=begin Arachni Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos This is free software; you can copy and distribute and modify this program under the term of the GPL v2.0 License (See LICENSE file for details) =end require 'typhoeus' module Arachni require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'typhoeus/request' require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'typhoeus/response' require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'module/utilities' require Options.instance.dir['lib'] + 'module/trainer' # # Arachni::Module::HTTP class # # Provides a simple, high-performance and thread-safe HTTP interface to modules. # # All requests are run Async (compliments of Typhoeus) # providing great speed and performance. # # === Exceptions # Any exceptions or session corruption is handled by the class.
# Some are ignored, on others the HTTP session is refreshed.
# Point is, you don't need to worry about it. # # @author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # # # @version: 0.2.3 # class HTTP include Arachni::UI::Output include Singleton include Arachni::Module::Utilities # # @return [URI] # attr_reader :last_url # # The headers with which the HTTP client is initialized
# This is always kept updated. # # @return [Hash] # attr_reader :init_headers # # The user supplied cookie jar # # @return [Hash] # attr_reader :cookie_jar attr_reader :request_count attr_reader :response_count attr_reader :curr_res_time attr_reader :curr_res_cnt attr_reader :trainer def initialize( ) reset end def reset opts = Options.instance # someone wants to reset us although nothing has been *set* in the first place # otherwise we'd have a url in opts return if !opts.url req_limit = opts.http_req_limit hydra_opts = { :max_concurrency => req_limit, :disable_ssl_peer_verification => true, :username => opts.url.user, :password => opts.url.password, :method => :auto, } @hydra = Typhoeus::Hydra.new( hydra_opts ) @hydra_sync = Typhoeus::Hydra.new( hydra_opts.merge( :max_concurrency => 1 ) ) @hydra.disable_memoization @hydra_sync.disable_memoization @trainer = Arachni::Module::Trainer.new @trainer.http = self @init_headers = { 'cookie' => '', 'From' => opts.authed_by || '', 'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'User-Agent' => opts.user_agent } cookies = {} cookies.merge!( self.class.parse_cookiejar( opts.cookie_jar ) ) if opts.cookie_jar cookies.merge!( opts.cookies ) if opts.cookies set_cookies( cookies ) if !cookies.empty? proxy_opts = {} proxy_opts = { :proxy => "#{opts.proxy_addr}:#{opts.proxy_port}", :proxy_username => opts.proxy_user, :proxy_password => opts.proxy_pass, :proxy_type => opts.proxy_type } if opts.proxy_addr @opts = { :user_agent => opts.user_agent, :follow_location => false, # :timeout => 8000 }.merge( proxy_opts ) @request_count = 0 @response_count = 0 # we'll use it to identify our requests @rand_seed = seed( ) @curr_res_time = 0 @curr_res_cnt = 0 @on_complete = [] @on_queue = [] @after_run = [] @after_run_persistent = [] end # # Runs Hydra (all the asynchronous queued HTTP requests) # # Should only be called by the framework # after all module threads have beed joined! # def run exception_jail { @hydra.run @after_run.each { |block| block.call } @after_run.clear @after_run_persistent.each { |block| block.call } @curr_res_time = 0 @curr_res_cnt = 0 } end def fire_and_forget exception_jail { @hydra.fire_and_forget } end def abort exception_jail { @hydra.abort } end def average_res_time return 0 if @curr_res_cnt == 0 return @curr_res_time / @curr_res_cnt end def max_concurrency!( max_concurrency ) @hydra.max_concurrency = max_concurrency end def max_concurrency @hydra.max_concurrency end # # Queues a Tyhpoeus::Request and applies an 'on_complete' callback # on behal of the trainer. # # @param [Tyhpoeus::Request] req the request to queue # @param [Bool] async run request async? # def queue( req, async = true ) req.id = @request_count @on_queue.each { |block| exception_jail{ block.call( req, async ) } } if( !async ) @hydra_sync.queue( req ) else @hydra.queue( req ) end @request_count += 1 print_debug( '------------' ) print_debug( 'Queued request.' ) print_debug( 'ID#: ' + req.id.to_s ) print_debug( 'URL: ' + req.url ) print_debug( 'Method: ' + req.method.to_s ) print_debug( 'Params: ' + req.params.to_s ) print_debug( 'Headers: ' + req.headers.to_s ) print_debug( 'Train?: ' + req.train?.to_s ) print_debug( '------------' ) req.on_complete( true ) { |res| @response_count += 1 @curr_res_cnt += 1 @curr_res_time += res.start_transfer_time @on_complete.each { |block| exception_jail{ block.call( res ) } } parse_and_set_cookies( res ) print_debug( '------------' ) print_debug( 'Got response.' ) print_debug( 'Request ID#: ' + res.request.id.to_s ) print_debug( 'URL: ' + res.effective_url ) print_debug( 'Method: ' + res.request.method.to_s ) print_debug( 'Params: ' + res.request.params.to_s ) print_debug( 'Headers: ' + res.request.headers.to_s ) print_debug( 'Train?: ' + res.request.train?.to_s ) print_debug( '------------' ) if( req.train? ) # handle redirections if( ( redir = redirect?( res.dup ) ).is_a?( String ) ) req2 = get( redir, :remove_id => true ) req2.on_complete { |res2| @trainer.add_response( res2, true ) } if req2 else @trainer.add_response( res ) end end } exception_jail { @hydra_sync.run if !async } end # # Gets called each time a hydra run finishes # def after_run( &block ) @after_run << block end def after_run_persistent( &block ) @after_run_persistent << block end # # Gets called each time a request completes and passes the response # to the block # def on_complete( &block ) @on_complete << block end # # Gets called each time a request is queued and passes the request # to the block # def on_queue( &block ) @on_queue << block end # # Makes a generic request # # @param [URI] url # @param [Hash] opts # # @return [Typhoeus::Request] # def request( url, opts ) headers = opts[:headers] || {} opts[:headers] = @init_headers.dup.merge( headers ) train = opts[:train] async = opts[:async] async = true if async == nil exception_jail { req = Typhoeus::Request.new( normalize_url( url ), opts.merge( @opts ) ) req.train! if train queue( req, async ) return req } end # # Gets a URL passing the provided query parameters # # @param [URI] url URL to GET # @param [Hash] opts request options # * :params => request parameters || {} # * :train => force Arachni to analyze the HTML code || false # * :async => make the request async? || true # * :headers => HTTP request headers || {} # * :follow_location => follow redirects || false # # @return [Typhoeus::Request] # def get( url, opts = { } ) params = opts[:params] || {} remove_id = opts[:remove_id] train = opts[:train] follow_location = opts[:follow_location] || false async = opts[:async] async = true if async == nil headers = opts[:headers] || {} headers = @init_headers.dup.merge( headers ) params = params.merge( { @rand_seed => '' } ) if !remove_id # # the exception jail function wraps the block passed to it # in exception handling and runs it # # how cool is Ruby? Seriously.... # exception_jail { # # There are cases where the url already has a query and we also have # some params to work with. Some webapp frameworks will break # or get confused...plus the url will not be RFC compliant. # # Thus we need to merge the provided params with the # params of the url query and remove the latter from the url. # cparams = params.dup curl = URI.escape( url.dup ) cparams = q_to_h( curl ).merge( cparams ) begin curl.gsub!( "?#{URI(curl).query}", '' ) if URI(curl).query rescue return end opts = { :headers => headers, :params => cparams.empty? ? nil : cparams, :follow_location => follow_location, :timeout => opts[:timeout] }.merge( @opts ) req = Typhoeus::Request.new( curl, opts ) req.train! if train queue( req, async ) return req } end # # Posts a form to a URL with the provided query parameters # # @param [URI] url URL to POST # @param [Hash] opts request options # * :params => request parameters || {} # * :train => force Arachni to analyze the HTML code || false # * :async => make the request async? || true # * :headers => HTTP request headers || {} # # @return [Typhoeus::Request] # def post( url, opts = { } ) params = opts[:params] train = opts[:train] async = opts[:async] async = true if async == nil headers = opts[:headers] || {} headers = @init_headers.dup.merge( headers ) exception_jail { opts = { :method => :post, :headers => headers, :params => params, :follow_location => false, :timeout => opts[:timeout] }.merge( @opts ) req = Typhoeus::Request.new( normalize_url( url ), opts ) req.train! if train queue( req, async ) return req } end # # Sends an HTTP TRACE request to "url". # # @param [URI] url URL to POST # @param [Hash] opts request options # * :params => request parameters || {} # * :train => force Arachni to analyze the HTML code || false # * :async => make the request async? || true # * :headers => HTTP request headers || {} # # @return [Typhoeus::Request] # def trace( url, opts = { } ) params = opts[:params] train = opts[:train] async = opts[:async] async = true if async == nil headers = opts[:headers] || {} headers = @init_headers.dup.merge( headers ) exception_jail { opts = { :method => :trace, :headers => headers, :params => params, :follow_location => false }.merge( @opts ) req = Typhoeus::Request.new( normalize_url( url ), opts ) req.train! if train queue( req, async ) return req } end # # Gets a url with cookies and url variables # # @param [URI] url URL to GET # @param [Hash] opts request options # * :params => cookies || {} # * :train => force Arachni to analyze the HTML code || false # * :async => make the request async? || true # * :headers => HTTP request headers || {} # # @return [Typhoeus::Request] # def cookie( url, opts = { } ) cookies = opts[:params] || {} # params = opts[:params] train = opts[:train] async = opts[:async] async = true if async == nil headers = opts[:headers] || {} headers = @init_headers.dup. merge( { 'cookie' => get_cookies_str( cookies ) } ).merge( headers ) # wrap the code in exception handling exception_jail { opts = { :headers => headers, :follow_location => false, # :params => params :timeout => opts[:timeout] }.merge( @opts ) req = Typhoeus::Request.new( normalize_url( url ), opts ) req.train! if train queue( req, async ) return req } end # # Gets a url with optional url variables and modified headers # # @param [URI] url URL to GET # @param [Hash] opts request options # * :params => headers || {} # * :train => force Arachni to analyze the HTML code || false # * :async => make the request async? || true # # @return [Typhoeus::Request] # def header( url, opts = { } ) headers = opts[:params] || {} # params = opts[:params] train = opts[:train] async = opts[:async] async = true if async == nil # wrap the code in exception handling exception_jail { orig_headers = @init_headers.clone @init_headers = @init_headers.merge( headers ) req = Typhoeus::Request.new( normalize_url( url ), :headers => @init_headers.dup, :user_agent => @init_headers['User-Agent'], :follow_location => false, # :params => params :timeout => opts[:timeout] ) req.train! if train @init_headers = orig_headers.clone queue( req, async ) return req } end def q_to_h( url ) params = {} begin query = URI( url.to_s ).query return params if !query query.split( '&' ).each { |param| k,v = param.split( '=', 2 ) params[k] = v } rescue end return params end def current_cookies parse_cookie_str( @init_headers['cookie'] ) end def update_cookies( cookies ) set_cookies( current_cookies.merge( cookies ) ) end # # Sets cookies for the HTTP session # # @param [Hash] cookies name=>value pairs # # @return [void] # def set_cookies( cookies ) @init_headers['cookie'] = '' @cookie_jar = cookies.each_pair { |name, value| @init_headers['cookie'] += "#{name}=#{value};" } end def parse_and_set_cookies( res ) cookie_hash = {} # extract cookies from the header field begin [res.headers_hash['Set-Cookie']].flatten.each { |set_cookie_str| break if !set_cookie_str.is_a?( String ) cookie_hash.merge!( WEBrick::Cookie.parse_set_cookies(set_cookie_str).inject({}) do |hash, cookie| hash[cookie.name] = cookie.value if !!cookie hash end ) } rescue Exception => e print_debug( e.to_s ) print_debug_backtrace( e ) end # extract cookies from the META tags begin # get get the head in order to check if it has an http-equiv for set-cookie head = res.body.match( //imx ) # if it does feed the head to the parser in order to extract the cookies if head && head.to_s.substring?( 'set-cookie' ) Nokogiri::HTML( head.to_s ).search( "//meta[@http-equiv]" ).each { |elem| next if elem['http-equiv'].downcase != 'set-cookie' k, v = elem['content'].split( ';' )[0].split( '=', 2 ) cookie_hash[k] = v } end rescue Exception => e print_debug( e.to_s ) print_debug_backtrace( e ) end return if cookie_hash.empty? # update framework cookies Arachni::Options.instance.cookies = cookie_hash current = parse_cookie_str( @init_headers['cookie'] ) set_cookies( current.merge( cookie_hash ) ) end # # Returns a hash of cookies as a string (merged with the cookie-jar) # # @param [Hash] cookies name=>value pairs # # @return [string] # def get_cookies_str( cookies = { } ) jar = parse_cookie_str( @init_headers['cookie'] ) cookies = jar.merge( cookies ) str = '' cookies.each_pair { |name, value| value = '' if !value val = URI.escape( URI.escape( value ), '+;' ) str += "#{name}=#{val};" } return str end # # Converts HTTP cookies from string to Hash # # @param [String] str # # @return [Hash] # def parse_cookie_str( str ) cookie_jar = Hash.new str.split( ';' ).each { |kvp| cookie_jar[kvp.split( "=" )[0]] = kvp.split( "=" )[1] } return cookie_jar end # # Class method # # Parses netscape HTTP cookie files # # @param [String] cookie_jar the location of the cookie file # # @return [Hash] cookies in name=>value pairs # def self.parse_cookiejar( cookie_jar ) cookies = Hash.new jar = File.open( cookie_jar, 'r' ) jar.each_line { |line| # skip empty lines if (line = line.strip).size == 0 then next end # skip comment lines if line[0] == '#' then next end cookie_arr = line.split( "\t" ) cookies[cookie_arr[-2]] = cookie_arr[-1] } cookies end def self.content_type( headers_hash ) return if !headers_hash.is_a?( Hash ) headers_hash.each_pair { |key, val| return val if key.to_s.downcase == 'content-type' } return end # # Encodes and parses a URL String # # @param [String] url URL String # # @return [URI] URI object # def parse_url( url ) URI.parse( URI.encode( url ) ) end # # Checks whether or not the provided response is a custom 404 page # # @param [Typhoeus::Response] res the response to check # # @param [Bool] # def custom_404?( res ) @_404 ||= {} path = get_path( res.effective_url ) @_404[path] ||= {} if( !@_404[path]['file'] ) # force a 404 and grab the html body force_404 = path + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( rand( 9999999 ).to_s ) @_404[path]['file'] = Typhoeus::Request.get( force_404 ).body # force another 404 and grab the html body force_404 = path + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( rand( 9999999 ).to_s ) not_found2 = Typhoeus::Request.get( force_404 ).body @_404[path]['file_rdiff'] = @_404[path]['file'].rdiff( not_found2 ) end if( !@_404[path]['dir'] ) force_404 = path + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( rand( 9999999 ).to_s ) + '/' @_404[path]['dir'] = Typhoeus::Request.get( force_404 ).body force_404 = path + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( rand( 9999999 ).to_s ) + '/' not_found2 = Typhoeus::Request.get( force_404 ).body @_404[path]['dir_rdiff'] = @_404[path]['dir'].rdiff( not_found2 ) end return @_404[path]['dir'].rdiff( res.body ) == @_404[path]['dir_rdiff'] || @_404[path]['file'].rdiff( res.body ) == @_404[path]['file_rdiff'] end private def redirect?( res ) if loc = res.headers_hash['Location'] return loc end return res end def self.info { :name => 'HTTP' } end end end