomega' works too. Example @include grid(5, alpha).

Since Stipe's grid is pure math, you can pass in floating point numbers as well. Example, using @include grid(12, alphaomega) will remove the margin on the outside of the grid, but will not be 100% across. Increasing the value fractionally (@include grid(12.25, alphaomega)) will address the missing space.